Author's Note: I hereby give you all permission to throw kunai and shuriken at me, LOL. I'm sorry for not updating earlier, guys T.T Hopefully, you'll enjoy this chapter? Dx

May huffed and stirred up some dust as she walked down the long strip of shops that inhabited Vermillion City. Her hopes of eating at the restaurant close by to the pokémon center failed and she resorted to searching for some other food provider that wasn't too far away from the center. Her pace slowed as she clutched her stomach which was growling wildly, signaling to May that she had better find some food quick before her body would give up on her.

"Hey…is that….ice cream!?" Gaining unexpected energy, May sped towards the flashing ice cream sign that was ahead of her. Throwing open the door and rushing towards the counter, May stringed along dozens of sentences at the clerk before allowing herself to calm down. The clerk promptly offered her a bottle of water and she happily took it.

"Whenever you're ready, would you mind reordering what you just sputtered out? I didn't get a chance to hear it…" The clerk smiled warmly at May, who was still a faint shade of pink from all the running.

"I'm sorry! I got a little overexcited about the ice cream! In any case, I'd like a large banana split with chocolate and vanilla scoops, hot fudge, some Oreos, cherries and rainbow sprinkles! Oh, no whipped cream though. I have to watch my weight! Thank you…Allie? Is that what your name tag says?"

The clerk chuckled and nodded while getting out the needed supplies for May's order from various containers. May watched in amazement as her banana split got put together swiftly and expertly. Oh my gosh! I want to work as an ice cream maker person! It looks so cool…and I bet they get free ice cream…I'll ask dad about it whenever I retire from pokémon contests…if I ever retire from pokémon contests, bahahah.

Handing the delectable treat over to May, Allie watched as the younger girl fished out a wallet from her torn fanny pack and brought out a credit card.

"Err…I'm sorry to tell you dear, but we don't accept credit cards…" May's face instantly went into despair as she withered to the floor muttering 'They don't accept credit cards' continuously. "However, there is an ATM machine conveniently located next to the pokemart a few stores down!" May popped up from under the counter with a bright grin and told the clerk she would be back in a few minutes. Allie chuckled once again. "Aw, I wish I had a little sister like her!" Piles of sweat drops rolled down her neck as she heard the door open once more. Is she back already…? Her thoughts proved to be wrong as she saw that the figure ahead of her was not the girl that dashed out the door earlier.

Instead, a boy, maybe around the same age as her earlier customer, was looking at her. She opened her mouth to welcome the new customer, but her jaw dropped quickly as the boy left more than enough money for the sundae.

"It's for her sundae and I'd like a waffle cone with two scoops of mint chocolate chip on it, please."

Allie was still in shock as she prepared the order and then slowly passed it over to the younger boy with the same hair color as the ice cream. I wonder if he likes the mint chocolate chip instead of regular chocolate chip because it matches his hair. Her thought train crashed as words started spilling out of the boy's mouth again.

"Oh, by the way, when May comes back, don't tell her I paid for it." Taking his ice cream to the one of the empty chairs in the back corner, the boy licked his scoops and stared at the television that was behind Allie.

Allie merely cocked a smile and began drowning in her thoughts again. Oh, so her name is May! Aw, is that guy her boyfriend?! That's so cute! But then again, if he was her boyfriend…he would've shown up with her when she first came here, right? OH MY GAH! What if he's a stalker?! Hm, would stalkers pay for the food that their stalkees buy? A loud voice shattered Allie's thoughts once more and she saw that May had just entered the doorway. Immediately, Allie's gaze shifted over to the mysterious boy in the corner, who was still eating and watching the television.

"I can't believe I got lost on the way to the pokemart…when you said that it was a few stores down, I thought you meant down near the dock! Apparently not…but here, I have enough change to pay for it now!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Allie noticed the green-haired youngster subtly stealing glances at May. Hm…maybe he's a friend? He doesn't look like the stalker type…

"Allie? Hellooooooooooooo?" May waved her hands back and forth in an attempt to gain the clerk's attention again.

"Huh what? Aiya! I'm sorry! I was distracted…and you don't have to pay for the ice cream! It's err….on the house!" Allie wiped her forehead with the back of her head, hoping that May wouldn't catch on. Luckily, May just took the treat and bowed, repeatedly thanking her. She watched as May took a seat a few tables away from the boy in the corner, facing him completely but too busy being absorbed in her ice cream. I think I'll leave them alone for now…Allie then crept to the storage room and eventually outside, giving the two teenagers complete privacy.

Shoveling another spoonful of the fattening substance into her mouth, May accidentally knocked the napkin container onto the floor and dived to retrieve it. After placing it upright on the table once more, she looked up and finally noticed that there was more than one person inside the ice cream shop with her. She nearly choked on her spoon as she spat out the words, "Drew?! What are you doing here?!" She threw the spoon into the now empty bowl of what used to be her banana split and got out of her chair, pointing an accusing finger at her contest rival.

"Gee May, that's a great way to greet an old friend you haven't seen for a while. Especially an old friend that paid for your ice cream." Drew finished the last of his waffle cone and smirked at the sight of May being flustered. Being able to calm herself down quickly, May quickly answered Drew with a question.

"Wait, what do you mean you paid for my ice cream? Allie said it was on the house!"

"You don't always have to believe everything anyone says." May's eyebrow furrowed as she scratched her head.

"Doesn't that include you too, Drew?!"

"But who would you believe more? Someone you just met or someone you've known for at least a year, if not more?"

Puffing out her cheeks in anger once more, May whipped her head to the side to avoid Drew's victorious smirk and whispered softly to herself, "Why is everyone getting the best of me today?" Not wanting to let Drew know the fact that he had won one of their arguments once again, May shouted a goodbye to the kind shopkeeper-clerk and flashed a peace sign to Drew before heading for the pokémon center.

Allie came back inside the shop, being able to hear May's loud farewell and saw that Drew had disappeared as well. She walked out from behind the counter and took out a washcloth and disinfecting spray, preparing to wipe the tables clean. Approaching Drew's table, she carefully picked up the rose and read the note card that was attached to it.

Thanks for not telling May.

Allie smiled and placed the rose behind the counter. Her body slightly jumped as she heard loud noises once more. Strolling over to the glass door, Allie spotted the bright green hair and brown hair sticking out of a bandanna walking side by side.

"Drew, why are you following me?! Don't you have somewhere else to go?!"

"May, I'm not following you! You're not the only person who uses the pokémon center, you know!"

Smashing her right fist into the open palm of her left hand, Allie's lips formed an 'o' shape and she giggled to herself.

Teenage love. This is it!

Author's Note: Go ahead and throw some more kunai and shuriken at me for this horrible chapter xD Oh, the shopkeeper doesn't really have a purpose in the story anymore after this chapter, just so you guys know, haha. I just wanted to give her a name xD