
Maria glanced up to see Alex staring at her with such pain in his eyes. He missed Isabele.It was utterly obvious he was hurting just as much as she was. Maria wrapped her arms around her hurting friend and rocked him back and forth.

"It'll get better. Trust me it will."Maria soothed.

"What if it doesn't?"he asked.

"Well, I'm always here to try and make it better." she smiled.

She couldn't help but feel bad for Alex she hated seeing him like this.He cared so much about Isabele and he finally thought he had a chance and she goes and tosses him away. She wanted to cry so desperately, let her tears fall and get over the fact that Michael didn't love her, but for some reason she couldn't. She didn't want to lose everything she once felt.She knew she had to forget him sooner or later. She just wanted later to come as late as it could.

"Liz call you?"Alex asked sadly.

"No haven't heard from her since she left."Maria stated.

Alex sighed and tried to smile, but he was just too hurt.

"She'll be home soon Alex. Then we can all be sad together."Maria chuckled.

"Oh how we'll eat Bon Bon's and dance to Cher and The Hanson Brothers and wollow in our misery." Alex joked.

"Maria, how are you holding up?"

"What do you mean?"

"I know you were close to Michael, and it must hurt right?"

"Maybe. I try not to think about it. As long as you never leave me, I think I'll be fine."

"I could never leave you Ria, you're my best friend, if it weren't for you I don't know where'd I'd be."

Maria smiled at that.It actually made her feel useful for once.Lately she's felt so alone,so unwanted, and ignoring all her emotions just wasn't helping any.

She and Alex decided to walk into the front of The Crashdown.Maria's shift was starting and he wanted to keep her company.They spotted The Royal Four in there usual booth. They could feel the akwardness so alive.Maria walked over to them to take their order.

"What can I get you?" she asked concentrating on her pen in pad in her hand.

"I'll have a small order of Saturn Rings, and a large Alien Vanilla smoothie." Tess said with a grin on her face.

"Hey Maria." Max said in a low tone.

She didn't dare raise her head,she wasn't ready to talk to any of them yet, not like it was all okay.

"Just please order."Maria said lightly with a hint of sadness.

Michael just stared at her when he heard her say it. He could tell she was still hurting and she had every right too. He hated him self for what he did. But he knew she wasn't his destiny but then why couldn't he stop thinking about her, why couldn't he get her out of his mind?

"I'll have the same as Tess."Max replied sadly.

"Same."Michael chimed in.

"I'll just have The Galaxy Burger."Isabele stated.

Maria jotted it down and quickly walked away.

"Hey Ria, I'll be right back alright. I gotta go grab something."Alex said to her.

She turned and said,"Alright."

Minutes past fast as the Royal Four's order gets done.She walks up to the counter and grabs their food and walks up to their table.

She quickly passes it out and walks away.

She couldn't help but notice Alex still wasn't back. She whipped out her cell phone and called his, but it went straight to voice mail.

"That loser."she muttered to herself.

The Crashdown was pretty empty, due to the fact it was an hour till closing time.Maria sat at the counter spinning in her seat waiting.Every so often Maria would call him again but still nothing.An hour and still nothing, this was unusual for Alex.

The door to The Crashdown opens.Maria pops her head up hoping to see Alex but only sees Kyle and Jim.

Kyle walked up to her soft and slow, something was wrong she could feel it.

"Have you heard from Alex he said he'd be right back but its been over an hour or two."She said when Kyle reached the counter.

Kyle's eyes strayed from her face to the floor.

"Maria, on our way here we passed an accident and.."

"And what?"

"Maria it was Alex's car.. it was wrapped around a telephone pole."he stammered fighting back tears.

Maria's face lost all color it once had. It couldn't be true. Her best friend couldn't be gone.

"I don't believe you." she said angrily.

She walked out from behind teh counter and over to Jim.

"Is this some kind of joke?"Maria asked with tears sliding down her cheek.

"I'm so sorry Maria, he's gone." Jim replied staring at the floor.


"What do you think's going on over there?"Tess asked as they allw atched Maria walk from Kyle to the sheriff.

"Beats me, but it doesn't look good."Max stated.

The Royal Four watched as tears slid from Maria's face.

Michael turned from the sight.He couldn't stand to see her cry it always felt like being stabbbed in the chest by a thousand knives.


Maria's anger exploded.

The cellphone that once was in her hand was now heading for the wall.She threw it outta anger out of angst.

"NO!!!"she screamed while crying desperately.

Kyle wrapped his arms around Maria. Her body started collapsing and Kyle's moved with hers.She sobbed violently against his chest.

The Royal Four jumped up out of the booth and stood and watched.

"What happened ?"Max asked Jim.

"Alex Whitman is dead." He stated sadly.

The Roayl Four just stood there in shock. Isabele could feel a horrible pain in her stomache.


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