"Naruto-kun but--"

"Sai listen to me; we can trust Sasuke, he won't do anything reckless. And if he did there's always a reason and it's always a damn good one." Naruto placed his hands on his hips as he convinced Sai not to follow him to Sasuke's house.

"I won't go in there but if you took more than 30 minutes… then I will follow."

Sai and Naruto have been arguing about whether Sai should follow Naruto or not. The blond boy remembered that he wanted to say something to Sasuke but he forgot.

So now, he's on a tree with Sai, in front of Sasuke-teme's house, with the rain pouring so hard. The emotionless boy wanted to accompany Naruto in informing Sasuke about the mission but Naruto wouldn't allow him. He probably knew that the presence of Sai makes Sasuke tense and annoyed; the feeling of being watched and observed. But in the end Naruto won. The pale boy sighed helplessly as he watched Naruto knocked on the door of the youngest Uchiha.

O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.OO.o o.O

Chapter Title: Mind Games Part 3
Kishimoto-kun owns Naruto
SasuNaru, light SaiNaru (more like friendship)
Romance/Drama/Some Angst (haha as if)
After Sasuke returns (like that'll ever happen, though I wish he would. For poor Naruto-chan's sake). I'm not used in writing a fanfic with this setting but for the sake of putting Sai in the story, I had to use this, I mean he can't just pop from nowhere right?
Warning: Ohhh Fear me and my grammatical errors! jk... OCCness (as usual), some stuff... you know what they are wink (this is supposedly betad by Krisy, but I'm weak in editing so I posted the raw one with some few edits xD )

O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.OO.o o.O

"Now where were we?" Sasuke stood and walked towards Naruto. His hands reaching out to the blond as he approached Naruto. The raven haired boy rested his hand on the other boys cheek as his other hand snaked around Naruto's waist, bringing their bodies closer together. Naruto lifted his hands and placed them at the back of the Uchiha's neck and slowly pulled him down.

"Sasuke..." The smaller boy whispered, that gave Sasuke goosebumps. Oh he's been waiting for so long for this. His lips were almost touching Naruto's when Sasuke heard the almost silent demand from the blond.

"Stop." Naruto whispered as quickly withdrew and looked at the other boy's eyes.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at him Naruto must really be bipolar. What's with the mood swings? "Why?"

"Who are you?" Naruto tilted his head to his side to emphasize his confusion. "You are not Sasuke... nowhere near being Sasuke." Sasuke's eyes widened a bit upon hearing what the other boy said

"What are you--"

Just then Sasuke felt dizzy, his vision became blurry and all he could see is darkness.

Sasuke pushed Naruto harshly to the nearest wall and screamed directly at him "Do you even know what you're talking about!?" Sasuke pulled Naruto's hair, "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" the hurt was visible on the smaller boy's face.

Darkness (1)

He released Naruto and latched his mouth on Naruto's neck; ravishing the other boy, who seemed to be in his mercy at the moment. Naruto was still pushing him away weakly, begging Sasuke to stop in a soft voice, "Sasuke… you're not yourself…stop…"


Sasuke froze in his spot and looked at Naruto; he searched the smaller boy's eyes as he stuttered some lame excuse.


"Naruto... I'm really sorry for this."

To say he was surprised with what the Uchiha said was an understatement. "Who are you?"

"I am Sasuke." the pleading tone of Sasuke's voice told him otherwise.

"You are not. So let me ask you again; just who the hell are you?"

"Like I said I'm--"

"Stop this! You're not convincing anyone. Not me, not you." Naruto yelled at him.


Sasuke blinked and stared at the boy in front of him as his lips slowly pulled back and showed a very familiar smirk.

"Dobe, I'm me."

And with that, Naruto embraced Sasuke and laid his head on the taller man's chest. Naruto took in a heavy breath and before Sasuke could return the hug, he pulled himself away and looked at the raven haired boy with big, surprised eyes.


"What is it again?"

"Sasuke...but I thought..." Naruto was staring at Sasuke's chest.

"Dobe, is something wrong?"

"...don't have a heartbeat." He whispered

"That's crazy, how can I not have a heart--" Sasuke clenched his fist on his covered chest to emphasize his point "--beat?"

"Fuck! I have no heartbeat!" The Uchiha was in panic, he looked between the hands on his chest and Naruto's shocked eyes. "What the hell is going--" and at that Sasuke passed out.

O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.OO.o o.O

Naruto stared at Sasuke's unmoving figure until he snapped out of it. He ran outside, knowing Sai was still there, probably waiting for him. He quickly scanned the place looking for the other boy.

"Are you done talking now?" The anbu asked not turning to look at Naruto.

"Sasuke! Something's wrong with him!"

"Tell me something I don't know," He turned to look at the blond boy "Naruto-kun... are you alright?"

"Yes but Sasuke's not. Let's bring him to Baa-chan, now!" Naruto panicked

Sai carried Sasuke on his back and nodded to Naruto as they both began running in full speed.

O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O

The Godaime was signing a lot of papers in a hurry because it's almost midnight and the paperwork was supposed to have been finished that day. She didn't even look up when her office doors were kicked opened.

"Old Hag! There's no time for this!" The blond haired boy said in a shaking voice.

"What happened, brat?" She hurriedly stood up and walked to the unconscious Uchiha on Sai's back.

"He isn't breathing, Hokage-sama." Sai provided knowing Naruto was still in shock.

Tsunade lead them to a room with an operating table. She asked Sai to lay Sasuke down on table. Sasuke's not breathing… which means he's dead right? Naruto just sat on one of the chairs as he stared at his team mate.

Sai stood beside Tsunade trying to read Sasuke's thoughts. Tsunade forced a little of her chakra into Sasuke's system. Just then the raven took a sharp intake of breath. He finally breathed. The Hokage was about to say that Sasuke's alright when Sai interrupted her

"Hokage-sama, there is nothing going through Sasuke's mind."

"That's impossible. Even when asleep, that jutsu can read even the deepest of thoughts and dreams." She looked at the sleeping boy.

"What jutsu?" Naruto snapped from spacing out and stood.

"It's nothing, brat. At least the Uchiha brat is safe now." Tsunade turned back to Sasuke.

"Shall I tell him Hokage-sama?"

"Don't." The Hokage proceeded on checking the Uchiha's status.

"Tell me, dammit!" Naruto shouted.

"It's a jutsu for reading thoughts, used by ANBUs whenever they're interrogating someone." Sai said instantly and Tsunade can only sighed at how easily Sai gave in.

"And you have it why?" The Kyuubi vessel asked once again.

"Because I'm an ANBU remember?" The pale boy just wanted to finish this conversation.

"I know that Sai, but you're not part of the investigating team." You're lying Sai... Liar! I Hate you! Naruto frowned as Sai's eyes widened. Now Naruto knew very well that Sai can read his thoughts.

"I'm not. And I'm sure you don't. I had to learn this technique to protect you."

"Protect me from what Sai?" They continued arguing.

"From that!" Sai's voice raised a little as he pointed at the sleeping man "From that traitor."

"Sai how many times do I have to tell you that-"

"Sasuke-kun and you have a strong bond that no one can break and that he didn't mean to hurt you and he was just overwhelmed by his desire to get his revenge on a man who supposedly killed his clan." Sai stood still cursing himself for being mean to Naruto. He shook his head slightly ending their conversation

"Yeah." Naruto forced a smile.

Tsunade focused her chakra on her right hand and proceeded on the check up. After completing it, she declared that Sasuke's safe. But what puzzled her the most would be, what the hell happened?

She cleared her throat and began speaking "Sasuke has an unidentified psychological disorder, wherein he tends to shift from a mood to another and intensify his emotions. This is either from some forbidden jutsu that Orochimaru taught him before or the side effect of his Mangekyou Sharingan."

"I know you always call me an idiot... but is that even possible?"

"Of course it is brat. It usually happens when you try to contain one part of yourself. In this case, Uchiha-brat must've forced one part of himself to disappear. Everyone knows he does that a lot."

"So what will happen now?" Naruto glanced at Sasuke.

"He'll be returning to his normal self once he wakes up. He'll probably be up tomorrow." Tsunade stood and walked to the door. "I'm going to sleep now boys, you should rest too." and Sai, your mission is still not done. You know what to do.

Sai nodded and the other boy looked at him suspiciously. Sai and Naruto were ordered to return Sasuke to his house. It'll cause a lot of confusion on Sasuke's part if he woke up in the Hokage tower. Tsunade also asked them to keep a secret for the mean time. It wouldn't do good for the Uchiha to be stressed after some medication.

O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.O O.o o.OO.o o.O

That next day Sasuke woke up and looked at the ceiling. He was laying on the couch. He looked at the clock and saw that it's already morning.

"Weird dream."


(1) Darkness means that the mini-Sasuke's a exchanging positions and fighting each other to surface.

Hige: This is will be 4 chapter fic. The last chapter would probably contain the ending of Mind games xD. But up until now I'm still not sure if I should put some lemon in it -hint- -hint-

Thanks for reading! and leave me a review... come on... you know you want to -wiggles eyesbrows-