Editors Note: IT'S HERE! THE SEQUEL! Haha! I'm sure many of you thought this was long overdue! Well school is out so I can start now! So thank you for all the reviews (over 100! Wooo!) And please R&R for this one!


Sarah got into the car and slammed the door shut. All Shawn could do was stare at her. Sarah looked at him back.

"What are you waiting for? Drive!"

Shawn put the car into reverse and continued to back up. Soon they were on the road to Ohio. They were silent for most of the drive. Sarah calls back home to Minnesota to a law firm to get a lawyer. After 20 minutes, Sarah had a lawyer who was writing up emancipation papers. Sarah hung up and looked at Shawn. Suddenly he swerved and went onto the side of the highway. Sarah clung onto the dash board as Shawn came to a halt. He sat back in his seat. He looked over at Sarah who was trying to breathe.

"So let me get this straight. You broke out of the airport and hitched a ride from me. Why aren't you on the plane now?"

"I'm old enough for a lawyer. If I get one and fight for emancipation, I can win. Shawn please don't bring me back."

Shawn sighed and looked out the window. Sarah waited for Shawn's answer. He turned back around and looked in the back seat. There were Sarah's bags and the Women's title.

"You'll be wanted."

"I know."

"Vince didn't take you off the roster yet. You're still Women's Champion."

"And I'll stay that way until I lose it."

Shawn started to get tears in his eyes. He looked at Sarah for a moment. He tucked her hair behind her ear. Finally he hugged her tight. He started to cry. Sarah couldn't help but cry also. They hugged for at least 10 minutes. Finally Shawn pulled away and wiped his eyes.

"So what happened when I left?"

"Well your Dad got sent off to jail. Your car got sent back to Boston for the while. Derek and Minnie are fine. He called me to tell you that he'll be in Ohio tonight."

"Is my Dad out yet?"

"Vince already bailed him out. He's in Ohio by now I can bet. But come on. We have somewhere to be tonight."

Shawn got back on the road and drove. For the 4 hour drive it took, there was never a quiet moment in it. Sarah talked about her night up to the airport while Shawn talked about star reactions. Sarah's phone rang several times, but she ignored the calls. For the 20th time that day, her phone rang again. She looked at who was calling. It was her mom. Shawn saw who was calling also. They both looked at each other. Shawn nodded, meaning for her to pick it up.


"Where the hell are you? Everyone got off the plane besides you!"

"Oh really? I didn't notice."

"Get your ass back here."

"Over my dead body."

Sarah hung up and put her phone in her pocket. Shawn smiled and drove on. Soon, they were at the arena. They saw Vince waiting outside for them. When he saw the car, he ran toward them. Sarah kept laughing at his bald head. Boy was it shiny! Vince opened Sarah's door and pulled her out. He gave her a long hug while Shawn got her bags.

"People have been calling me for an hour. I knew you would leave. I didn't take the title away from you. I will defend you in any way possible. We all will."

"Thank's Vince. Is my Dad here?"

"Sulking in his room. He feels like he failed you. Better go to him quick. But hurry. And don't be seen! Shawn will drop your bags off in his room."

Sarah gave Vince a quick hug and ran off. She had to see her Dad. Sarah peeked in to see if anyone could see her. No one was in the halls. She closed the door slowly, then walked slowly through the halls. She was careful not to be seen. She hid behind carts, in bathrooms and empty rooms. Then Sarah spotted her Dad's room. It was at the end of the opposite hall. Sarah looked behind her. She saw 3 divas coming around the corner. She ran and hid in the nearest room she could find. She shut the door and let out a sigh of relief.


Busted. Sarah turned slowly around. There was Randy, mid way through taping his wrists, Jeff who was re painting his nails, and Adam who was combing his blonde hair. Sarah froze in front of the door. What could she do? She was busted. She gulped and nodded. Adam threw his comb against the wall and walked toward her. He gave her a really big hug.

"My god Sarah. We thought we would never see you again!"

Randy ripped his tape and walked over there also. Jeff set the brush down and hugged her also. After the 3 guys got their hugs in, they asked her to sit down.

"I really can't. I need to see my Dad."

"Does Vince know you're here?"

"Yeah he does. But no one else knows besides you 2, him and Shawn. So keep it down till tonight OK?"

All 3 of the guys promised. She blew them a kiss and walked out. Now no one was in the hall. She crept to her Dad's room. She finally reached his door. She looked at the plate that said his name. She sighed and turned the knob. The door creaked open. But it didn't faze John, who was sitting on a bench, his back to the door. Sarah sighed and closed the door as quietly as she could. The room was pretty dark. He was taking it hard on himself. She could tell he was pretty depressed. She saw the belt hanging over his shoulder. She decided to let him know she was here.

"You know, that's not a way for a champion to act."

John sat straight up. He quickly turned around. Sarah could see that he was crying. She turned the light on so he could see her better. As soon as he figured out it was her, he jumped over the bench and hugged her tight. Sarah started to cry, which made John cry.

"I didn't think you could come back."

"I would never leave Dad. You know me."

Soon he pulled apart. He led her to the bench where he was sitting. One she was sitting, Sarah told him the whole story. From when she left to the arena, to where she ran out of the airport, to seeing Shawn to now. John was hanging on her every word. When she was done, John sighed.

"So you're here 'illegally'."

"Basically yeah."

"If you go out there tonight, your parents will hunt you down like mad."

"Their not my parents anymore. You are. Well, one part anyways."

"But I'm not your legal guardian anymore. And what about school? Derek? Minnie?"

"I can still fly there and back. Derek is here with Minnie. It'll all be fine. We'll make it work."

"So would this be a good time to tell you I'm seeing someone?"

"Really?! Who?"

Before John could answer, Vince came into the room. John let a breath instead of talking. Sarah sighed and looked at Vince. He smiled at both of them.

"Hey guys. John are you ready for your Battle Royal with Shawn?"

"Yeah guess so."

"OK. Then Sarah. We'll put you on TV despite the dangers. And John, your up now."

John hugged Sarah and walked out. Vince winked at Sarah and followed John. Sarah kept staring at the door. Who was her Dad going out with? Sarah turned the TV right when her Dad walked out. He got a lot of boos. He talked then Shawn came out. Then Vince came out to talk about a battle royal. That went on for at least 45 minutes. In the end Matt and Jeff Hardy won the Tag Team Titles. Sarah walked out of her room and made her way to the curtain. Jeff and Matt were coming out as she got there. Sarah winked at Jeff and Jeff winked back. The sound guy looked at Sarah and did a double take.

"Your back?"

"Yeah I am."

"You going out there?"

"Yeah. So play my music when Melina id done talking."

Shawn ran toward her with her title in his hands. She took it and gave him a hug.

"Give them hell kid."

Sarah saw Melina and hid behind the sound guy. She was fuming and finally walked out at her music. She did the splits and grabbed a mic. Chants of 'slut!' and 'screamer' rang through the arena.

"Now that our beloved Women's Champion is gone, I believe I should get it back. She left us unfortunately in bad terms. So in short…"

The sound guy played her music. The arena burst with noise. Sarah's time was now. She took a deep breath. This was it. She walked through the curtain. What happened next, she knew she could never miss.