Au: None of the relations and circumstances of the television show apply.

Pairing: Dean/Sam

Disclaimer: I don't own anything associated with Supernatural.

A/N: Yeah so, I did make a mistake last chapter. I meant to say 'This is

how it always went down back in Kansas' not 'in Texas'. Sorry. : )

Chapter 2.

The Rude Awakening


Dean groaned, as a hand he presumed was Marie's reached down and shook him hard.

'I promise I won't go out tonight, please stop.'

Sam sighed and chewed his lip, but then opted for an oral awakening.

'Wake up sleeping beauty!' He belted, slapping Dean across the back.

The figure laying in front of him went completely stiff, and then the face slowly turned, horror written all over it.

Sam reached down, near laughter but feeling guilty for the trauma the hung over man must be going through.

'It's okay.' He said sympathetically. Without thinking, he reached out and placed his hand on Dean's back.

The events quickly turned at that point, and the transition was rough.

Sam felt his hand being jerked and then twisted, and the man that had seemed to be in a stupor held him in a submissive position against the wall all the way across the room from the beat up bed he had been burrowed in for hours.

'Who the FUCK are YOU? And why the fuck am I here?!' Dean thundered, choking back the nauseated feeling he still had.

Sam grunted, and twisted free of the smaller mans hold. Dean came after him, attempting to trap him in a corner, but Sam took advantage of the man's foggy and painful state.

Sam grabbed the man by the wrist, and then backed him smack up against the wall, complete with a head bang on Dean's part.

Knee between Dean's leg, and head inches from Dean's own, Sam cracked his neck, and then turned his attention to the man desperate to get free.

He could see the desperation in the man's face. His jaw was clenched tightly and every muscle in his body was rigid as he jerked about in a very hung over fashion.

Sam took sympathy; who knows what the man could be thinking right now. For all he knew Sam could have dragged him out of the club and raped him.

'I'm the bartender from the club-- you know, the one you were an asshole to?'

Dean struggled as hard as he could with his forearms, before he finally gave up. In his current state of mind and the sheer dominance of the other man in size, he didn't have a chance.

'Okay what do you want?' He groaned, hanging his head towards his shoulder, pressing back into the wall.

'Do you want money? Huh? What the hell do you want?'

The man subduing him looked surprised.

'Wadda you mean?' He asked, cocking his eyebrow, and relaxing his hold a little bit.

'Cut the crap, you drugged my drink and then nabbed me when I passed out. I should have known.'

Sam shook his head.

'When I went to close up, your ass was passed out in the corner. Guess you couldn't handle the drink you had.'

Sam didn't bother mentioning that he hadn't been able to either, though his effects weren't as bad as the man he currently held pinned against a wall.

Dean looked confused.

'Why would you take me from the club?' He questioned, still very wary.

'I guess I was playing the Good Samaritan. That is, unless you would have rather woken up in the alley outside the bar..'

Dean nodded slowly.



'You can let me go now.'

Sam flushed slightly, and carefully let go of the man's wrists, a little afraid of a sudden retaliation.

There was another awkward pause where Dean looked around the shabby apartment.

Then he broke the silence.

'Nice place you got here.'

Sam grinned, shaking his head.

'Your an ass.' He said, rubbing his hand through his shaggy locks.

'It costs a whole lot of money to live in this shithole.' He chewed his lip and followed Dean's stare around the room.

Dean grinned.

'Oh so your one of those.' He said, smirking, and looking over at Sam

Sam rolled his eyes, but couldn't help smiling.

'Like I said man, your an ass.'

There was another pause, and the situation grew painfully awkward. Painfully, in that Dean's head was killing him, and Sam's arm felt like it was about to fall off.

'Okay well uh.. Thanks.' Dean wasn't really sure what to say at this point. He ducked his head, and then reached into his pocket.


Someone had robbed his cell, probably when he was passed out.

'Can I uh, use your phone?' He said, scotching his head.

'No problem.' Sam replied, motioning towards the phone all the way across the room.

Dean nodded, and awkwardly edged away from Sam, walking oddly towards the phone. Picking it up he punched in the number to Marie's cell, and then glanced over at Sam as it rang.



'Oh, hi Dean.'


'Is that all you got to say? Aren't you going to ask where I've been?'

'Dean, why would I ask you where you've been, your gone all the time.'

Dean shifted, glancing over at Sam who was standing across the room, staring at him.

'Right. Well then I guess I won't fill you in. Can you pick me up somewhere?'

'I have to work Dean, can I pick you up after?'

'Marie, it's Wednesday, I thought you said you didn't work today.'

'I never said that. I work.'


'Okay babe, call me later, bye.'

Dean stood with the receiver still against his ear, uncertainly glancing over at Sam, who was unabashedly gaping at him, as he crunched on an apple.

'Yeah. Oh really?'

He continued an imaginary conversation trying to think of what to say to Sam.




Dean rubbed his neck, and carefully set the phone back into the receiver.


Sam threw the apple core into the garbage, and walked over to Dean.


'Uh.. Yeah.'

Sam raised his eyebrows and nodded, grabbing another apple off of the counter, and biting into it.

'Uh, so, she said she wouldn't be able to uh, pick me up until after work.'

Sam nodded.

'That's alright.'

Dean frowned.

'So you're not going to give me a ride home?'

Sam shook his head, smiling an annoying and completely adorable grin

'It's my day off and I'm not wasting any more gas on you, no offense.'

Dean huffed, and shook his head.

'Look man, I'll pay you back.'

'Nope. I'm on my day off. No favors.'

Dean raised his eyebrows.

'So do you expect me to just sit here all day?'

Sam shrugged, nawing on his apple.

A/N: R&R