"Oh no! Not again." Zoey moaned as the doorknob came off their dorm door for the tenth time that week. "We really need to get this fixed."

Quinn looked up from her laptop and chuckled slightly. "I know. Unfortunately I'm no good at mending doors."

"They said they'd come and fix it, but I don't think they're ever going to get round to it." Lola said not glancing up from her script.

Zoey replaced the handle and propped the door open again. "Just remember not to close it, if any of us do, then we'll be stuck in here."

"Zoey, we hardly ever close it anyway."

Zoey grinned at Quinn and wandered back to her bed. "I'm so bored and lonely."

"Join the club." Quinn sulked. Since her boyfriend had left for a school nearer home they had had to break up.

"You just need to get boyfriends." Lola said trying hard not to gloat.

"Just because you're dating Michael doesn't give you the right to set us up." Zoey protested.

"Oh come on! We all know you want our very own Chase Mathews." Lola teased. Zoey blushed.

"Who are you going to set me up with then? I don't fancy anyone." Quinn closed her laptop and smirked up at Lola, thinking that she'd flummoxed her.

"That's not strictly true, is it?" Quinn paled and shook her head at Lola. Lola carried on regardless. "I have been noticing some looks and blushes whenever a certain boy pays attention to her."

"Ooh! Quinn, who is he?"

"Shall I tell her, Quinn? I'm sure Zoey would love to know. Zoey, try and guess."

"Um, Danny? No? Ok, Chase? Although I thought we made a deal about him."

"We did. You and him are like perfect for each other. You'll never guess who it is." Lola was practically bouncing.

"Then why won't anyone tell me. I don't care who he is as long as he's not Chase or Michael for Lola's sake. But it can't possibly be him because she's so happy about it."

Lola tossed her script aside and sat up dangling her legs over the side of the bed. "It's Logan Rease."

"LOGAN!! Quinn you have just dropped several pegs in my liking for you." Zoey squealed.

Lola sniggered and Quinn smirked as though to say 'I knew you would react like that'.

"What's up party people!?" the trio of boys chorused as they swung into the room.

"Hey guys." The girls responded with far less enthusiasm.

Michael went strait to Lola's bed and clambered up and was rewarded for his efforts with a kiss from Lola. Chase plopped down on Zoey's bed and Logan bent over to get a Blix from the mini fridge.

In doing so he knocked the door so it swung closed a little. Not really paying attention he kicked it and it banged closed.

"No!" the girls yelled together in dismay leaping up from their various seats.

"What's wrong?" Chase asked.

"We're locked in!" Zoey wailed.

"Nice going moron." Lola shouted at Logan.

"We can just open the door." He said, as though this was the most obvious thing to do. He turned the handle and it came off in his hand. His eyes widened and he gulped. "Oh great."

"For how long are we stuck here?" Michael asked.

"Until someone realises we're in here." Zoey said gloomily.

"That's not so bad."

"Chase, it's the beginning of the midterm break. Everybody's gone home. We should be on trains and planes ourselves." Quinn said sinking back down onto the bean bag looking thoroughly depressed.

"A week before anyone comes and finds us." Zoey sank down to the floor in despair.

"A week stuck in one room with you freaks. What? I'm just saying what everyone's thinking." Logan tossed the doorknob onto the nearest table and sighed disparagingly.