This chapter is an addendum alternate ending, meaning that it comes after the epilogue from the story, and becomes the final chapter instead. This was my original idea for the ending, but it struck me as a little... well you'll see... It's meant to be a funny end to a sad story, I have a very morbid sense of humor sometimes, and I know I would have gotten Flamed if I had posted this instead of the revised ending...

Well, enjoy, and don't be too harsh on me, talk to my brain, it's the one that came up with it. So, without further ado, here's the 'funny' ending.

"That's a wrap!" Cried the director from his chair, as the actors exited the stage.


"Man that was great, wasn't it Brad?" Said Cloud, as he removed his spiky blonde wig.

"Yeah, but damn, how the hell did Vincent wear all these cloaks and crap, in the middle of the desert?" Said Brad, as he took of a long red cape, and stowed it in the costume box. He took out a brush, and began to fix the untidy mess of black hair, and put it in a ponytail.

"Don't know man... What about you Deon? You know?"

"How the hell should I know? All I know is that Barret is one badass mofo, and I wish I could really be like him."

"How many guys auditioned for your part? There can't be many guys that fit the bill. Him being six something, and wide as a humvee..." Brad grinned.

"Only two... Me and some other guy. Don't know what happened to him though. I think he got sent to the circus." Deon said, giving a laugh, and stripping of the tan jacket he wore.

"This is going to make a great movie dude!" Cried Cid, as he walked around in just his pants, still wearing the flying goggles.

"Tell me about it!" Came a voice from inside a white moogle doll.

"Get outta your costume Bennet! The shows over!" Deon said, staring at the doll with an air of amusement.

All watched as a man popped out of the suit, standing all of 4'6" tall, with a red beard and a big grin. He waved to everyone as he set aside the robotic cat, and said in a trilling Irish accent, "'Tis fun to dress up! 'Sall part o the acting!"

They all laughed and continued to get dressed back into their normal clothes.


The women gathered in a group talking and laughing as they got ready to celebrate the ending of another good movie, and telling each other how well they had done.

"Crystal... You where absolutely amazing out there! You being the killer and all... What was it like?" The woman who was Tifa asked, her green eyes now free of the red-brown contacts that she had to wear for the movie.

"Oh, it was exciting, especially being hauled around by that crane thing in the fight scene with Chaos. You where great too Jessie! The way you threw that punch, you looked like a prizefighter out there! Where did you learn that?"

"Had to take karate... Did two moths of it for the shooting... I think I'll continue. Master Lu is going to give me a discount if I keep going after this. So I told him I would."

"Wow... I wish I could join, it would be so cool!" A young woman around the age of 19 said, as she put aside a giant shuriken, and gazed at herself in the mirror.

"You could Jen-jen... I could talk to Master Lu and see if he could let you join."

"Thanks! I'd love it if you did that for me!" Jen said, bouncing slightly on her heels in her excitement.

"How about you Crystal... Want to join? We could be Ninja Women Trio or something." Jessie asked, laughing at the idea of making a ninja group.

"Okay! Sounds great."

"We'll have to come up with a better name though." Jen said.

"Yeah, let's talk about this after the celebration dinner... I'm starving!" Jessie said, smiling happily at the others.

"To dinner!" Cried Jenny and she ran to the door and threw it open, turning a toothy grin at the others.

"Yes, to dinner!" Crystal and Jessie said, and they all walked up to meet the guys to catch the limo that was taking them to dinner.