Ah, yes. Coruscant. The battle between Jedi, and clones. It was a living hell. Dying kids screams, the clash of light sabers on armor. Blaster fire everywhere, and Delta squad was dragged into it all. The 501st legion was tough, and easy to befriend. But, the Jedi, Children, and dead clones were the mess of the building. I remember seeing Scorch blow up a charge that killed dozens of children, and even under his face mask, I knew he was crying. Fixer overloaded a large computer, killing Jedi that were kids. He was crying too. The worst of it all, I remember my rifle firing on unarmed Jedi. It was too much for me to handle. What all of us remember most, is Lord Vader. He killed the Jedi and children with no remorse, no regret, or sadness. He came up to us after the battle, and said we were born killing machines. We didn't smile under our helmets. Just grimaced.

Delta 38


1800 hrs.

I coughed in my helmet as our gun ships flew over the city. We saw the horrors of the people's faces and curiosity as our ships flew through the air.

"At least it's a good thing that Sev isn't here this time." Scorch said sniffling. I glanced at him, and then slapped a clip into my DC17.

"I wish we weren't here." Fixer replied sighing. The clone gun ships deployed on the ground as we flew to the top of the large temple. I studied the large spires as our gun ship stopped twenty feet above the roof. We swung down the ropes and landed on the temple. The gun ships sped away.

"You know our objective. Scorch, prime a charge above the council chambers." I commanded.

"Scorch priming charge." Said Delta six two. "Ready." I pressed the button. The explosion rang out in our ears as the ceiling collapsed. We looked down to see that we blew up the roof. I leaped down and quickly held up my blaster. Then, I noticed that an arm stuck out of the rubble, and a light saber a few feet away. Scorch and Fixer leaped down next.

"One down." I said sighing. Suddenly, a young Jedi popped from the doorway and raised a green light saber over head. We opened fire on him. He deflected our bolts and ran up to be. I grabbed his head, and stabbed my knife into his skull. He dropped his light saber.

We quickly made our way out the doorway. We heard the action on the first floor. It rattled through our brains. We entered a large room, and had seats everywhere, like a class room. Eight young Jedi padawans saw us and leaped towards us to get into action. We unloaded our clips on them, dispatching them. Since they were poor at blaster bolt deflection, they were easy targets. Two of the eight got to us. One with a blue light saber slashed down at Scorch. Scorch grabbed the hilt of the light saber and jabbed his knife into the twi'leks chest and kicked him down the stairs. The other pulled me towards him and got ready to cut. Luckily, Fixer saw this and knocked him down with a tackle. Four o then held him on the ground and killed him with a knife to the head.

"We must get to the computer conduit." I said walking down the steep steps. My teammates followed. Fixer covered the rear, while Scorch covered the sides. I stopped in front of a large door.

"We need to breach this door." Scorch said. Scorch primed the charge on the door, while Fixer grabbed a thermal detonator. I stood beside Fixer.

"Clear! Scorch shouted as he dashed to the side. The explosion shot the door open, and a blue light saber swung out. Fixer tossed the grenade in. The explosion caused a scream, and when the light saber came back it caused another one. We darted in and held our weapons tight. Two Jedi were lying before us. Both were kids.

"Damn." Fixer said kicking their bodies. He then walked up to a computer and began punching in keys. A visual set up on the screen, which showed a large green pillar with wires and codes on it.

"Over load that system." I said.

"Yes sir." Fixer said. About seven Jedi children were slaughtering our brethren. Then, Fixer punched in the final key. The system exploded, killing the children and one clone. The other clones ran through the hallway.

"Now, we have to make it to the security defense system and set it to attack the Jedi, and Scorch, you need to prime a charge on a certain door." I stated. They both nodded as we ran into a wide, tall room. Four temple guards saw us and lifted their pistols. We fired and cut them down one by one. The yelled in pain as the bolts ripped into their bodies. Fixer walked up to a computer panel and started punching in keys. Scorch ran towards a large door and planted a charge.

When four oh activated the defense turrets to kill the Jedi, we heard groans and screams below us. Scorch ran from the charge.

"It's all yours boss." He said. I pushed the red button on my detonator, and watched the sparks from the explosion scatter. The door blasted open. We ran through the entry and scanned the surroundings. Dead Jedi, mostly children around ten.

"I…Damnit!" Scorch said punching the wall and panting heavily.

"We have to press on Scorch!" I shouted and placed my hand on his shoulder. He nodded and held up his rifle. We ran down the hallway.

"More enemies!" A female voice shouted out. Suddenly, a green light saber flew past us and hit the wall.

"Shit! These are commandos!" A male voice said. I looked to see a woman Jedi with black hair and a male Jedi wielding a blue light saber.

"Just kill them!" The girl shouted dashing towards us. She didn't know that we trained against Jedi encounters. She slashed at Fixer, who ducked and fired a blast into the woman's chest. She grunted and fell on him.

"No!" The other Jedi yelled in disbelief and ran for me. He slashed down, and I quickly dashed out of the way. Scorch ran into action and grabbed the Jedi's neck and stabbed his knife into the Jed's back. He groaned. Scorch kicked him away and wiped the blood from his arm protectors. We then sprinted to a wide corridor.

"Remember squad, we will join the battle here." I said briefing them. They nodded and I kicked open the door. The first thing we saw was Lord Vader stabbing his blade into a small Jedi padawan. He kicked the child into the wall and glanced at us.

"You did well my commandos." He said. We shuddered in our armor from his deathly gaze.

"New orders." He said walking towards us. "A Jedi master has held our waves off with his student. I need to go somewhere else. Your objective is to eliminate the Jedi." He said.

"Yes sir!" I said.

"He is down the hallway killing our troops." Vader said. He ran into the hallway.

"Okay squad," I said turning towards them, "Jedi masters are the best of the best here. They are more experienced and more dangerous then the others we met. Expect heavy resistance." I said. I twisted around and ran through the corridor. I accidentally stepped on a clone trooper body, and then noticed there were lots of them. All with light saber wounds. We saw a wave of troops dash forward, followed by screams of pain and light saber hits.

"Go! Find cover!" I shouted. Fixer and Scorch darted behind broken pillars. I did the same. Suddenly, a green light saber shot above me. I rolled behind cover and opened fire upon a weird alien like Jedi. Another was a female Twi'lek.

"Commandos!" She said and darted towards us. She ran towards Scorch. She lifted her hand. Scorch was suddenly lifted up into the air. She got close and began to stab him in the chest. Fixer fired rapid bolts into her arm. Her arm shot off and she screamed in pain. I leaped over a broken pillar and implanted my knife into her skull.

"Mariea!" The alien shouted in anguish. He made a pushing motion with his hand, and we all were suddenly pushed back to the other end of the hallway. We hit the wall hard.

"Ouch! That hurt!" Scorch said getting up and grabbing his rifle. The Jedi master lifted a piece of a column and threw it at us using the force.

"Watch out!" I shouted. We rolled to the side as the large object smashed into the wall, shattering into pieces. The Jedi forced jumped high above us. We fired our blaster straight for him. He deflected the blasts and then lifted his lightsaber above his head and swung down at me. Suddenly, and beam from a sniper rifle carved it's way through the Jedi's skull, making blood squirt all over me. His lightsaber turned off and he landed on me. I pushed him off and grabbed his lightsaber.

"Just for a souvenir." I said inserting it into my pack. Another wave of troops darted past us, and a lieutenant stopped by us.

"Just like they say, commandos always get the job down." He said, and then he followed his men.

"Delta squad, come in, this is delta advisor. Are you alive?" Our advisor asked.

"Perfectly fine." I said.

"Good." He said transmitting his message in our helmets, "you can evacuate the temple. The clone troopers can take care of it from here. There is a gun ship waiting outside, with a surprise." He said.

"Affirmative." I said. We ran back and saw many bodies lying around. I noticed a wounded Jedi reaching for his friend. His friend was obviously dead. I stopped and walked towards him.

"Could…would you please…give me his hand." The padawan asked.

"Sure." I said grabbing his friends hand and putting it in his.

"Thank…you..." the kid said before dying. I ran back to the entrance to the temple. The gun ship was there, and with a person. A person who I trusted, and liked. Delta oh seven.

"Sev!" Scorch shouted running towards his best friend. "I thought you were dead!"

"Me too!" He said jumping out of the gunship to greet his friend.

"What happened?" I asked grinning.

"The federation took me prisoner, but the republic found me. I was in a holding cell, awaiting death." He said. We entered the gun ship, and flew away.

Like I said, it was a hell hole mostly. The Jedi master was not easy as it seemed. And the one, who fired the sniper rifle, was Sev.

I knew this wouldn't be the end of the commandos…