Chapter 23: Someone to believe in…

Last time: "I didn't really want an audience but I guess now that you are all here…it's better that you heard it all at once." Sango said shifting her feet. Inuyasha was still clutching onto the bottom of Kagome's kimono trying not to look scared and Yuki sighed inwardly as he shifted his spear in his arms. Would this day never end?!

Lady Nefertiti: A reviewer gave me the idea that maybe Sango should have both Yuki and Miroku…Lol…enjoy reading and don't forget to review! Please see author's note at the end. Thanks!


"Yes well then…I was going to say that one: I don't want you Yuki because you really hurt me when you left me and I cried for months…" Sango started. Yuki sighed. He knew that her answer was going to be a 'no.' It was going to be that monk wasn't it? "And Yuki…it's not that I didn't choose you because I am in higher rank than you…if that's what you think." Sango said.

Oh…Well then he might have a chance after all. Miroku was feeling impatient as Minako was slowly trying to wriggle out of her beloved mate's grasp. Inuyasha was looking irritated as he glared in his half-brother's direction. "Can you just SPIT it out already Sango?! This is getting 'eeep!' as he looked in Sesshomaru's direction who was giving him an evil look.

"Fine. Fine whatever." Sango said. Geez! Here she was about to make the biggest decision of her life and everyone was telling her, 'let's get this over with.' "I like you…Miroku." She said and he beamed while Yuki scowled. He wasn't shocked. "You've always been there for me, even though you're a pervert, you never gave up on me, sure you have your times when I just want to kick your arse because you look at other women and ask them to bare them a child but…." Sango was cut off by Yuki.

"He what?!" Yuki glared at Miroku who glared right back. Minako giggled behind her kimono sleeve and Kagome looked at Sesshomaru. Inuyasha was just happy that the others had forgotten about him for the time being. As long as he was with Kagome no one would hurt him.

"I'm over that..I never asked Sango to bare me a child because if I lost her in battle, or I died because of my wind-tunnel she would be alone and sad. And no one would want to marry her since she already had a child. No male wants to take care of another's child." Miroku said calmly. Sango had stars in her eyes. Full of love for her hentai monk.

"That's wonderful now!" Minako said happily clapping her hands together. Of course she would've told the slayer to go for the monk too. He was human and not bad looking. She saw her mate giving her a look, eyebrow raised and she gave a nervous giggle. Oops…she shouldn't go thinking other males are hot now.

"Good now that we are done with that I was busy." Kagome said as she dragged Sesshomaru by his mokomoko heading for his chambers. Everyone gave each other a look and shook their heads. Miroku wrapped his arm around his lady Sango and both said they were headed to the library.

"Oh are you going to do research houshi?" Minako said innocently. Daisuke sighed as Sango turned red. He wondered if she did that on purpose getting a kick out of it or if it was just natural.

"Oi! Kagome! Where you going with the stuck-up fluffy?" Inuyasha said racing after her.

"Sit boy."


"Hn." How dare the hanyou call him such? Kagome didn't turn back around as both disappeared. She still hadn't forgiven Inuyasha for destroying the well, her only way home. Sure she was a forgiving person but she was going to die before she saw her family and they didn't even know what happened. It didn't matter whether Inuyasha was under a spell when he did that. It just showed that he didn't care….just didn't care about her and her feelings. Besides Sesshomaru said he had something to discuss with her.

"Minako. We return home for now." Daisuke said as he pulled her along with him. There was no need for them to be there now that everyone was leaving. Besides….

"But…but I was just starting to get along with Kagome!" Minako declared trying to stop him, and dragging her feet down so he couldn't move her.

"We'll be back later to visit Koi. I'm betting that Sesshomaru and Kagome are going to be busy for a while." Daisuke said trying to emphasize his point.

"You promise?" Minako said pouting, obviously not getting it. He nodded trying not to look like he was defeated by a simple pout of his beloved mate. He nodded as they left the rest in the hall gaping at the pair. Were all demons so abrupt in making split-second decisions?

"And when we come back can I purify Kouga? I don't like him. He likes Kagome and that is not acceptable. I honestly think he 'hits' on all pretty girls. I saw him with Sango in the gardens!" Minako said from a distance to her mate.

"You may do as you wish." Daisuke said. As long as she wasn't upset.

Everyone sweatdropped and Kouga frowned. Miroku glared at him. He was hitting on his Sango?! Kouga held his hands up in reassurance signifying peace and 'no' he wasn't after Sango. Looked like everyone was out to get him.

-Kagome and Sesshomaru-

Kagome sat on Sesshomaru's bed while she watched him pace. Never thought she'd see him pace as if he was nervous of something. Hmm…something was definitely up. "Sesshomaru…" Kagome started. He stopped and looked at her.

"Kagome." He started. He didn't want to mention her family again, she might break down crying again. He'd lost his family when he was a child, he didn't have a lot of memories/happy moments with them so perhaps that was why he didn't care. And Inuyasha….well he was half-human so maybe that made him more emotional.

"Stop pacing would you? It's driving me crazy." Kagome said finally blurting her irritation out. He was being weird….and vague. She stood up and walked towards him. "Now would you please tell me what's got you so tied up in a knot?" she crossed her arms.

"You." He said simply staring down at her. He couldn't say it to her. He didn't know why he even cared enough to… and order her to listen to what he had to say.

"Me?" Kagome said. What on earth could possibly be so....that he would be so restless?

Okay he was only going to say this once to Kagome and if she didn't accept his proposal then he couldn't do anything. "Kagome you have lost your family and although they are not 'dead' you still have a chance to see them if you wait….if you can wait a couple hundred years that is…"

"Umm…Sesshomaru did it ever occur to you that I am a human unless…." Kagome said then stopped as realization dawned on her. "You wouldn't….you couldn't….you why?" she said.

"Will you accept my mark so you may live as long as this Sesshomaru? By my side? As my mate?" he said. Kagome's eyes were as wide as saucers as she gaped at him. Did he just ask her…damn but would her friends die if they heard that a demon lord, a hot demon with looks to die for that is, just asked for her hand.

"suu—re…I mean yes of course I will!" Kagome said as a true smile appeared on her face for the first time since the incident. Might as well do this thing now before any other demons interrupted them.

Sesshomaru walked closer to her, Kagome's heart skipped a beat but she shrugged it off. Last time he was this close was when he was, holding her neck giving her his usual death threats. She suppressed a giggle as he pulled down the collar of her kimono. She was nervous but she didn't know why. Usually mating marks were given when the both were…..uhm…and her face flamed red. He smirked at her blushing face as he guessed what she was thinking about.

"Now hold still." He said. Kagome stood as still as a statue as she was busy thinking why she was allowing Sesshomaru to mark her as his mate, why she had fallen in love with him, what changed in between them to make them all lovey-dovey. She bit her lip as he brought his mouth down and bared his fangs. Damn this was going to hurt as hell wasn't it? Inuyasha and Kouga were going to have a field day irritating the hell and trying to kill Sesshomaru after they sensed the mark. But demons and inu-youkai were mated for life, never to betray one another. He held her shoulder and then bit down hard as Kagome tried to hold a very loud scream that she was trying to let out but only a choked 'owww' and 'hell' and 'never going to do that again' and a wince came from her. She watched in fascination as she saw blood and Sesshomaru lick it away taking some of the pain away.

"Now that wasn't so bad was it?" he said and kissed her softly. Kagome gave him a humph and crossed her arms looking elsewhere. No doubt he was going to want to 'mate' her soon as well. The demon's beast just wouldn't be satisfied until then. She was about to say something about that when….

"Kagome!!! Are you still in there with him?! Just what are you two up to?! " Kouga yelled banging on the door.


"Will he never give up?!" Kagome said in exasperation.

"Apparently not until he's dead." Sesshomaru said aloud to himself and cracked his knuckles. "any objections? My mate?"

"None." Kagome said calmly as she sat on a sofa that faced his large fireplace in his chambers. Well she was going to wait….true it might be long wait….she might as well get comfy and a smile appeared on her face as she saw Sesshomaru walk out the door. then she remembered something and she grinned. "Oh Sesshomaru? Come back and leave Kouga in the hall for now? would you?" He gave her a quizzical look as he shut the door in Kouga's face getting an "Oi!" from Kouga.

"I believe I haven't finished counting those stripes of yours...." Kagome said laughing softly earning a devilish smirk from him as he approached her like a predator about to pounce on his prey.

Lady Nefertiti: last chapter of the fic. This fanfic has a sequel and if you have my author alert then you should know when it will be up. It will be up soon so you don't have to wait for a long while since this fic ended in a sort of cliffie. The sequel is going to be called "Believing in him-the sequel." The sequel will be rated M. Don't forget to review!