Author's Note: This is my first fanfiction so it isn't that great. I have had this idea in my head for a while, and I finally decided to write it. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Also for your information, I don't know Sakura's parents' names so I'll just make them up. Please Read & Review!
Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN NARUTO... (unfortunately)
By: asianangelgirl
Chapter 1: Sakura Blossoms
"Do you promise?"
"Of course I promise Sakura-chan. I have never gone back on my word and I won't start now."
"Hmm… I guess so, but just to make sure, let's pinky swear." Sakura Haruno held out her pinky waiting for the boy to agree.
"Uh…. I don't know Sakura-chan. That's kind of girly."
"Come on! Please?? This will help me believe that you aren't lying to me and it ISN'T girly." Sakura put her hands to her hips and pouted.
"Alright, I'll do it Sakura-chan." The boy held out his pinky, and interlocked it with Sakura while blushing.
"Thank You"
"SAKURA!!! YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE WENCH! WAKE UP!" Naomi Hakurei has just awoken and as usual is in a fowl mood. Everyone knows her as Miss Konoha, for she won the pageant 3 years straight, but Sakura knows her as her foster mother.
"PINKY! GET DOWN HERE AND MAKE ME MY BREAKFAST ALREADY!" Obviously, this was Fuji Hakurei, husband of "Miss Konoha", principal of Konoha High, and Sakura's foster father
Sakura glanced at her clock and cursed under her breath. Shit! I was supposed to wake up 10 minutes ago. Now I have to deal with the "treacherous twosome". That is a great way to start my 2nd year of high school. I'd better change fast or else…
Sakura was adopted by this "generous" couple after her parents had passed away 10 years ago. She didn't want to be adopted by them so she would play pranks on them. No matter what she did, Sakura couldn't get the couple to NOT adopt her. In the end, she gave up, but vowed to make their lives miserable… someday.
Sakura quickly got ready, grabbed her bag, and climbed out of her bedroom window before she could hear another insult. Quickly, Sakura ran to school so she would escape her parents' wrath.
Once she was a safe distance from her "home", Sakura stopped running and caught her breath. She looked up and admired the cherry blossoms that were gently falling down. Looking at the scenario in front of her triggered the last peaceful memory of her parents before they died.
"Kaa-san! Tou-san! Look!" A small 6-year-old Sakura cried as she was running down the street filled with cherry blossoms. "Look!! The flowers are the same color like my hair!!"
"Yes, Sakura-chan. Do you want to know why your name is Sakura, Sakura-chan?" Takashi Haruno gentally picked up Sakura and placed her on his shoulders. Megumi Haurno soon caught up with the two, and gave a quick peck on the cheek to both of them.
"It's beacuse on the day you were born, Sakura blossoms were falling outside my window, and one blossom landed on your forehead. And of course you had little sprouts of pink hair on your head" Megumi giggled and pried Sakura off her father's shoulders
"That is so cool Kaa-san!!" Sakura gave her parents a big hug. Once she released them she uttered 3 words to them with a smile. "I love You"
A single tear slid down Sakura's face, but it was quickly wiped by her hand. Sakura sniffled, and then snapped back to reality. She took deep breaths to calm her nerves and decided to take a little detour before heading to school.
Sakura decided to take a walk to the pond located just in front of her school. Once she arrived at the pond, Sakura set her stuff down and gazed into the clear, blue water.
"Kaa-san. Tou-san. How have you've been these years?" Slowly a sad smile appeared onto Sakura's face, but disappeared instantly. "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEVE ME!!" Sakura drew her legs up and began to sob her heart out. "Since you've been gone, my life has been horrible! If you loved me, why did you have to leave me?"
All of a sudden, a new voice spoke "Maybe 'cause you're annoying?"
Sakura stopped sobbing and turned toward the the tree behind her, which was the source of the unknown voice. She saw that it was a guy about her age, but she couldn't see his face because he was hidden in the tree.
"Who are you and what do you want?" Sakura wiped the tears from her face, got up, and faced the guy
"It's common courtesy to give your own name before you ask someone else's." The guy got off of the tree, but stayed in the shadows.
" My name is... Sakura." For a moment, Sakura was thinking of giving her full name to the mysteriuos guy, but decided not to on for precautions.
"You have a last name or what?"
"...Aren't you going to tell me it?"
"Why not?"
" Cause it's none of your buisness, so leave me alone!" Sakura grabbed her stuff and quickly ran to school to get away from the strange person. Unfortunately, Sakura accidentally dropped her ID card, and worse the guy happened to see it drop.
"So she's Haruno Sakura of Konoha High. Now that I think about it the polite thing to do would to return this to her." The guy smirked to himself, and walked away from the pond.
To be continued...
A/N: Hmm... who's this mystery person? I know this is a bit OOC, but I'll try to make it better. Hoped you like the first chapter! I know its bad, but please review.