Theo rode the windkins with but one look behind him. Back there was the world of warring owls, the world of battle claws. He looked at his bare talons and thought, ripping through flesh is cowardly, perhaps there was more than one way to destroy ones enemies. Preferably one way that didn't lead to death.

As if to encourage his peaceful thoughts, a brightly colored thing made out of paper and string fluttered in front of in front of him. Below him, working the strings was a long eared owl. He seemed to be very skilled in working the thing, and created a path for Theo to follow.

"Welcome, welcome, Theo, we've been expecting you for many years." Theo looked at the owl strangely.

"What? How did you know I was coming?" The long eared owl looked at the sky.

"The seventh astrologer predicted it before he died. It has been foretold among us that an owl from the 'other world' would come and make peace in our kingdom." Theo looked at the long eared owl funny.

"I think you have the wrong owl. Back in the 'other world' as you call it, when I tried to make peace, all I did was make war." The long-eared look downcast.

"Well... I still must take you to the court, they require it you know."

"Who does?"

"You'll see." As he said this, the long eared spread his wings and began to fly towards what looked like a marble palace. Theo shrugged and followed him. Before Theo knew it, they were inside the palace.

"What's that rank smell?" Theo asked the long eared.

"Most unfortunately, umm, well lets just say they are, um."

"Are what?" Theo never got an answer because it was just then that they entered the court room. Before him were nine, huge shaggy hagsfiends.

"What do you want, scum," said a large one which Theo was sure was the leader. The long eared was about to say something when it suddenly hit Theo.

"We have come to serve you, didn't they tell you?" several heads shook their head no. Theo clacked his beak. "You look so hungry, would you like something to eat?"

"Why yes, yes I would," a hagsfeind who looked remarkably like a very haggish great horned owl said while he lifted his wings to hunt.

"No, you are much to royal and noble to bloody your talons with such ignoble work. Let me do it for you." Theo signaled to the long eared too keep it up.

"Ah yes, are your majesties thirsty?" the long eared asked. As he said this, one of the hagsfiends started to fly to the nearby stream. "No, let me get it for you." He said, returning with cupfuls of water as Theo returned with a large enough vole for the nine hagsfiends to each get their fill. And out of the corner of his eye he saw a hagsfiend trimming his feathers.

"Now none of that your majesties." He scolded. "You are royal and should let those feathers grow out, it will give you more respect." The hagsfiends heads bobbled with excitement. "Now you must excuse me, your royal honors," Theo said bowing. "But I must find your other servants, they are late."

Soon Theo had established a mock court of hagsfiends. They had no real power, because they were growing fat, lazy, vain and weak. And as it turned, the real power was in the owelry, a place of peace. The owls of that kingdom made Theo their first H'rath, and it was said that of all the H'raths, it was his eyes who had the most vibrant glow of wisdom. Theo truly had established peace in the kingdom. Not by killing, but with illusions of false power. The dragon owls, as the owls of the court came to be known, couldn't even travel without the help of others. He taught others the ways of wisdom and peace. And that is what reins over the middle kingdom today. Thank Glaux for Theo.

-Tengshu Qui Master