Harry Potter was on a path in his life where he was groping around blindly in the dark. Whether it was Voldemort, a girl constantly on his mind, Hermione's recurring disappearances or his imminent death by in Divination: Harry needed one large Aspirin pill. Hermione was completely normal except for the facts that her hair is now straight, she is off in la-la land half the time or that she leaves after dinner and despite her excuse of being tired and going to her Head Girl dorm's comes to breakfast with bags under her eyes. He wasn't as oblivious as some people (coughcoughroncoughcough) and well, she should go back to normal. Lame reason but Hermione barely came to talk to them anymore. He figured she was getting used to Head duties with Malfoy but December break was approaching and she should have been used to it by now.

Harry had just finished his dinner with Ron and Hermione until Hermione was too tired again to come and hang out in the Gryffindor Common Room for a little while. He had had enough. Was Malfoy hurting her? Was she just really studying? What could be making her keep her distance from them this year? What had Ron had for dinner? Gross. Harry now felt the urge to go to the privacy of his bed for Ron had humongous bad breath. Ughh, Harry's shoulders shook as he shivered in disgust. Maybe he should go check the map…

Pansy was confused, a very common occurrence yes, but today's reason was special. DRAKEY HAD BEEN CHEATING ON HER AND WAS NOT GOING TO TAKE HER TO ITALY AFTER THEY GOT MARRIED! Plus he hadn't come to her for after dinner activities… Honestly, where was he going all the time? She had tried to follow him one night but got distracted by Daphne Greengrass telling everyone slytherin of her new shoes. They were gorgeous, and Pansy written her mother that she had to have a better pair. Pansy had enjoyed the past benefits of being the Slytherin Queen, but now her king was nowhere in sight and she was left traumatized. If he was going to Millicent now, she swore she would rip her new Italian dress. Millicent was nice and all but have you seen her waist line? And her nose… Yuck.

Granger had been missing too. Pansy had noticed because her favorite victim couldn't be found after dinner. Heck even Crabbe noticed. The mudblood looked better. Hmmm Zabini would know…

Ron Weasely had the wrong dinner. The chicken had turned out to be really badly cooked. Now he was desperately trying to subtly cover his mouth and not talk AT ALL after he found out he scared his best mate to the Boys Dormitory. Then he had the sushi and well let's just say Sushi then chicken and then milk and cookies for dessert don't mix. Well he had to apologize and/or brush his teeth, either way Ron had to go into the boys dorms.

As he was entering the boys dorm he noticed right away Harry's face stood firm and his mouth pursed in a thin line. His knuckles were even turning white as he tightly clutched his parchment. His glasses had started to fall and when he pushed them up, Harry noticed Ron.

"Come here and look at this."

Blaise Zabini knew he was gorgeous, but at this moment he wished he was as ugly as wrongbottom. His tan skin and dark hair gave him a bad boy look while his violet eyes showed at least some sincerity. Manly men are sensitive. Anyways… Pansy was now trying to suffocate him with all her questions about Draco's faithfulness to her. He knew something was going on between Granger and Draco, he had also joined the Order, no matter how much he dislike the majority of its members. He was a coward and wanted protection. He now strode into the library, a place he and Pansy both hated. 'Draco you better do a better job of hiding this, I am not risking my sanity for you' Blaise thought as she swore he heard the queen of pugs calling out to him…
The Marauders Map could tell no lies. It even had blatantly told the truth to Snape in third year. What a wonderful and useful thing it was to have at times… This was not one of those times. Harry had had enough of this new disappearing Hermione and decided to look at the map. Maybe he would coincidently glance at her dot and see what she was up to. What he saw shocked him thoroughly. He went white. His grip tightened, almost tearing the map. And his jade eyes sprung fire. Malfoy, the name was venom like the person, and she was with him? Hermione Granger was no doubt walking to meet Draco Malfoy in the library for Harry saw when she got there, The HG dot and DM dot went to meet each-other. This was not a two minute insult conference, they stayed there for at least half-an-hour. And that's when Ron came in.

"Come here and look at this." Harry told him. He did as asked and Harry did not have to look to see that his best friend had gone tomato red in the face and ears. (He tended to do that)

"What the hell?" Ron's forced calm tone drifted towards my ears and I responded promptly.

"The map doesn't lie."

Dumbledore stroked his ever-growing beard thoughtfully. He had never seen this coming, Draco and Hermione? A nice ring to it I have to admit… Could it ever work? Slytherin, Gryffindor: Ice and Heat: Bravery and Cunning: Red and Green. Composite colors, opposites but composites complement each other right? Interesting, very interesting. Dumbledore decided this was big enough of a moment in his life and picked up his wand that lay still on his desk. With a quick swish, a silver basin materialized in front of him and then he placed his wand next to his temple. He pulled out a thin stream of memories of the two in the great hall; mentally recording changes in the two of them and the night Draco and Blaise came to join the Order. The memories were placed in the Pensieve and with another swish of his wrist the Pensieve was back in its proper place. Interesting, really very interesting…
Each and every of these people would have recieve a rose with a color the same name as a fruit, had they been playing the same game...
Orange is for enthusiasm

Enthusiastic about knowing what is going on get it?? This is in advance in case you don't get it...


I have to punish myself cause' I realized I have been a stupid git and not updated most likely causing the majority of you to lose interest in my story and I am sooooo sorry. You all are incredible cause you reviewed this story that looks like I have given up but I HAVE NOT AND I WILL NOT!! ; ) Thank you so much for those who have reviewed. And I am putting an effort to write more and update. I am open to suggestions and questions and I will try to clear up confusion I love all of you!
