Author's Note: Thank you, SwiftstarOfTheSingingWind! That's all I have to say…thank you. Thank you to you all!
May hugged her darling baby brother one more time before letting him go. Twitches of pain filled her heart as she watched him board the ferry headed for Petalburg City. He stood on the side deck and waved out to his biological sister and the two older boys whom he had grown to love as brothers. Shouts of 'I love you, Max!' and 'Take care, Max!' echoed out the nearly empty dock as the waves from Max grew farther into the distance until they eventually disappeared.
Turning to face the other two people at the dock, she looked up to see their smiling faces.
"May, it's been real great meeting you and traveling with you throughout Hoenn! You'll be a great coordinator one day and your participation in the Grand Festival this year was only one small step on your rise to greatness! Next time we meet…I'll get back to you on that fried bicycle…" May laughed loudly and hugged Ash. She was going to miss his crazy antics and outgoing personality. She didn't even care about the bicycle that Ash fried at their first meeting. Traveling with him was more than enough of compensation.
Eventually letting go of Ash, she faced Brock next. She opened her mouth to start the conversation, but Brock was able to sum it all up for her.
"Next time you see Ash, you'll see me, so Ash pretty much just said everything that I was going to say. Oh, except for the fried bicycle part. That part alone is Ash." In reply, Ash let out an angered yell, but laughed midway and lightly punched Brock in the shoulder. "Anyway, I'll see you sometime around, May!"
"Aye-aye, my loveless cooking sensei!" May mock saluted Brock and grinned widely to see that Brock had mock saluted in return.
"I'm not loveless, by the way…Nurse Joy loves me, I tell you and so does-!" Brock got abruptly cut off by Ash as he started dragging him off the dock and down the road by his ear. Ash waved goodbye to May with his free hand and Brock followed suit, flailing both his arms and legs while yelling goodbye at the same time.
"Goodbye guys! Have fun in Sinnoh!" When the pair faded out of sight, May turned around and sighed. "Well, it's time for me to conquer Johto! Wait…how do I get to Johto?! Wait…where am I in the first place?! Wait, Brock, come back! I need your angry map skills!" May sped and yelled wildly after them in an attempt to gain Ash or Brock's attention, but failed and stopped midway. "I could've sworn they walked slower than that…darn them and their ability to walk at the speed of light! And why didn't I ask Brock what city we were in before Ash dragged him off?!"
Sighing to herself, May walked toward in the opposite direction of Ash and Brock and hoped that she would find at least one friendly face in whatever city she was in. Hm, maybe Professor Oak is around here? Ash did say he was located in the Kanto region…but Ash also said that Professor Oak lived in Pallet Town…and by the looks of the skyscrapers of this place, I don't think it's a town…Stopping to take a rest on a nearby bench, May gazed up at the sky and attempted to recall any memories she had regarding Ash's stories about the Kanto region.
Well, you see May, I came from Pallet Town, Brock came from Pewter City and Misty came from Cerulean City! Pallet Town marks the origin of my decision to become a pokémon trainer and-
"Wrong memory…" May slapped her forehead and looked ahead of her. "Oh hey, there's a pokémon center!" Dashing into the comfort of the center, May collided into the counter, not realizing how slippery the floor was and landed on her bottom. "Note to self...don't run into pokémon centers that you've never visited before. You never know what material their floors could be made of!"
"Do you need help, dear?" Slowly rising off the floor, May recognized the voice of the speaker and looked to the counter to see that it was indeed one of many Nurse Joys.
"Oh, no thank you, Nurse Joy! Thank you for offering though!"
"No problem! What can I help you with?"
"I just came from the dock after seeing my brother off and then my other two friends and I separated and then I realized that I had no idea where I was because my friends were usually in charge of navigation so I tried chasing after them, but they walk at the speed of light, so that failed horribly. I decided to walk the opposite direction they were walking in since I knew they were headed to Pallet Town and then I got confused because I thought Professor Oak resided in Pallet Town, so then I realized I'm not in Pallet Town since there's skyscrapers here and then I took a break on a random bench I found which isn't really that random anymore because if there's skyscrapers, then that means there's a lot of shops on the streets which equals a lot of benches! Hey, that means I can go shopping for new supplies and a new backpack because I'll need one now! Oh, so then, after resting on the bench I tried to recall all the Kanto stories my friend would tell me, but I remembered the wrong one so I slapped myself then I found the pokémon center!"
"I'm not sure how slapping yourself helped you find the pokémon center, but, you're in Vermillion City, home of the only port in the Kanto region!"
"Oh well, you see…when I slapped my-"
"Is there anything else I can help you with, dear?" Nurse Joy's voice showed concern, but May was oblivious to it. She was much too worried with her current state of panic.
"Actually, there is! You wouldn't happen to know how to get to the Johto region from here, would you?"
"Ah, that's easy. Vermillion City has a ferry that goes back and forth from here and Olivine City, so if you just take that ferry, you'll reach the Johto city of Olivine! I think the next ferry is scheduled to leave at five p.m. today. The captain down at the dock can you tell the exact time."
"Awesome!" A rush of relief streamed through May's body. "Thanks, Nurse Joy! By the way, will you look over my pokémon as I run down to the dock really quick to ask the captain?" Nurse Joy nodded in reply and handed May a pokeball tray.
After placing all six pokeballs into the empty slots, May left them with Nurse Joy and walked out the doors in search of the captain down at the dock. Alright, so if I just retrace my steps, I'll find the dock again! Let's see…there's that bench that I sat down in front of the pokémon center, so I'll just keep going south…or is it north? Either way…it's that way! Pointing in the direction that she came from, May jogged down it, hoping she would find what she was looking for.
May caught a whiff of the salty smell that was characterized the beach and lit up as she saw a figure standing out on the dock. That has to be the captain! I don't think any other kind of person stands out on a dock with a captain's uniform and salutes people, right? Careful to not slip on the small piles of sand that were crowding the road down to the dock, May practically ice skated to the person on the dock.
She silently stood behind him for a minute, wondering how she should phrase her question until her thought train crashed. I'll just say hi and see how it goes!
"Woahwhathappened?! Oh, hello! How may I help you today? And please don't sneak up on me again. Surprises and I don't get along well!"
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! I think you should learn to get along with surprises! They bring happiness to your day!" May beamed brightly and was blissfully unaware to the growing pile of sweat drops on the captain's face.
"That is truly fascinating…and once again, I ask, how may I help you today?"
"You're the captain, right? Could you please tell me when the next ferry for Johto leaves and all of that good stuff?"
"Certainly! The next ferry leaves promptly at five p.m., so don't be late or else you'll have to wait until tomorrow to catch the next one!" May nodded in response and walked off, realizing that she had only two hours to restock her supplies and splurge on miscellaneous items that caught her eye.
"To the pokémon center!" May pumped her fist in the air and tried her best to jog all the way there. Sadly, she didn't last more than five minutes and decided on walking the rest of the way. "You would think that after all that walking in Hoenn, I would have better stamina than this…" The rest of the walk consisted of May rambling to herself and attempts at making up new contest moves.
The sight of May walking through the doors of the center making hand gestures with her hand bowed to the floor prompted Nurse Joy to ask if she was alright. Instantly, May looked up and smiled sheepishly at the older woman.
"Yes, I'm alright!" However, the growling noises emitting from May's stomach proved her otherwise.
"Well May, unless Chansey magically learned how to growl, I'm pretty sure you won't be alright until you eat something, hm?" Nurse Joy smiled warmly at the younger girl, silently laughing at May's sheepish smile and cherry-red face. "Haha, don't worry, May! We have several restaurants in Vermillion City and there's a quaint little café across from the center."
"Yay! Thank you for all your help, Nurse Joy! Oh, by the way…"
"I'll come back for my pokémon after I get something to eat! Bye Nurse Joy!" May waved heartily to the nurse and dashed across the street. Nurse Joy could only wave back and stare in amusement as May verbally harassed the doorman.
"You guys really don't have any seats free?!" May pulled off a puppy-eyes act on the doorman, but failed miserably.
"Not unless you want to sit with a stranger, madam."
Folding her arms and pouting, May let out a subtle "Darn. You win this time."
Author's Note: I am epic fail, haha. Hopefully the new and rewritten chapters are better?