Just out of Reach

People say that the important things stay with us for as long as we need them to.

So what happens when… they don't?


Thinking of you, wherever you are…

"Ah! No!"

Kairi leaned halfway out of the window, his fingers outstretched as her papers drifted away, seemingly dodging every falling rain drop until they swooped and nosedived into the ocean, one by one. Kairi stared in disbelief as four of the five pages of her letter to him were lost forever out at sea, a letter that took eight painstaking hours to write and perfect, and practically all of it was being forcibly ripped apart by the rain and the crashing waves on the beach. Sighing, she forced the window closed and fell on her bed, covering her face with her pillow. This had to be the worst day of her life—She and Selphie were supposed to go down to the island today, just them two for once instead of noisy Wakka and Tidus wanting to play fight all the time with them. They were going to talk about all the weird things she had seen and heard in her mind recently. But right before school ended it began to storm, and Selphie's mother demanded that she come straight home after school. Of course Kairi didn't complain, but when Selphie had left and she was standing there all alone in the rain, it felt like the world had abandoned her. And now, her letter was ruined. Slowly, she moved the pillow away from her eyes and stared over at her desk. The last page of the letter was still there, and from where she was she could read her messy cursive handwriting.

We pray for our sorrows to end,

And hope that our hearts will blend…

Now I step forward to realize this wish

Sitting up, Kairi began to wonder why. Why'd she write that letter to some person that she didn't even know? Or did she know him, but forgot? How'd she know it was really even a 'him' she was writing to? Last night when she wrote the letter, she remember feeling a connecting as she wrote those words, a connection to someone she felt was very important to her. The last time she heard the voice in her head, it said "Wait for me, Kairi, I promise I'll come back" and the connection was so strong that it made her cry. Last night, she knew that the letter was to that person who told her that, but now she began to realize something she hadn't before. When had anyone ever said that to her?

And who knows:

Starting a new journey might not be so hard.

Or maybe it has already begun.

Kairi leaned over and picked up the last page to her letter. As she read it over, she realized that this one page basically summed up her entire letter. "Weird," she whispered to herself. "I wonder… if maybe…" No. There couldn't possibly be any way for… Maybe, just maybe, her losing her the majority of her letter was supposed to happen, and that she was destined to… Shaking her head, Kairi laughed softly to herself. She changed out of her uniform and into her pajamas, then ran downstairs to find her mother washing the dinner dishes.

"Mom, we wouldn't happen to have an empty glass bottle I could use, would we?" Kairi asked. Tomorrow, she would show the letter to Selphie, and then send it out to sea in the bottle. Maybe the person she was writing to would find it someday. It was decided. And besides, it this really was fate, who was she to disrupt it and throw everything off balance?

There are many worlds, but they share the same sky

One sky… one destiny…