'Sugar and Wine Can Be So Fine'
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters. However the plot of the story is mine.
A/N: Hey everyone, I figured it'd be a good idea if I took up writing fan fictions again. So I started this story in my keyboarding class, but I go the idea in piano. I hate that class so much it drives me crazy. Anyway, that's what it does to me. Hope you like it. You don't like the coupling, don't flame… I don't want to get into a debate.

SUMMARY: Sasuke returns after 'killing' Orochimaru. His cold and emotionless exterior is breaking the heart if the woman that loves him the most. And now, Sakura will do anything to get him back to the way he once was. One night, something happens between then that no one would have ever thought would occur. Is sugar and wine really that fine?

Konoha was calm that morning. The village was full with activity and everything was going on. Trade, missions, school, woman with children, father's leaving for work. A sunny day, the clouds where white and puffy and could be seen from anywhere a person looked.

Expectedly, a green chunnin vest could be see in the green grass watching the clouds, the owner, Nara Shikamaru was asleep in the clearing, not quite alone. A beautiful blonde kunichi was with him, polishing the large weapon she had with her. The fan glistened in the sun's light and she smiled slightly, watching her escort doing what he did best.

Recently a great event had occurred; A missing-nin had returned from his three year absence from his home village of Konoha. His return about a week prior to the current one; and his team had finally been able to be set at ease. The return of this ninja was special. He was a best friend and a crush, a legend, and a survivor, a fighter, and an Uchiha.

Sasuke had returned.

He had been restored back onto Team 7 and Sai had gone back into ANBU. A few things where debatable, especially since Orochimaru had supposed ably been killed.

He was still inside of Sasuke's body, waiting. But this was unknown to everyone, and because of this, Sasuke was a bit more unemotional than usual.

He was cold, and rarely talked to anyone. He pushed both Naruto and Sakura away more and more and this was starting to break Sakura's heart. Her one true love wanted nothing to do with anyone or anything. He had once been like this, but now, it had gotten so bad that it hurt everyone else, and not just team seven. Before he left he was like that to a point, but he did care about her and Naruto no matter now he tried not to show it.

But now… He was evil, dark, and hating. It was something that made everyone else notice and he was starting to become a feared Ninja in Konoha. Sasuke was beginning to be known as a murderer, a killer and an emotionless ninja that should never be crossed.

Sasuke tilted his head to the side and said nothing to them as they were all on headset, hooked up and ready to attack a group or missing-nin in the middle of the woods. They where about a mile or so from Konoha, ANBU snet news of this to Konoha, and Team 7 had caught the mission to return the ninja to the village as promptly as possible.

Sakura was in the treetops hiding among the leaves and flowers, Sasuke was on the ground, closest to the ninja, and Naruto was further back with Kakashi to hide his vibrant blonde hair.

Naruto knew that this mission was mainly for Sakura and Sasuke, so he was in the back. Naruto had priorly agreed with Sakura to do anything in both their powers to get Sasuke back to his old self, but they had no idea how.

Naruto leaned against a tree. The ninja were older than them, but they weren't that much stronger, or smarter for that matter. THe missing-nin still nadn't noticed their stalkers. Sasuke was almost right beside them and still, nothing. It was a B rank mission but there was not a lot of danger. They wanted them back in the village no matter the cost. They needed to be interrogated, and there were only about three ninja. Sasuke and Sakura could handle it alone, but Naruto and Kakashi where ready to jump in if necessary.

Naruto was still a genin and because of this, he wasn't allowed to take part in this mission. This annoyed him more than anything, but there was nothing he could do, even if he had been trained by one of the legendary Sannin. Naruto wished that he had become a chunnin before trainging with Jiraiya so that he too could have the pleasure of kicking some butt. Everyone knew he was capable, but, unfortunely, he didn't have the title.

Sakura put her hand over the microphone and whispered something to Sasuke, who made a small grunting noise in return. If Sasuke's responce was in words, the other three ninja would have heard and there would have been a big issue. He moved forward swiftly and took one out with his kodachi; a small sword he had acquired while training under Orochimaru.

The other two ninja stared at him; paralyzed in fear, knowing exactly who he was. Sakura came down from the trees and broke the ground around them, causing them to fly back and crash against the trees. Sakura smiled confidently, she loved showing off her new strength, more so than usual because Sasuke and returned and had not yet seen it displayed to its full extent.

The two ninja looked as if they where a bit surprised. One went to strike a bomb which was rigged to a kunai in his hand, but Sasuke cut the thread and then tripped him and put his sword to his throat. The missing-nin put his hands up slightly, showing he forfeit his duel with Sasuke and would go quietly.

Sasuke finally had the time to turn his head and look in Skaura's direction. She was indeed much stronger than before. He would have never believed that she had the power to do something like destroy a 30 foot area of Earth to make two missing-nin fall into the hole and eventually forfeit. He walked over to her and pulled his hands apart, causing chakra string to come from his hands.

Sasuke and Sasuke tied them with chakra string and soon there after, ANBU had come to pick them up and transport them back to Konoha. Team 7 was returning and Sakura was watching Sasuke. She was a bit insecure. There had been another woman on Sasuke's other team; Team snake.

She only knew that she had liked Sasuke and often-lead advances towards him. Sakura was only nervous because she never found out if Sasuke had returned her advances, nor did she know her name or anything else about her.

Sakura looked at the ground and then sighed. She was so lost. She was tired, and slightly hurt at Sasuke's cold-hearted exterior. She had to reverse it… Get him back to his old self.

But… was that possible? Could she change him back to his former self and make him the man he once was? She doubted it. She let out a sigh of defeat and jogged to Sasuke's side, wanting his attention. Not all of it, just enough to start a conversation.

She grew nervous when she realized that she had nothing to say to him, but she didn't need it at first. She smiled up at him, he was still taller than her; and had grown to her estimate; close to five foot eight or so.

He turned his head to look at her and raised an eyebrow as if to ask her what she was smiling about.

Sakura seemed nervous about this and paled slightly. "Umm…" She said, a bit worried. "I want to talk to you. Can you come with me?" Her voice quivered a bit, expecting him to say no and push her away like he always had.

Sasuke went over about a dozen excuses in his mind to get out of going with her; some unbelievable, some rational, but he gave in and nodded. He had agreed to go with her and started to follow her wherever she was bringing him. He was wondering why he agreed, but it finally came down to the fact he hadn't seen her in a long time and he wouldn't admit it, but he prefered her to Karin.

Sakura's face lit up as he nodded and she smiled suddenly, a boost of confidence and walked off, leading Sasuke to a place she had not yet chosen. She wanted it to be reclusive and to get him alone to talk to her. He was sweeter when they where alone and tended to not be as quiet or reclusive.

Sasuke did nothing when she grabbed his hand, not caring that she was holding it. She was not a young girl anymore, and even though Sasuke felt no attraction to her, he thought she was attractive and could probably now give Ino a run for her money. Not that it mattered to him at all though, he was in more of an "I could careless" type of mind set, and for him thinking she was pretty, was a compliment in and of itself.

Not that he would ever admit such a thing to another living person, but it was just an observation he had made when she had jumped out of the tree. The sun shined over her back, her hair moved in the wind around her perfectly shaped face, her thin body moved back as her arm did so to gather chakra, muscles tightening as she did so, and her breasts moved ever so slightly.

Sasuke heard something like a record player come to a halt and closed his eyes trying to wipe his minds of the thoughts that he had just been thinking of the girl before him, the one who had just taken his other hand into hers and was leading him somewhere.

She didn't know why, but she liked that about him. It was part of the attraction, besides the fact he was so attractive, strong, and gifted in everything he did.

Sakura took his hand without noticing and lead him back out of Konoha and into the woods. She smiled at him, loving the fact that they where going to be alone together for the first time, according to Sakura's guess, ever.

She took him into the woods a ways, about half a mile or so and then took his other hand in hers and brought her to a lake she had found a long time before. She came here to be alone and to think. She used it often when Sasuke was gone. She needed to be alone and think about what she could have done different to make him stay and for her, she wished more than anything that she could have succeeded.

Sasuke looked at the small pond and sat down beside it next to her. She looked at him, smiled and then looked at the water.

Sakura's thin hands ran over the top, causing ripples to go through it. They where both silent for a long while until Sasuke picked up his hand and went over the water's surface with her.

She smiled at him and then watched his hands. "Interesting how one small action can affect a person's life. Like the how the ripples affect the water?"

Sasuke ran his hands more, making the ripples he created collide with Sakura's. "True, but the ripples continue to grow, so does the mind set, and some actions made at a small size make them unwise compared to the larger ones."

Sakura smiled when he spoke and thought that it was a good way to get him to talk to her a bit more. She knew that he would only speak as if they meant if it was a 'What If' scenario, not that she minded. That meant she could test if he cared.

"The mindset may change but the feeling that it was right will stay the same. The motion and moment will forever remain. Correct?" She added trying to think of a way to make him tell her more of himself and maybe even slip something in on the girl he was with earlier.

"Also true, but the emotion behind the meaning can change. A thought or action can change daily, they can go from love to pain, lust to hate, even life to death. And yet, the ripples continue on as if they know all." He responded, looking at her instead of the water.

Sakura blushed suddenly, thinking that he meant he loved her back or he had finally realized what he meant to her. How much she loved him. She leaned towards him slightly and smiled. She wasn't sure what to do. She knew that Naruto had been the one who had tried to kiss her in Sasuke's form so long ago.

She moved a bit closer to him in happiness and then looked back at the water. She was still blushing and didn't want him to say anything about it. She wanted to be with him still. She had tried to get over him, and had not succeeded. She wanted to be Mrs. Uchiha Sakura and even though it sounded childish, she wanted to kiss him now more than anything.

Maybe him returned to Konoha was a bad thing. She had liked him less when he was here for knocking her out and running off on her like he had. She wanted him to stay even if it meant her taking her life. But now that he was back she was so happy it made her want to hug him.

But she knew he hated being touched. He didn't like it when they where younger, so she knew he'd hate it even move now. She didn't know how to respond to him without looking stupid.

Sasuke couldn't help but feel slightly at ease beside her. She was so unlike everyone else was, and that made him smile. And for Sasuke, a smile wasn't like a smile for others. He had a slight smirk on his face and he cupped Sakura's chin and made her look at him. This had been the first time they spoke in a long time. "Believe it or not, I regret leaving." He said, his voice even and unquivering.

Sakura's blush only darkened and she smiled at him leaning towards him. She didn't want to try to kiss him and have him move away and her feel like an idiot.

The sun was setting by now. The mission had taken most of the day. They had to track for hours and among other things catch them. Sasuke looked over the trees and stood up. "We should go." He said not wanting to kiss her. He stood up and took her hand. He pulled Sakura to her feet and then started to walk back to Konoha with her.

They arrived back as the sun disappeared from the sky and Sakura couldn't help but love the feeling of his beside her. She took his hand, "Come on, I want you to come with me somewhere."

She led him to her house because she had to be with him at this point. She had gotten him to talk and touch her face, which to her was like a hole in one.

She brought him to her house. Her parents where out and she brought him inside. She forgot where they went, but she was sure it was to see her father's brother, and the father of Sakura's cousin Jin.

Sakura pulled him inside and then got him a drink. She had this weird feeling, but had no idea why.

Sasuke had the same feeling, so he walked into the kitchen "I think something's here."

Sakura sighed and took out a bottle of water from the fridge and cracked the seal and untwisted the cap. She took a sip and nodded. "I have the same feeling." She added looking at him ad then walking over. "Do you want to search the house?"

Sasuke shrugged it off, "I could careless."

Sakura smiled at him and handed him a bottle of water. "Thanks."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow and looked up stairs he had the feeling that he heard something. He knew he did, but he didn't know who it was. It was a weird feeling, being in Sakura's house and he was about to find an excuse to leave when she walked past him and turned on the T.V. in the other room. Sasuke walked in and looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Want to watch a movie?" She asked picking up a movie that was still wrapped in plastic and hadn't been opened. Sakura had never watched it, but Naruto had told her that she should watch it with him. Not that she wanted to watch a horror movie with Naruto, so she thought she'd watch it with Sasuke.

Sasuke was about to leave when he saw the look on her face. It made him pity her slightly and he walked around the couch and sat down, nodding. "Sure." He said, watching her put it in.

Sakura went back into the kitchen and saw a bottle of wine on the counter and wondered why it was there. Her parents probably had forgotten it, or maybe where saving it?

She sighed and picked it up and went to put it where her parents kept things like that but stopped when Sasuke was in the doorway.

"Little Sakura drinks?" He teased this time smiling at her in a taunting way. He moved over to her and took it from her.

He had drank before, but it didn't really matter to him. He had drunken it with Orochimaru and his other subordinates. He had never done it to the point he was trashed, but he had a tolerance for alcohol.

Sakura seemed offended. "No, no… nothing like that, it was just on the counter." She said, thinking he thought she was an alcoholic or something. "Sasuke I swear it's not mine!"

Sasuke chuckled slightly. He had no idea why he was in such a good mood at this point. He just was and he thought it was hilarious.

"Sasuke?" Sakura questioned unsure.

"Tell you what, beat me in shots and I'll tell Ino I like you more than her." Sasuke told her, playing on her ego and knowing how competitive she was with Ino.

Sakura's eyes lit up and she smiled. "Done." She held out her hand and shook his.

Sasuke smirked at her and picked up two short crystal water glasses from the clear cabinet to his left, he held them between his fingers and took Sakura back into the other room, sitting down and ignoring the music playing in the background. It sounded mildly romantic, but it was the radio, and he could careless about it. Whatever played would play. He listened to it and heard something about pictures and 'fueling up on cocaine and whiskey.'

The glasses where short and for the most part fat and quite wide, they where similar to shot glasses, but slightly larger and were one of the best substitutes. The glasses where also completely clear and had a cracked pattern that went over the glasses making them seem almost desert like.

Sasuke placed the glasses on the small living room table and sat, his legs crossed in front of the brown wicker table. He poured some of the red liquid from the elegant white curved bottle in his right hand into the glass. "To a fair game." Sasuke uttered as he picked up the glass and it reached his lips.

He drained the glass, drinking all of it down in a single stand, his Adam's apple moving up and down as he drank. He placed it back down on the table and smirked at her, as if asking her if she would really do it.

Sakura looked at him slightly nervously, as if unsure if she should really do this. She trusted Sasuke with her life and she'd do anything for him. She bit the inside of her cheek, making sure Sasuke couldn't see it.

She was confused and unwilling. She wanted to make him happy and maybe if he got drunk she could get him to tell her things about when he was away, the team he had been on and the girl he had been with. What happened between them and a few other things she was absolutely dying to know about.

Sakura let out a sigh and picked up the glass in her smooth hands. Her fingers wrapped round the glass in a mildly elegant fashion. She then raised it to her glossed lips and took a smaller sip, never having tasted alcohol before.

She coughed slightly after finishing it and scrunched up her face in mild disgust, never having tasted anything quite like this before. She looked at Sasuke who was now pouring another shot into his glass and then into hers.

"You can back out if you want Sakura, I understand if it's too much for you." Sasuke said in his normal tone that he took with almost everyone. It showed signs of boredom and that he was uninterested.

Sakura moved closer to him and shook her head, "No way!" She defiantly apposed him, moving towards his face, putting her nose near his as if to start a fight. "Afraid to get beat by a girl?" she asked, moving closer to his face.

Sasuke smiled at her and then nodded, picking up his glass to his lips once more and moving his head back, taking a large drink, finishing off his second glass of wine. "Fine… Let the games begin." He said, watching her pick up her glass and take a drink from it.

Sakura smiled and leaned towards him after she had taken a drink from her second glass and gently took the bottle of wine from him. Neither of them where close to being drunk, but Sakura had never drunken before and she knew she'd get drunker faster than Sasuke.

She was a medical ninja and she knew the realities of many drugs, poisons, potions and other things that can kill or harm a person. She knew that it would take less alcohol to get her drunk because she was not only smaller than him, but she was a girl and weighed less, all of which played a part in getting drunk passed realizations. She didn't want to get drunk before him and look like an idiot, so she was trying to find a way to get him drunk before her and if she poured the wine, she could give him a bit more than her each time.
She knew that it was cheating in a way but she just wanted to help him and look good around him. Besides… She had to have him say she liked her more than Ino-pig. She loved Ino, they where best friends, Ino was Sakura's younger sister and she taught Ino everything she knew, only holding back a few things to make herself look better than Ino.

She had already become better than Ino, but in most people's eyes, Ino was still the prettier of the two and she was without a doubt the thinnest girl in the village. Her stomach had curved in so much that it looked like she rarely ate. Everyone knew she did, and how could she not being on a team with Chouji?

Sasuke smiled at she drank the wine, taking him up on his daring attempt to make her drink more and then looked up at her as she took the bottle from him. He seemed slightly put off by it, but he knew why. He had heard about her large advances in medical jutsu and he knew that she was the strongest one in her field. At least, if you excluded Tsunade.

She had trained under Tsuande for so long, it seemed that Sakura had become a small version of her, Narrator had taken after Jiraiya and Sasuke himself had trained with Orochimaru.

All of team seven had trained under one of the legendary Sannin. And they were all so much stronger than before. It was odd really. Sasuke didn't want to become a host to Orochimaru, but how knew that he was still inside his body. It was weird to think about, but he could still sense his presence, he was waiting for him. Waiting for him to be overcome by the curse seal.

Sasuke blew off his inner thoughts to come back and pick up the glass Sakura had just poured for him. He put it to his lips and watched her, ready to play her game of getting him drunk. If she wanted him drunk, he'd return the favor and get her just as drunk as she was trying to get him.

Sakura put her own glass to her lips and took a sip of hers, knowing she gave him almost a forth more than she had.

Sakura also knew that eating while drinking would make it harder to get totally drunk. She got up and walked out of the room and looked in the fridgerator for something to eat. She found strawberries and smiled. She picked them up and then saw some sugar on the counter.

She was starting to think that it would look like she was trying to make what they were doing a date, but she just wanted to stay levelheaded and not get drunk and saw some things she'd later regret.

The drunker he got the more she could give him at once. All she had to do was stay levelheaded.

Several hours later, and four bottles of wine later, they had run out and had to resort to rum to keep the contest going. Sakura's parents kept a small stash of it in the basement incase of a marriage or other such occasion in the family. Sakura had known where the key was and it was because of this that they where still going strong in their contest.

Sakura was sitting on Sasuke's lap and her head was resting on his shoulder. Her legs where straddles around his hips and she was sitting directly on top of him. Her hips moved to the side as she started laughing. She thought it was rather amusing that his hair looked remarkably like a cockatoo.

He leaned towards her and looked into her eyes. She looked at him seriously and then they stopped moving for a few seconds.

Soon there after they both burst into hysterical laughter and Sakura leaned back wrapping an arm around his shoulder. She tossed her hair backwards, causing her arm to slide off his shoulders.

Sasuke reached out and grabbed her waist to keep her form falling. She leaned towards him, and he leaned towards her again, this time with no laughter. Their foreheads touched and Sasuke closed his eyes, starting to get tired.

She blushed, whether it was from embarrassment or being drunk, no one will ever know. She had failed in her goal to get only him drunk, however, the two of them had confessed far more than necessary.

They both knew more about each other than they ever wanted to, including Sakura's undying love for him and the fact that she'd do anything for him.

Sasuke's confession included admitting he didn't think he could kill Itachi and he knew Orochimaru's dormancy within his own body

He smirked at her and then opened his eyes and leaned forward once more. He kissed her cheek and then went down her jaw-line to her neck.

He continued to kiss down her neck and then pulled at her shirt until it opened. It fell to the floor and Sakura pushed against him returning his affection. She kissed him back and her hands ran down his chest until they reached the top of his pants. Sasuke pushed her onto the couch and then wrapped his arms around her and returned her kiss.


Sakura woke up the next morning and opened her eyes to meet a bright light in her face. Something was around her waist and was holding her. She smiled and didn't open her eyes all the way. She closed them again, and moved closer to what was keeping her warm. It wasn't hard, but it was firm, and seemed strong. She felt skin, it was bare and she thought about her parents. She heard the radio and knew she was still in the living room. Her father would have brought her into her room. Which meant that her parents weren't home and where still out somewhere.

And Sakura had no idea how much of a good thing that was.

She finally opened her eyes fully and put her hand on a strong male chest as she pushed herself up. Her eyes widened and she realized whom it was that was keeping her warm.

She was laying on top of Sasuke…

He was shirtless and his arms were around her bare hips. Her eyes looked down and she saw her own bare breasts, leaning into his chest. She tried to get off him, but his grip was too strong.

Her eyes widened and she tried to pull away once more. A red blush went across her face and she froze when she felt Sasuke move under her. His coal black eyes opened and looked up at her. They blinked a few times and then widened suddenly and pulled back away from her.

She felt him come out from under her and she hit the couch and then picked up her cloths and got dressed without looking at him.

Sasuke's face turned slightly red, but it was through anger not embarrassment, or, so he told himself.

Sasuke pulled on his cloths as she did, and only looked back at her once. Her waist curved in so far and it made her look like a goddess. Her breast came out just right, she was no longer as small as she was when they where 13.

He saw sugar grains on her body, it was in a way weird. He knew that whatever happened last night, not only would neither of them know, but he was sure that he didn't want to. He could tell from the small red seeds and sugar that he had done something that he never meant to.

He continued to watch her and saw her wipe off the small seeds and sugar crystals from her breasts and waste.

Sasuke tried as hard as he possibly could to remember eating the sweet strawberries and sugar from her body, but so far, he remembered nothing. Not a thing at all... He sighed and then tried to look away, but only succeeded in looking up at bit more to see her face. It was completely red and looked a bit pained.

Sasuke watched her put her shirt on over her bra and then he looked away, just having realized what he had been doing. He pulled his pants over his boxers and didn't bother to put on his shirt. He didn't really needed it.

He just needed to think. But… think about what was the question? What could he do? What would he do? What did Sakura think? What would her parents think? Was Sakura alright? What really happened? Would Sakura forgive him? Who's fault was it? What if Sakura never wanted to talk to him again? What would happen if everyone else found out?

Why did he care so much about Sakura?

What the fuck had he been thinking? He remember kissed her, and he remembered drinking with her. But everything else? It was a blank…?

It was obvious that they had slept together, but he wished they hadn't. He didn't like her that way, and he knew it. He didn't want to have to admit what the two of them did.

But the other thing that Sasuke knew was he had taken Sakura's virginity, and that had meant everything to her. And that wasn't the only problem. He remembered her voice saying something about loving him.

He knew she had always loved him, but now… What they did… It meant that he'd have to stay with her. He knew she'd never forgive him or stop crying if he ever dared to tell her that this never happened.

Then there was the problem of their age. Sasuke had just turned 16, and he knew that Sakura was a few months from it. They where way too young to do what they just did. He cared about her in a teammate, friend-type way, but… He never wanted to do this with her. Never in his whole life did he see himself with Sakura this way.

He wasn't sure if she did, or if she wanted this. Was that why she had been pouring the drinks? Was that the reason she was trying to get him drunk? His mind was still spinning with questions and he turned his head to see Sakura. She was sitting down holding her head, her face hidden within her hands.

Sasuke heard her shutter and he walked over to her and sat down. "Sakura…?" he asked, not wanting to see her cry anymore. He had made her cry so many times in the past, he just wanted her to be happy and stop crying for his sake. He knew how much he meant to her, but, he couldn't force himself to feel that way about her.

As Sakura pulled on her cloths her eyes started to fill up with tears. Your first time was supposed to be special and with someone you love… But.. this wasn't special. She didn't remember it, her body was aching slightly and she wanted to just crawl in a whole and die.

She loved Sasuke more than anything, but… He didn't love her and she couldn't expect him to. Her eyes watered and she didn't want them to spill from her eyes. She couldn't cry in front of Sasuke now. She had promised herself she'd never cry in front of her tea again.

She wasn't weak anymore. She was strong. A medical ninja. It was her job to keep cool in emergency situations and it was her job to be as strong as Tsuande had made her and to keep up the reputation of the medical team Tsuande had created.

She pulled on her panties and then adjusted her bra so it was on properly. Her eyes wandered over to Sasuke and she saw that his eyes where towards her and not on his own dressings.

Her eyes started to hurt more. What did he think of her now? Did he think she was a prostitute? Easy? Did he want to be with her just for sex now? Did she mean anything to him? What would her parents say? What would they do? What if Sasuke hated her? What if Naruto found out? He'd tell everyone.

Or worse! What if Ino found out!? Ino loved gossip and she had a bigger mouth than Naruto… If she found out she spread that Sakura was a whore and that she'd sleep with any guys that came her way.

She looked over at Sasuke and then pulled on her shirt and skirt. She sat down on the couch and buried her face in her hands to stop herself from crying. She was failing and shuttered and made a small sound that resembled a muffled cry.

She heard something walk closer and felt the couch indent beside her as something sat with her.

"Sakura…" Sasuke muttered, taking her hands away from her face so he could see it. He leaned forward and let go of one of her hands. His hand came up to her red face and wiped her tears away as they started to fall.

"I'm so sorry…" He said, knowing that his dare made his happen. It was his idea to drink and therefore it was his fault they got drunk and they did what they did.

Sakura started crying more when he said he was sorry. She could see his face and she knew how much he meant it. He was being completely honest. He had never meant for this to happen. He had never meant for her to get hurt.

He had never meant to take something that meant so much form her. Sakura believed that making love was something only to do with someone you where married to and that meat everything to a person.

Sasuke felt so guilty at this moment. It was all his fault.

He was responsible for everything.

Guilt like he had never felt before was starting t consume him. Her tears trailed down his face and she pulled her hands away and pulled her legs up her to chin and buried her head in her knees and started to cry.

Her tears streamed down her legs and wet her hands and the couch below them. She shuttered and cried loudly, not caring anymore if he saw her cry.
It was nothing he hadn't seen before. It was nothing he hadn't caused, and it was noting that she hadn't done for him.

Sasuke's hands went to her face and moved her short pink hair back and away from her face.

He picked her up and put her on his lap. He rubbed her back and then sighed and rocked her back and forth slightly, wishing he hadn't antagonized a drinking contest. She continued to weep, and he was trying to find something to say that would made her stop. he cared about her. He did, and he hated seeing these tears fall from her beautiful green eyes.

Sakura finally realized he had picked her up and she turned to face him; tears staining her thing slightly reddened face. Sasuke sighed and moved her hair from her face. After the he leaned forward and kissed her forehead as he wiped away her tears. "Shh... Sakura.." He said, trying to calm her down.

"It'll be ok, I promise." He told her, looking her directly in the eyes. He was being honest. He felt so bad for what he had done to her, he'd do anything to make her forgive him.

He ran his hands through her hair once more and leaned towards her. He didn't want to lie, but at the same time, he couldn't just let her keep crying.

Orochimaru had taught him to resist all emotions from everyone around him, but.. For whatever reason, with Sakura, it all failed. None of it worked. It sickened him while at the same time he was glad.

He sighed and then put his hand on her cheek and make her look at him. "Sakura?" He asked, wanting to her to respond to him in some way.

Sakura had been crying so hard, when she finally realized Sasuke had picked her up and was rubbing her back she stared at him, looking in his direction as he moved her hair out of her eyes.

She looked shocked when he kissed her forehead and was unable to move. She continued to stare blindly at him, hearing him speak but not being able to process the words he was saying.

Sasuke's voice came over her like a dream as she heard him repeat her name once more. She leaned towards him and then rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Her arms wrapped around his back and she had no idea what to say or do. What could she say to the man that just took her virginity?

She had wanted him to, but under more private and more romantic conditions. Her head was still spinning and she had no idea what to respond with so she took a gamble. "Sasuke.. What are... Why did.. We..."

Sasuke seemed to read her mind and then kissed her forehead again. "I already told you I was sorry." He said, not knowing what else to say to her. He was so lost. So... Unsure and in a, lost.

He never thought he'd do something like this, or get stuck in this situation. He sighed and held onto her as she gripped his shoulder.

Perhaps, this all happened for a reason?

She had stopped crying. And for now, that's all he could do...

At that moment, Uchiha and Haruno were together, happy, and at the moment, displaying affection that the two of them where destined to have for the rest of their lives.

A/N: Please Review and let me know if I should make it a chapter story!