"I heard Kyle say she'd be here this morning." Max told Micheal as he stared around for her.

"And what makes you think she'll talk to you,she left to get away from you remember?"

Max's face went a little pale and he sighed,realising just how much his friend was right.

"Hey Max!" Tess yelled ecitedly as she approached the two.

"Oh,morning Tess."He muttered back.

Tess glanced in the direction Max was staring at, and said,"Kyle said she got back last night."

Noticing she caught on to him staring at Liz'z locker,he quickly glanced away.


"So where's Maria?" Liz asked Kyle.

"Oh,um she's here somewhere." He replied softly.

"Oh no."Liz whispered,as she noticed the Royal Four a few feet away from her locker.

"Yeah,they just don't know when to give up."Kyle scoffed.

"Has Max asked about me?"

"Yeah,alot actually."

"How's the Whitman's holding up?"

"Maria said they were doing better than she expected,and she'd know better than anyone,she goes over there everyday almost."

Liz felt her eyes start to water as she remembered the way they all used to laugh together.
She realised that the three musketeers are now the two musketeers.

"How are you?"

Liz turned around to face the voice who asked the question.
She was face to face with Max.

She felt her heart sink into her chest,she wasn't ready for this early.

"Oh hey Max,um."she said before the tears started to pour.

Max embraced the young brunette and tried to soothe.

"I'm so sorry..He didn't deserve this..neither did you."He cooed.

"Maria?" Kyle asked as he saw her walk right past them.

She didn't flinch,she didn't even act like she heard him. She just kept walking.

Micheal stared after the beautiful blonde,and wondered why she wasn't acknowledging her best friends return.

First Period :Computers

Maria sat there dumbfounded,she had to write a piece for the front page on Alex ,a memorial page,it had to be perfect,a copy was gonna be in the yearbook.
But in her heart she knew nothing would be good enough.

As she started writing a rough draft an IM window popped up from her messenger.

Lizzy Pizzy: I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!Are you ok?I'm not..and I don't think I will ever be again...how could this have happened..

Rie Rie: This user has currently set his/her user settings to away.

Lizzy Pizzy: Ria,I need you...

Rie Rie has logged off.

Liz couldn't understand why her best friend was shutting her out,they needed eachother now more than ever.
Her eyes started to swell with the tears..she lost Alex and now,now she's losing Maria.

Maria stared blankly at the messenger now on Invisible,hoping this would finally let her get some work done.
She started to go through her messenger archives to find conversations between her and Alex,hoing to find some funny ones..to help people see who he was.

Mikey G:Why not just logout,why go invisible,if you really didn't wanna talk to someone right?

Rie Rie:I need to go through my archive,not like it's your buisness.

Mikey G: So,you and Parker having a fight or something?

Rie Rie: A much as I 'd love to be apart of your interrogation,I'm gonna have to pass.

Mikey G: Maria.. are you okay?

Rie Rie: We are praying now for the repose of his soul. Hoping you're well and not in hell. Nice change of air. Out of the frying pan of life into the fire of purgatory.

Mikey G: When did you read Ulysses...

Rie Rie: You don't know me as good as you think you do..

Mikey G: It will get easier..I know it doesn't seem like it now...but it will. trust me as long as I've been on this planet,I've lost more than most.

Rie Rie: Maybe.

Maria exited the IM box,and started saving her paper before the bell could ring.

She dreaded next period,everyone she was trying to avoid,was gonna be in that class.

A she walked into Mr. Adams class she felt all eyes on her.

It was like she was somer dispaly at the museum,and everyone was interested.

She took a seat in the back,and sat back with ease,if anything else,she could sleep this hour.


Why did that bell have to be so damn loud,she wondered.

"Well I'm saddened to start off a new school year,with a passing of one of our students,please sit for a moment of silence." Mr. Adams said.

Maria looked around the room,and saw everyone close their eyes and hang their heads.

Maria felt a bit of anger rise inside of her,these people who never even gave him a second look are now crying..they didn't even know exsisted but they miss him?Is that possible?

Maria stood up and walked towards the door.

"Miss Deluca,where do you think your going?"Mr. Adams asked questioningly.

"i refuse to be apart of this."

"Apart of what?"

"THIS,this is a joke."

"Mourning a class mate is a joke to you?"

"No but your making it in to one. He was just another person in the hall to you people,and now yourcrying overs omeone you didn't even know?"

"Miss Deluca-"

"No I refuse to sit here and watch people cry over my best friend when they could never even undertsand the importance his life actually made in this world.
He's just another sad story to these people."

And with that she walked out.