Title: Triple Team

Author: lildreamer

Rating: T

Pairings: Various pairings—SMacked, Grillows, DuCaine, and others…

Spoilers: I will let you know at the beginning of each chapter. None for this one.

Summary: One killer so diabolical, so dangerous, so deadly will attract the attention of CSIs across the nation when he pulls off the greatest crime the CSIs have ever witnessed. Three very different teams of CSIs will be drawn together only to find themselves thrown into the killer's deadly game where the only way to win...is to lose.

It's a race against time and deadly betrayal. They are all about to be tested to the very limit. And they are prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice. Because ultimately, one of them will lose this fight...

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the CSIs or their characters. They are the sole property of CBS and Jerry Bruckheimer.

A/N: Hey, ya'll! Sorry it took me so long to update. My new job's been working me like a dog. Anyway, here's the third and last installment in my "Triple" series. This first section is meant to help refresh those who've read Triple Threat and Triple Trouble. For those of you that haven't, this will help you catch up. Enjoy!

Seven days ago in Las Vegas…

"Lindsey, are you okay?" Grissom asked, taking the young girl in both arms. "What happened?"

"She—she's gone!" she sobbed, pointing at something on the floor. "He took her! He took my mom…"

He held the girl protectively, letting her cry into his chest, as he looked to where she had been pointing. His eyes widened. A gun and a single, tiny bullet lay in a small pool of blood a few feet away.

Someone had shot Catherine then kidnapped her!

Nick stood up to follow Sara out of the room when the computer began beeping. They both whirled around. The gun had gotten a hit on IBIS!

Nick jumped back into his seat and studied the screen, Sara standing behind him looking over his shoulder.

"It says here that the gun is a match to one that was used in a robbery a few months ago down in…Miami."

Two days ago in Miami…

"Lt. Caine, it's nice to finally meet you," the Vegas CSI said, shaking the lieutenant's hand.

"How long has she been missing?"

Grissom frowned. "Almost three days."

"Don't worry, my friend." Horatio pulled on his sunglasses as they headed out to the Hummer. "My team and I will do everything we can to help find your CSI."

"There's something you need to see," Grissom explained, pulling something out of his pocket.

Horatio studied the familiar evidence bag in the man's hand. A small gun was inside. A .38.

"My guys found it at Catherine's house. Her kidnapper left it behind. It's one of the things that led us here…This gun was used in a robbery a few months ago in South Beach. Do you remember that case?"

Horatio blinked. "Of course. But why are you telling me all this?"

Grissom looked the lieutenant straight in the eye. "I think one of your CSIs is in danger."

Horatio's eyes widened. No… He pulled out his cell phone and pressed the speed dial. The other line rang and rang, but there was no answer. He slipped the cell phone back into his belt clip and rushed out of the room.

"Lieutenant?" Grissom followed Horatio out the door. The man was clearly upset.

Horatio turned to face him, his eyes now hidden behind dark sunglasses.

"It's Calleigh."

"Calleigh!" the lieutenant shouted, heading for the pier at full sprint. Feet pounded around him. His team and several officers spread out searching for the blonde CSI.

Before Horatio even reached the structure, he could see there was no one up top. He immediately ran down below. He found her kit and some new evidence, but there was no sign of its owner. He gritted his teeth and whirled around. He yelled again, at the top of his lungs. "Calleigh!"

His voiced echoed back. The place was deserted. He pulled off his sunglasses and ran a hand through his hair. They were too late. Calleigh was gone.

"H, what do we do now?" Eric asked.

"We're going to find whoever did this." The lieutenant slipped his sunglasses back on, making his way toward the Hummer. "I want this guy's head on a stick."

Horatio suddenly noticed a lone figure in the corner of his eye, watching them from behind.

Classified. Authorized personnel only.

"Nick?" Warrick suddenly noticed that his friend was trying to open the file, but in a very unconventional way. He was trying to hack his way in. "What are you doing??"

Nick wasn't listening anymore and was staring at the screen wide-eyed. He'd gotten in, but after seeing what he'd uncovered, he wished he hadn't.

Sara followed his gaze and gasped. "Oh my god…"

Calleigh blinked. She knew this woman.

She sat up, startled. "Catherine? Catherine Willows?"

"You okay?" Catherine asked.

Calleigh stared out the window at the world outside, her eyes wide. Huge skyscrapers loomed in the distance. A bridge stretched out over a small body of water. This isn't right…

She spun around to face Catherine, her face troubled. "Where are we??"

Eric suddenly appeared behind Grissom. "H, you need to come to the A/V lab! Some guy hacked into Coop's computer!

"Whoa, Eric, slow down. What's going on?"

The younger CSI's next words got the lieutenant's full attention. "He has Calleigh."

Without warning, he pressed the barrel against Calleigh's right thigh, and pulled the trigger.

The gunshot rang through the room. Calleigh arched her back, screamed through her gag, then dropped back against the chair sobbing.

Horatio's mind passed the threshold of whatever he'd used to control his emotions. He balled his fists, his knuckles turning white.

"Who are you?!" Grissom asked, no longer able to remain silent.

The man laughed. "You still don't remember me, do you, Gil? What about you, lieutenant? You remember me. Don't you, Red?"

Horatio's eyes widened. He recognized the nickname. Only one person had ever called him "Red."

Duke slammed his fist down on the counter and faced the lieutenant with a wild-eyed stare. "How could you let my baby get kidnapped by some psycho who won't even show his face?! You know the score here. I don't have to tell you the chances of finding her. Much less alive."

"Yes, but I have always been one to beat the odds. And I won't rest until she's found. Alive." Horatio slipped his sunglasses on and turned to leave. "I give you my word."

"Hey, guys!" Cooper suddenly burst into the room. "I think I might have figured out where that guy was transmitting from!"

All heads turned to face him. "Where???"

"An old warehouse a few blocks away from the crime scene."

"Guys, you're not gonna like this," Frank said, putting his phone away. "Someone just turned that warehouse into a pile of ashes."

The fireman pointed at the table. Lying there was a scorched ID card and a melted badge.

Horatio and his team immediately recognized the badge. All their faces twisted with anger and resentment. Grissom's eyes fell on the ID card. Every eye focused on him, awaiting a verdict.

His voice quavered, though he tried to control it. "It's hers."

Horatio suddenly grabbed a fistful of Wells' hair and slammed his head down on the table. The sound of Wells' skull smacking into the metal made everyone in the vicinity jump.

"Tell me where she is, you son of a—" Horatio growled in Wells' ear as the man struggled and winced, his face red as a tomato.

Wells laughed. "Over. My. Dead. Body."

"That can be arranged."

"This is incredible," Eric muttered as he took a closer look at one of the bomb fragments.

Ryan nodded in agreement, examining a melted digital timer. "It's ingenious."

Eric shook his head in wonderment, still sifting through the pieces. "I've never seen anything like this…"

"I have."

Mac's eyes were suddenly drawn to an evidence bag sitting off to the side. His eyes widened.

He snatched the bag up from the table and took a closer look just to be sure. His heartbeat quickened. "This belongs to one of my CSIs. She lost it a few days ago." He met Horatio's gaze, his voice knotted with fear. "Horatio, this belongs to Stella."

Mac stared at the computer screen, eyes wide. He scolded himself. "Idiot!"

"Who?" Horatio was at his side and followed his gaze.

"Me." He'd had Cooper pause the video and zoom in on something in the background. There, on a desk in the corner of the room, was a dark-colored policeman's hat. An NYPD standard issue policeman's hat. "I have to go back."

Mac pulled out his cell phone and rushed out of the room. The phone began to ring. He answered it. He suddenly stopped dead in his tracks and the lieutenant almost ran into him.

"Mac—?" Horatio just about asked.

The detective's face turned white.

"I led him right to her."

And now, the conclusion…