Was at Las Vegas for the New Years

Water… I need water…

Sakura and the party are walking through a desert to get to there final destination prior to the evil world; Suna. The sun's ultraviolet rays slow them down. Sakura begins to drag her feat across her sand. She grunts.

"How much longer 'till we get there?" Sakura asked for the tenth time.

"Not too long," Neji replied. "Does anyone have anything we could use for transportation?"

Transportation? Sakura thought for a bit.
Well, I do have-

"YEAH! Sakura got this really cool keychain while we were in the Rain Village!" Ino shouted. "Except it isn't really a keychain. She uses it to summon a lion!"

Sakura's jaw dropped.


Neji turned towards Sakura. "Is this true?"


"Then may you please summon this lion?"

Not like I have much of a choice anyway!

Sakura took out the keychain from her pocket and placed it in her left hand. She raised her hand and her head to the sky and called out: "Fiyero!!!" Instantly, after she yelled out his name, a bright light appeared in the sky and came soaring down towards the party. As the bright light reached the ground it turned into a lion about as tall as Sakura. It had large white wings on its back that gave off a brilliant light. When Fiyero first appeared before them small pyre flies were made from his landing. The party stared at Fiyero in amazement.

"You must be Fiyero," Sakura said. "I am Sakura; the one who purchased you at the market. We need to get to Suna, but we're all too tired to go any further on our feet. Do you think you can carry us on your back over there?"

The lion nodded and bent down, allowing them to get on. "Cool. He obeys me."

"Excellent Sakura. Now we can get to Suna faster," Neji said. "We can only go in groups of three because we can't all fit on him at once. Sakura, you'll have to stay on him at all times because he'll do whatever you say."

"That means that only two people can go to Suna at a time." Sakura thought.

"Correct. The first two who will be riding with are Naruto and Hinata."

"All right! I get to go with Hinata!" Naruto cheered, and then paused for a moment to laugh at the jealous Kiba.

"Stop your cheering, Naruto. We don't have all day," Neji ordered. "Once we get there we still have to find the door to the other world."

"Fine." Naruto did as told.

Dobe. Sasuke thought.

Sakura got on first and sat at the base of Fiyero's neck. Naruto extended his hand toward Hinata to help her get on. They both got on together with Hinata in the middle.

Just like what a gentlemen would do, Naruto. Sakura smiled.

"Okay Fiyero. Let's fly to Suna."

Fiyero did as told, jumped off the ground, and flew towards Suna leaving a cloud of sand where the party was standing. Hinata shrieked and held on to Sakura.

"Hinata-chan. Don't worry; you're safe with me." Naruto smiled.

"And I'll drive real smoothly just for you, Hinata. So can you trust us and let go of me?" Sakura asked, encouraging Hinata.

"R-right. Sorry about that." Hinata said as she slowly let go of Sakura.

"It's all right. To be honest, I was a little afraid too. But I know that if anything goes wrong you'll be there to help me, Hinata," Sakura admitted.

"Y-you really think so?"

"Sakura-chan means what she says. Because you really can help anyone," Naruto kept smiling at Hinata. "Right?"

Hinata smiled a bit before agreeing. "Right."

"Hey Neji!" Kiba shouted. "Why did make Naruto go with Hinata? Why not me?!!"

"Stop shouting. I just wanted an Elemental Haze to go on every trip with Sakura, that's all. Why do you have to make such a big deal about?" Neji asked.

Kiba hesitated and answered. "I don't need to tell you," He crossed his arms and looked the other way. Akamaru whined. "Why did decide to put them together?"

"I don't need to tell you," Neji answered and looked over at Tenten. He remembered her saying stuff about how he should help her make Naruto and Hinata lovers. Of course when he heard this he thought it was utter nonsense, but Tenten implored him to help.



After a while Sakura came back with Fiyero. "I'm back!" She ordered Fiyero to land safely on the ground in front of the party. Sakura jumped off Fiyero and asked Neji who was going to be next.

"The next pair that will go with are Kiba and Lee." He answered.

"Sakura-san! I am sure that you will keep Kiba-kun and me safe while we ride on Fiyero." Lee said walking towards Sakura.

"Yeah. Nothing to worry about." Sakura smiled.

"I'm next to go?" Kiba asked himself. "That means..." Kiba clenched his fists.

"All right! Sakura! Lee! Come on; let's go!" Kiba grabbed both Sakura's and Lee's hands and urged them to hurry on Fiyero. "Let's hurry to Hinata!"

The three were already sitting on Fiyero. "Okay. Calm down, Kiba," Sakura said then turned towards Fiyero. "Okay Fiyero. Let's go to Suna again."

Fiyero did as told and flew to Suna.

The cycle of Sakura coming and going continued. After Kiba and Lee were Shikamaru and Ino. After them were Neji and Tenten. Almost everyone was at Suna and the only one left was...

Me... alone... with Sasuke...

"Hey," Sasuke said getting Sakura's attention. "Are we gonna go or not?"

Sasuke was already sitting behind Sakura on Fiyero. "Oh.. uh... Sorry, Sasuke-sama."

"It's alright."

Huh...? Alright? I thought he was gonna say 'hn.'
I wonder if there's anything wrong.

"Okay Fiyero. One last time." Sakura patted Fiyero on the side of his neck as a signal to take off.

Fiyero took off as usual.

Sakura didn't feel right. The atmosphere around Sasuke had somehow changed.

"Sasuke-sama, is anything wrong?" Sakura asked.

"Wrong? Why do you ask?"

Ack! He actually answered!!! He'd usually say no and ignore me. Something is definitely up!

"Well, you just seem kinda different..."

"Is that all?"


Sasuke smirked and asked. "Why were you going to go in my room last night?"

Ah geez! He knows!

"I just wanted to talk to you, Sasuke-sama." Sakura slightly blushed of embarrassment.

"Is that so?"

"Yes. I'm sorry if you're mad at me." Sakura apologized.

"It's alright." Sasuke forced himself to speak for Sakura.
If all she wants is for me to talk I might as well do it...

The whole party was now in Suna. The only thing they needed to do now was to find the entry way to the other world and get back a lightning bolt. They once again rented five rooms in a hotel and were going to unpack they're things.

"I'm taking a shower first Sakura. Wait 'til I'm done." Ino said as she grabbed her clothes and her towel and locked herself in the bathroom.

Ugh! It'll be whole hour until she finally gets out!!!

Sakura was too tired and lazy to walk over to the bed so she sat down on a rug with stars on it. She sighed.

"We're so close to getting to the other world... and close to Zeus' Master Bolt too. We'll find that in the other world... what was it called?" Sakura remembered asking Lee about the name of this other world. She remembered its name and mumbled it from her lips. As soon as she said that a big black hole under her sucked her in from beneath. After she was fully sucked in the black hole disappeared.

Sakura was now in the other world.

Tried to rush this chapter

Don't forget to read stories from Chikane-AnnaOnodera and cute.sadistic.chibi.