I was bored at work and missing my 'papi-cholito' so I wrote this…


It had been a few days since that night when Lorelai barged into the diner late at night. Things had been the same; the next morning Lorelai walked in, begged for coffee, teased Luke, and then left for work. Neither of them mentioned that night nor did they let it affect their friendship.

"Hi Star-shine" Lorelai walked into the diner; Luke was leaning next to his coffee maker, arms crossed and annoyed face on. It was a Tuesday night, meaning the diner was going to be slow and empty for the remaining hour before closing.

"What are you doing here?"

"You really need to stop greeting your costumers like that, maybe that's why your place is booming right now" she took a seat at the counter; she had that look; the one he'd seen once before and would never forget.

"It's Tuesday, the place is always like this on Tuesday's, you'd know but you're never here on Tuesday's"

"That's because Rory and I usually have a mini movie night on Tuesday's but now, since she started at Chilton, our movie nights are fewer and further in between"

"So Rory had to study and you decided to come and annoy me?"

"Mmm, close but no…" she got up from her stool. "… Rory is over at Lane's playing trig tutor, leaving me all by my lonesome" she walked over to his side of the counter, and stood right in front of him leaning against the counter; arms crossed and all. "And with nothing to entertain me"

"And that's when you decided to come bug me?"

"Mmm wrong again, I found something to entertain myself with but I need you for that"

"Need me how?" he narrowed his eyes, ever since the other night when ever she'd ask for something his pants would start feeling tighter.

"There's something I've been wanting to do for a while, but you'll say no so I came up with something else that I wanted to do but I haven't had a chance and now that you said that Tuesday's are always dead, we can try it out"

"Try what out?"

"Is Caesar here?" Lorelai asked while looking under the counter for something.

"No, what are you doing?"

"So you're the only one here?"

"Besides you? Yes, what are you doing?" Lorelai pulled a couple of plastic bins from under the counter and set them aside.

"I'm setting up" she told him with a shrug before sitting down on the floor.

"Setting up for what?" he took a step forwards and bent down to look at her since she had scooted back and was now sitting under the counter like if she was hiding.

"For what a want to do" she looked around her, it was roomy enough, and there weren't any nails or screws sticking out.

"And what do you want to do?" he was loosing his patience.

"I want to…" again she did an unnecessary pause. "… blow… your mind" and she burst out giggling.

"You what?" Luke choke out, his pants getting slightly tighter; Lorelai grabbed the bottom of his pants and pulled on them so he'd step flush against the counter or loose his balance and fall.

"Take a small step back; you're not covered by the counter if you stand so close"

"Lorelai I serve people here"

"Not under the counter you don't" she bunched up his pants on her fists so he wouldn't step away and began kissing him through his jeans; he groaned at the feeling, his body reacting no matter how wrong he knew this was. "Just relax, enjoy, and try not to be too loud" her left hand let go of his pants and cupped him through his pants; massaging him, he groaned and slammed his hands on the edge of the counter and gripped it tightly.

Lorelai's hand kept massaging him, her tongue flipped the sipper tab up and caught it between her teeth; she unzipped him like that and Luke couldn't help but moan. She blew lightly into the zipper opening and through his boxers, Luke shiver a little. He mumbled something but Lorelai pretended she didn't hear him, even though she could clearly hear him say 'please'.

Her hand went in through his zipper opening and his boxer opening to grip him tightly, his head dropped backwards and his breathing got a little bit more erratic. She cooed, gripped him tighter, let her hand loose a little before gripping him once more making him groan.

"Do your boxers feel tight?"

"Yes" Luke whispered.

"Really? Because it seems you still have room in there"

"No, no room" she squeezed him again. "Lorelai"

"Yeees?" she asked innocently he couldn't help but chuckle. Lorelai heard his chuckle and couldn't help but notice how sexy it sounded; he should do that more often. Taking him by surprised, she pulled him out only to immediately engulf him in her mouth.

"Oh" he groaned lowly and his hands gripped the edge of the counter tighter. She giggled a little, the vibrations working wonders for Luke.

"You like it?" Lorelai asked, her hand rubbing away at his head to compensate for removing her mouth.

"Yes" he hissed and his hips rolled forwards.

"Eager are we?" she giggled.

"So good" was all his defense.

"Thank you" her mouth took him in again, just the tip, and bobbed back and forth. "Check this out" she whispered before taking him all in and slightly moving her head to the sides so he'd have more friction.

"Geez!" his head dropped and his hands held on tighter fighting really hard to not thrust his hips. Lorelai giggled a little, she was having too much fun with this.

He couldn't believe this was happening; he was getting a blowjob, in the diner, while it was still open, and it was Lorelai… Lorelai.

"Lorelai…" he practically growled, his hips started to roll in time with her hand movements. She cooed her hands moved up to his hips and brought them flush to the counters edge; that way if he had the need to thrust she wouldn't suffer from it.

She took him all in again and hummed while doing so. Ok, that settled it, Luke had died and gone to heaven; he felt faint and oh-so-good at the same time.

"Fuck…" he moaned and slammed his hand down on the counter.

"Shh" Lorelai giggled. She was enjoying seeing him like this but she definitely didn't want somebody to think he was having a seizure and walk in on them that would be very very bad. He only growled in annoyance at her; like he could stay quiet with what she was doing to him.



"LuUuke" she pulled at his pants.

"Wha…?" his mind was too fogged to pay attention tot her.

"You taste so good" she moaned at him.

"Oh fu…" his voice trailed off, his hips hitting the counter slightly but repeatedly; there would definitely be a bruise there tomorrow, not like he cared.

Her hands trailed behind to grab a hold of his ass, she'd always wanted to do that and now she could and she loved it, it was all muscle no mushiness; like she knew it'd be. She grabbed on tightly and held him in place against the counter, her mouth taking him all in; his tip hitting the back of her throat.

"I'm gonna…" one of her hands went back to the front and cupped his boys through his jeans. "Lorelai I'm…"she squeezed them a little and he groaned, she could feel his whole body tensing up. He came with low grunts, Lorelai had actually expected him to be louder but then she remembered where they were and that she had 'shushed' him earlier. She kept bobbing her head even after he was done; trying to make this last longer for him. She felt him start to loose momentum, slowly but surely. She slowly pulled back, dragging her tongue all along his shaft and placed several kisses all over his tip before letting go completely. She zipped him up and placed a kiss on the zipper of his pants; Luke was still to move, his breathing was not normal yet and his had still hung low.

Somehow she got out from under the counter without Luke moving an inch. She stood next to him and placed her hand low on his back and led her fingers stroke him there. Luke shivered and moaned a little.

"Is that on of your spots?" Lorelai asked amazed.

"Didn't know it was" Luke whispered, still recuperating from before and currently enjoying Lorelai's hands on him.

"Learn something new everyday huh" she teased near his ear and he groaned.

"MmHmm" he nodded. "Hey…?"


"Go upstairs and wait for me" he growled and Lorelai noticed how his eyes were a darker shade of blue than they normally were.

"Yes sir" she teased, fake saluted, and hurried up. Luke stood there for another minute getting himself together enough to lock up and follow after her.

As it good, bad? Reeeaaally good? Hehehe

Let me know what u thunk.