Title: Pirate
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Draco is being shipped off to marry Pansy. On the way there, the ship he is on is attacked by pirates.
Pairings: Draco/Harry
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, OOC-ness, Contains Slash Sex
Genre: Romance, Drama, Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe
Author Notes: I started this story about four years ago as a real person slash fic, only I never finished do to writers block. Since I have changed it to a Harry Potter fic I have written a lot more for it. I have edited this chapter since I now have a beta reader.
Beta: Skitzophrenic17 was nice enough to agree to beta read my story. Thank you so much.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story. The characters belong to JK Rowling. I'm not making any money from this.

Chapter 1

Lord Lucius Malfoy was never one to show his emotions. He treated Draco and his wife, Narcissa, only a little better than he treated the numerous Malfoy servants. He was a cold man, obsessed with increasing his wealth. His business took nearly all his time and left none for his family, not that he truly cared about having time to spend with them. To Lucius, they were just possessions to be shown off at the various dinner parties of the well to do.

Knowing all to well what his father was like, Draco Malfoy was more than a little nervous when he entered the study and stood before him. It wasn't often that Lucius Malfoy ordered him to appear so early in the morning, and he had never before been presented with a summons a day prior to the actual meeting. It was disturbingly out of character for a man who preferred his victims unprepared. It meant that his father must have something potentially life-altering to tell him, something that Draco would, no doubt, be very unhappy with.

Lucius was seated at his desk and hadn't bothered to look up when Draco entered the room. So Draco stood quietly by one of the leather chairs facing his father, growing more nervous by the second.

"Well, Draco, this won't take long," Lucius abruptly filled the silence. "I have arranged for you to marry Pansy Parkinson. Her family is very wealthy, although obviously not as wealthy as the Malfoy's. It will take place soon after the beginning of the new year."

Draco's silver blue eyes flashed angrily in a small, futile, show of defiance to let his father know exactly what he thought about his announcement, but all he said was, "Yes, Sir".

"You will leave in about two weeks. At the moment the Parkinson family is living in America, so you will have to travel by ship. Blaise will be going with you as chaperone and companion. Although, I doubt he will be of much use or help as one." Without another thought towards his son, Lucius returned to going back over the finance papers before him.

"Why must I marry some pug faced slut?" Draco finally exploded, "And why not someone from England?"

"I am still you father and you will do as you are told!" Lucius shouted. "The betrothal has been arranged and will not be undone. You will marry Pansy Parkinson wither you like it or not. She will bring even more wealth to the Malfoy name"

"May I be excused now, Sir?" Draco gritted out between clenched teeth. He wanted to scream and yell about how unfair this was, but knew that would only result in an, unpleasant, punishment. He knew from past experience that Lucius could be very creative with his discipline of unruly subordinates.

"Yes, get out of my sight," he replied irritably. "You have been told all that you need to know."

Draco hurried from the study, wanting to laugh, for what had he actually been told? He only knew the girl's name, a general idea of where she lived, and that he would marry her after the New Year, that was all.

Draco was full of conflicting emotions as he quickly ran up the stairs. He was angry that Lucius had waited till he was almost of age to marry him off. Building the hope that Draco might be able to wait to marry when he wanted to, and be the one to choose his spouse, only to be shipped off to America at the last moment. The only good thing about all this was that he would not be going alone. Blaise Zabini, his best friend since he was a child, would also be going with him.

Before heading to his room, Draco stopped at the door next to his and knocked quietly. At the sound of Blaise's voice, Draco walked into the room, which was only a little smaller than his own. He crossed over to the table where Blaise was sitting, breakfast laid before him, and plopped into the chair across from him.

When Draco didn't say anything, but just glared down at the food on the table, Blaise gave a small smile that didn't quite reach his dark eyes and pushed his plate aside.

"So it's true then?" he asked quietly.

"You knew," Draco said listlessly. "Why didn't you warn me, Blaise?"

"I would have, but I only found out about it a few minutes ago from one of the maids."

"Well I won't marry this Parkinson girl," Draco said, his anger coming to the surface again.

"And just how are you planning on not marrying her?"

"I'm not sure yet, but we have plenty of time to think of something on the way there."

Blaise couldn't help the small groan that escaped him. He knew that whatever Draco came up with it would end up with them in some kind of trouble. It always did.

Later that night and unable to sleep, Draco sat in his favorite chair before a crackly fire, through various ideas, trying to find a way, any way, to get out of the mess his father had put him in. It seemed to him that the only way out would be to leave tonight and hope his father didn't find out until tomorrow.

Grabbing an empty satchel from his large closet, he stuffed a few changes of clothing into, before heading towards the door. Draco sent a silent prayer to the heavens when his bedroom door soundlessly opened. His eyes going wide as he stared at the man leaning against the wall across from him.

"What do you think you're doing standing there?" Draco questioned angrily, realizing his chance for escaping had just ended.

"Making sure you stay in your room, young master. Now be a good boy and get your arse back in there before I toss you in." The man replied in a rough voice, probably hoping Draco made a fuss so he could amuse himself by throwing him back into his room.

"You cannot tell me what to do" Draco sneered, "my father will hear of this." He hoped that would be enough of a threat to make the man leave, but somehow he didn't think it would really work.

Tilting his dark head to one side, the man grinned at him mockingly, "And just whom do you think has me standing guard here."

With an angry huff, Draco retreated back into his room, slamming the door behind him and not caring if he woke the whole house.