Well, seeing as both Royal Blood and True light are both finished, I think I'll start this new story. This has been heavy inspired by the anime known as Death Note. Although I have only got to episode 4 (The site that was hosting all the 33 episodes stopped working last night), I do get the general idea. That and the fact I sat and watched the movie. I think I've fallen in love with the character known as L.

Anyhoo enough rambling! Just a quick note: Jemma's character will be based on L from Death Note. As much as I would love to own him, sadly I cannot. (Crys)

I own: Jemma, Elizbeta, May-lin, the school and anyone not seen in beyblade.

I don't own: Faith (CC queen owns her), Death Note and beyblade.

Angel of Death

"Is that friend of yours up yet Lizzy?"

Elizabeta Stride, an 18 year old scottish girl, glanced over her book. Sitting across from her was Johnny Mcgregor, another 18 year old scottish. "And which friend would that be Johnny?" Elizabeta questioned, her eyes returning to her book. Standing at 5 foot 3, Elizabeta had sunny blond hair and bright sky blue eyes. This was a common trait amoungst the females of the Stride family. Elizabeta was known by two names; Lizzy and Bluebell. The last name was because every item clothing she owned was blue. Today she wour a sky blue skirt which stopped just above her knees, a dark blue tank top and pale blue stockings.

"The girl with the blue hair." Johnny replied. Johnny Mcgregor was like Elizabeta. That being scottish and part of a rich family. Like Elizabeta, Johnny had moved to Riverdale boarding school to continue with his studies. Leaving Scotland for Russia was a big thing for Johnny but he copied fine. He had pale red hair that was spike up and held up by a purple bandana. His light purple eyes were kept on Elizabeta.

"Mariam? Yeah. She's in the training room with Ozuma." Elizabeta replied off-hand. Riverdale boarding school had everything that the students needed. From a large library to a dojo in the basement. Most of the students were fairly rich but the school was open to any student who wished to do their studies. Johnny shook his head.

"Not Mariam. That weird girl. You know the one who turned up yesturday?" he stated. Elizabeta looked back over to him and raised an eyebrow. The group room, a place where their friends could come and chill out, had gone quiet again.

"Jemma?" Elizabeta inquired. Johnny nodded his head. Elizabeta placed a finger to her chin and thought.

"She doesn't sleep."

Elizabeta and Johnny turned to look at their other friend. Faith Anna Roskov was a 19 year Russian born female and very proud of that fact. So proud, she had the russian flag tattooed on her hip. Standing at 5 foot 4, Faith had ebony black hair that had a slight blue shine to it. Her dark blue eyes scanned the manga in front of her, as she sat back further in a red beanbag. Faith wour a black tank top with a pair of black cargo pants. Fishnet gloves went up her arms, stopping just at her elbows. Faith was well known round the boarding school for reading hardcore yaoi manga. Most people found it sickening. Johnny raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that Faith?" he questioned.

Faith looked over her manga at the scottish boy. "Just what I mean. She doesn't sleep." Faith returned her eyes to her manga before she spoke again. "She's an insomniac."

Johnny scratched the back of his neck. "An insomniac?" he muttered, earning a chuckle from the other end of the room. Johnny snapped his head round to glare at the other people. "What's so funny?" he snapped. The female smiled sweetly at Johnny as the male tried to stop his giggles.

"Don't you know what an insomniac is, Johnny?" the female joked as her male counterpart burst into chuckles again. Johnny gritted his teeth.

"Of course I do May-lin." he snapped back. May-lin Kyuuka, an 17 year Chinese girl, merely smiled at Johnny and returned her eyes to a book. Standing at 5 foot 3, May-lin had dark purple hair and bright forest green eyes. She wour a pale green and white lace dress, while white ribbon held her hair in a tight bun. Her counterpart was known as Brooklyn Kingston. He had light brown hair that stuck out at odd angles and light blue eyes. He glanced round the room before his eyes fell on the last person in the room.

"Hey Tala. Where's Kai?" Brooklyn asked. The said person looked up from his gameboy. Tala Ivanov was one of the palest people in the boarding school. Another russian born, Tala had flaming red hair which stuck out like devil horns. Two red bangs fell in front of his ice blue eyes. One of the most sort after males in Riverdale, Tala was also one of the coldest people in the school. The first was Kai Hiwatari. Tala was also one year old then Kai being 19 and all.

"In his room, studying." came the low, almost icey reply. Faith rolled his eyes as she bookmarked her page and closed the manga.

"It's a Saturday for pete's sake and he wants to study." she grumbled. It was well know that she didn't get on very well with Kai. The reason was unknown and no-one wanted to ask either. May-lin shrugged as she helped Brooklyn out with his chinese homework.

"Who cares about Hiwatari. He wouldn't be much fun here anyway." she concluded.


Kai Hiwatari stood by his dorm window. From where he stood he could clearly see the boarding school garden, which seemed to spread on for miles. Kai snorted a little. He was 18 years old and shorter then his bestest friend Tala Ivanov. He had two tone hair, dark grey at the front and slate blue at the back, and dark crimson eyes. Four blue triangles, two on each cheek, were painted on his face. No-one could hold a stare with Kai or an arguement for that matter. Kai was the first most feared person in Riverdale Boarding school.

Kai's eyes roamed over the garden. Students were dotted around, some in large groups or small groups. Kai knew they were talking about the recent murders that had been happening all over Russia.

The Angel of Death. Kai mused. What nonsense. Kai's eyes fell on a lone figure, sitting under a weeping willow. The figure was squatting more then anything, with their knees close to their chin. They read silently to themselves, unaware of the stares from the other students. The figure held the book in a funny way too. They held it by the edge of the pages as if the book itself had some illness on it. Kai snorted again wondering why Faith had befriended such a weirdo.

Kai closed his eyes, remembering the first time he laid eyes upon the most strangest girl in the world.


The english room was blusting with students as everyone got ready for their lesson. The same conversation ran rings round the class.

The angel of death.

Kai sat at the back of the class, his eyes closed and arms crossed over his chest. The recent murders in Russia were nothing that big and this Angel of Death did not bother Kai one bit. The chatter was getting louder as people debated whether The angel was doing the right thing or not. The door to the classroom opened and the teacher walked in. He placed a stack of papers on the desk and clapped his hands. "Students, can I have quiet please!" he called.

The students fell quiet and turned their attention to the teacher. "Now, we have a new student joining us here at Riverdale boarding school." The teacher paused and looked towards the open classroom door. "Come on in Jemma. Don't be shy." he smiled. The students all watched a figure slink into the room. Kai looked the figure over.

It was a young girl who looked to be around 18. She had dark blue hair done in two plaits and held in place by black hair bands. Her eyes were closed at the moment as she made her way to the teacher's side. She wour an off the shouders black top with a large Batman logo on, a coal grey tartan skirt, black and white socks and a pair of worn skater trainers. When the girl stopped and turned to face that group, she opened her eyes. Kai was met with a pair of light purple eyes which seemed almost white if the light caught them right. A swirl of dark purple was seen round the pupil.

"Hello everyone. My name is Jemma Aeris Scott."

--End of Flaskback--

Kai's eyes jolted open as his dorm room door was knocked loudly. "What?" the russian called out.

"Kai, lunch is on." came the reply. Kai could easily tell it was May-lin.

"I'll be there in a minute Lin." he called. The sound of running feet quickly disappeared and Kai turned his attention back to the garden. Not many of the students were going to the school cafe. Most of them were going to the town which was a few minute walk. Kai glanced over the garden before noticing something. Jemma was staring straight at him from her perch under the willow. Kai stared back and neither of them backed down from the contest.

Suddenly, Elizabeta was seen running towards Jemma. The strange girl broke eye-contact and nodded her head to whatever Elizabeta was saying. Slowly she got up and bookmarked her page. As the two girls left to go inside, Jemma looked at Kai once more. The russian was glad he was all alone as he shivered violently.