Dedication: This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful Zarroc who has always been a faithful reviewer over at I don't own Harry Potter or 'The Wedding Date'. Unfortunately.
Chapter One - Cafe Troubles
Hermione looked annoyed beyond belief at the cafe she was currently sitting in. Across from her was Harry Potter, and Ron and Ginny Weasley, who were wanting the waitress to hurry up; they had been sitting there for twenty minutes, and no one had even came to their table yet. But it was quite obvious as to why, even the waitresses were too afraid to come and disturb Hermione. The three forced themselves to continue to listen to her rant.
"How could she do this?" she asked. Fear of her temper caused the three to simply shrug. They flinched a bit by the volume of her voice. Both had to admit, she was bloody scary when she was mad, even when she was only mildly annoyed. The only person who scared them this much was Ginny when she was pissed. Ginny now realized how frightening she herself was at times. "This thing is going to cause many people not to come because of her carelessness. Don't they care - oh, stop being such cowards and answer," she said, catching the fact that none of the three ever answered her questions.
This thing that she was talking about was her cousin's wedding. It was coming up sooner than expected and Hermione had to attend, not that she didn't want to.
"Can I see the letter again?" Ginny asked, and caught it quickly as Hermione chucked it towards her face. Taking another glance before reading, Ginny saw Hermione's chin rest on her hand as her elbow leaned against the table. She was not entertained at all as she blew her bangs out of her face repeatedly only to watch them fall back. Ginny chuckled and peeled open the letter and read it aloud. She 'ahemed' before reading, but surprisingly, that was what was actually written in the letter.
"Ahem -
I just can't seem to stay on track now, can I?
Ginny paused before looking at Hermione. "Was?"
Hermione flicked her hand as to continue, "Read on and you'll see." Ginny nodded but before she could start, the paper was snatched out of her hands by Ron.
"I wanna read it too!" But he was interrupted by Ginny yelling, "Paper cut! Damn you Ron!"
Hermione slapped a hand to her forehead before saying, "Just read it." Ron shrugged and began reading in a terrible imitation of his cousin.
"Now where were we? Ahh okay -
Goodbye darling,
Antoinette Vassar
Ron stopped reading, and glanced again at the closing of the letter. Written in huge, very neat cursive script was her signature.
Ron placed the letter back in the envelope before sliding it under Hermione's palm on the table."I can't believe she's doing this! 'You and your date. Whoops. I forgot, you couldn't find a date'. Ugh!" she used a fake voice to imitate Antoinette's. The three blanked while looking at Hermione who appeared to be talking to herself.
"Do you have a reason for hating your cousin or something 'Mione? I mean, in her letter, given, she does sound like a bitch at points, but she does sound like a nice girl as well." Ginny noted and Hermione shook her head, looking at her friend. "It's not that I hate her. I love her. We were extremely close as children. But you're right, she is a bitch at times, and this is one of them."
"Hermione - maybe you should, I dunno - take some deep breaths?" Ron suggested meekly. Hermione had to admit, he was right, and took some deep breaths, trying not to focus on this. He sat up straighter, not as afraid as before.
She ran a hand through her hair and clasped her hands together. "Okay, thank you. How're you and Luna doing?" she asked, and Harry and Ron looked at each other.
Just a couple of breaths sure could calm her down. Hermione heard Ron whisper something about 'PMS' into Harry's ear before he chuckled. "What business is it of yours? I'm trying to take your advice and calm down. Please, just tell me something to get my mind off of this." Hermione snapped.
Harry looked at Ron once more. Ron sat straighter in his chair before leaning in a bit towards Hermione.
"Well, the Chudley Cannons won their victory last weekend. Did you hear - " he was cut off by Harry groaning and chuckling at the same time. Ron shoved him playfully in the arm as Hermione chuckled. They did have their ways of setting off her temper at times, but they were even better at cooling her off.
"Hermione, if you couldn't find a date, why didn't you just tell us? We could have helped." Ron said and she sent him an empty glare. "I never said I couldn't find a date. Me, not mentioning a significant other in my one letter, she assumed that I hadn't got one." she spoke angrily.
Harry chose to finally speak, "But you don't, do you?"
"No! She provokes me constantly about having a boyfriend, and knows she does. That's why she enjoys it. She loves to see my reactions to things like this. But I'm going to prove her wrong. I will show up with a date - and no Ronald, I am not having one of my friends come as a sympathy date. I'll find one on my own."
She was stopped by Ginny pepping up instantly and asking, "Can I help? Please!? I know some really great guys that would love to date you!" Hermione never answered. Harry intervened before she had to.
"Umm, Hermione? We're invited?" Hermione held out multiple tickets to show them before putting them back into her pocket. Harry looked wide eyed as Ginny and Ron looked confused by them.
"What are they?" Ginny and Ron asked in unison.
"Plane tickets," Harry answered for them. "Hermione, you can't have bought all of them yourself. We have to pay you back and -"
Hermione cut him off. "No Harry. You all helped when I couldn't make all of my share to purchase the flat. Now that I've been working with that new promotion, I don't owe you anymore. So no, you cannot pay me back, I won't accept." Harry sighed in defeat.
"I'll keep ahold of them until we leave, that way we won't lose any."
Ron grumbled, and placed his hand into his palm. "Would've been nice to let us know, you know." Hermione glared.
"Yes, but I only just got the letter today, see, or I would have told you by now." She spoke glaring specifically at Ron, who looked apologetic.
"So, are any of you able to come?" she asked. Ron shook his head, "Me and Luna are going out for our anniversary during the wedding, and I'm going to be spending the next few weeks planning it out so I'll be busy. And then we're going to see the Chudley Cannons the week after."
Hermione smirked. Ron was spending weeks to prepare for their one year anniversary? She knew he wasn't going to do all this by himself. The rest of the Weasleys were probably assisting him. Well, either way, his schedule was booked. She glanced over at Harry and Ginny. Harry took a look at Ginny, who nodded excitedly. "I love weddings!" she whispered something into Harry's ear, who instantly nodded. "Harry and I will go. Just tell us when we have to be there and we'll go with you." Harry's hand grabbed hers gently.
"We have to be there in two weeks. With that 'I miss my cousin' and whatnot, she probably needs me to help her with something. Don't worry, you and Ginny won't have to lift a finger unless you want to." Hermione smiled at Harry's expression when she mentioned helping her.
Luckily enough, this conversation, albeit still about the topic that had her so frustrated, managed to cool her down. She looked and chuckled. The waitress had just now come to take their orders. All of them had ordered a pumpkin juice. Though, as the waitress walked off, she heard Ginny and Ron shouting, "Oy! You! Can we get two pumpkin pasties!? Thanks."
When the waitress returned, to Ron and Ginny's relief, she had come with the pumpkin pasties. Hermione took a sip of her pumpkin juice, and watched as brother and sister had made a bet as to who could eat their pumpkin pasty the fastest. Harry could be heard in the background cheering, he just didn't know who to cheer for. Instead of someone specific in his cheers, all he was saying was "Ummm, GO WEASLEY!"
By the end of the minute long competition, Ginny had won and was now rubbing it in Ron's face. "Hah! Now you get to -" she was cut off by Ron snapping,
"I know what I get to do!"
Hermione raised her eyebrow in interest. "What does he have to do Gin'?"
"You'll find out soon." she laughed, and Hermione grinned. Even though they were almost twenty, they still had their childish moments. "In your face Ron! I knew you were going to lose!"
Ron snatched the letter from the table and held it to Ginny as though it was his wand. "Do you want another paper cut?!"
Hermione laughed. These were her friends.