A/N: There, this chapter is finished and it will be a romantic ending (I hope). Man, I got nothing else to say but this chapter is FINALLY updated. Please review, don't flame and enjoy.
Chapter 5: Another Chance:
Previously on The Hero Returns:
"Not so fast, Impmon!" Agumon snarled "You are under arrest for kidnapping and attempted murder!"
Veemon and Gabumon grabbed Impmon by the arms as they took him away.
"Get your filthy hands off me!" Impmon snarled as he disappeared into the prison truck.
Renamon sat down there bewildered. Rika rushed over to her.
"Renamon, are you OK?" asked Rika.
"Rika, how did you find us?" asked Renamon.
"Well, Argument called us and we got here as fast as we can" Davis said "I can't believe that Impmon is behind all of this."
Renamon stared at them. And then she remembered and said "Guilmon is shot! He needs help right now!"
"Don't worry, the ambulance is on it's way now!" Tai said "Guilmon is going to be OK."
Renamon remembered that she was so worried about Guilmon, she didn't thank her friends.
"Thank you for coming" Renamon said. She held Guilmon's limp hand and squeezed it. "Guilmon, everything's going to be OK now."
And now the main story:
"Guys! What happened?" asked Yolei as she and the other digidestined and Tamers as they rushed to the other digidestined and tamers who had just helped saved Renamon from certain death.
"Well, Impmon is the one who kidnapped Renamon" Tai said "Guilmon came to rescue her but before they escaped, Impmon shot Guilmon. Luckily he was in hospital now. But we don't know how long."
"So how's Renamon?" asked Jeri.
TK looked down to look in the window. Guilmon was lying in a bed, still have his eyes closed and has a bandage around his muscular chest. Renamon was sitting next to him very worried. She was holding his hand and has tears in her eyes. "Well, she's fine. She's just worried about Guilmon. I mean, he's been out for 4 days."
"4 days?" Ken asked.
Rika and Takato was also in the room watching Guilmon in pity. Renamon squeezed his hand again. This time, Renamon felt something squeezed her hand back. She looked down and saw Guilmon's hand clutching her hand.
"He squeezed my hand!" Renamon called to Takato and Rika. They came around his bed to look. Renamon turned back to Guilmon. "Guilmon, are you're alright? Please, open your eyes."
Then there was a groan. Renamon gasped at this. Then all of a sudden, Guilmon's golden eyes awakened and he saw Renamon first.
"R…Renamon?" he asked weakly.
"I'm here, Guilmon" Renamon said.
"Where am I?"
"You're in hospital" Takato said "you've been out for 4 days. I'm so glad you're awake, Guilmon."
The others outside the window smiled to see the legendary hero finally awake.
"What happened?" asked Guilmon "the last thing I remember is we were about to escape until I was shot."
Agumon and Patamon, alongside Biyomon and Gatomon came in.
"You OK, Guilmon?" asked Gatomon.
"I guess so, but what happening?"
"Well, once you been out for four days" Agumon said "everyone starts talking about this incident. Look at this newspaper. It got Renamon's kidnapping and the shooting was on every newspaper in the whole world. Everyone is starting to think that you are the Legendary Hero, who risked his life to save the one he wanted to protect."
"What happened to Impmon?" asked Guilmon.
"Well, he was in jail and no-one's talking to him anymore" Patamon said "In fact, everyone in the whole digi-world now hated him. They don't want to hear his name, his plans and not his ugly face anymore."
"I see…" Guilmon smiled, his voice not so weak anymore "Guys… can you leave me along with Renamon for a few minutes?"
"Sure pal" Takato said smiling as he and the others left. The others who were outside followed him.
"Guilmon, why did you want me to stay?" Renamon asked.
"Because I need to talk to you alone" Guilmon said.
"What is it?"
"Well, I am lucky. Life has given me a second chance. When that bullet hit me, my whole life flashed before my eyes. Do you know what images I saw?"
"No, what is it?"
"I saw us, Renamon. Apart from the battles we had, being brought back to the digital world and back to the real world, I saw us together, even if we are rivals first but we got very close together."
"Guilmon…" Renamon gasped.
"I know I am lucky this time. I don't want to waste it, so I should tell you this" Guilmon said "otherwise, it would drive me crazy."
"What is it you want to tell me?"
Guilmon looked at her eyes and smiled. "Renamon, I love you. With all my heart. I'm sorry I never got to tell you this, but I truly love you. If you don't feel the same way, then that's fine. But I just needed you to know."
Renamon gasped at this. The Legendary Hero, confess his love to her. She knew it all the while and she wanted to see this is a dream. She pinched herself. It hurts and she looked at him again.
It is a dream all right… a dream come true.
She then leaned towards Guilmon and kissed him on the lips. Guilmon was shocked at this, but he returned it. After a few minutes, she broke it.
"Stupid Guilmon" Renamon smiled as tears of happiness falls down her eyes "Of course I love you. I waited so long for you to say those 3 words. I knew this ever since you were a kid, but I always love you. And you said, before you left, that you told me that I was always in your heart."
"And you were" Guilmon smiled.
"Well, you are always in my heart, Guilmon" Renamon said "There was never a day when I couldn't stop thinking about you. You're the first thing I thought of when I woke up and the last thing on my mind when I went to sleep. I even prayed for you to be alright. When Impmon shot you, I thought you had died, and I wanted to die too so I could be with you. I never want to leave you, Guilmon, and I never will!"
"And I never leave you, Renamon" Guilmon said "I promise I won't let anyone hurt you again."
"Thank you, Guilmon."
Renamon reached up to kiss him again, and Guilmon kissed her at the same time. They continued kissing, happily to be reunited again.
2 years later…
"Hey, congratulations, Guilmon!" Tai said smiling.
"You will be happy together" Davis said.
"Hope you have a healthy child" Takato said.
Guilmon, wearing a black suit and white shirt and black top hat, and Renamon, wearing her wedding gown, waved farewell to their friends and stepped into their limo. In 2 years, Guilmon and Renamon's relationship never broke up. Tai, Sora, TK and Kari got married and so did their digimon. Takato and Rika has gave birth to their new sons named Goku and Naruto Matsuki. They got the names from their great ancestors (Goku of Dragon Ball Z and Naruto from his own series). And finally Guilmon asked Renamon to marry him, and she accepted quickly.
"Guilmon, I wanted to thank you again for the date" Renamon said, happy to be with him for 2 years.
"I have something to confess to you, Renamon. This night isn't over yet" Guilmon turned to her. Renamon looked at him confusedly. Guilmon took a small box from his pocket, knelt in front of her and opened a box. Inside was a diamond ring. "Renamon Nonaka, will you marry me?"
Renamon gasped at this. As Guilmon got up, she hugged him tightly and kissed him hard on the mouth. As soon as Guilmon break it, he smiled and said "I'll take that as a 'yes'?"
Renamon nodded and Guilmon put the ring on her finger.
"I love you, Guilmon Matsuki" she said as she kissed him again as the moon's light shone on them.
End flashback
Guilmon and Renamon were in their hotel room, laughing with Guilmon carrying her in his arms. Guilmon put her on the bed as she laughed again.
"Guilmon, what was that for?" she laughed as Guilmon took off his hat and jacket and put it on the chair next to him and closed the door.
"So I can do… THIS!" He leapt on the bed next to her as she laughed more. Then they stopped and gazed at each other in the eyes loving. "Renamon, dear?" Guilmon asked warmly.
"Yes, what is it, my husband?" asked Renamon flatly.
Guilmon hugged her and said "did anyone tell you how lovely you look in your wedding gown?"
"I know, now come here" Renamon said.
Then they started kissing again, long and passionate. Still kissing, Renamon begins to unbutton Guilmon's shirt and he unzipped the back of her dress.
As Guilmon's shirt and Renamon's dress slipped off them, they know it would be a night to remember. Renamon undid his trousers and his boxers as Guilmon removed her head-gown, bra and panties until they were both naked, still kissing. They pulled the quilt over their heads, still kissing. All we see is their tails, which is sticking up, intertwining.
The End.
A/N: Well, that was the happy ending isn't it? (Not being sacarstic.) Anyway, I am contiune doing Bandicoot Hearts before moving to the next story. Anyway, see ya later.