Warning: occness, a little Sasuke bashing (because I feel like it) Lemons, Mpreg. If there's anything else, I'll tell you.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto… If I did, all Yaoifans would have died from blood loss via violent nosebleeds XD


Out of Reach chapter three:

Naruto watched with sleepy eyes as Neji got ready for his watch over the Uchiha. Neji didn't want him going off to train since he could be attacked by the Uchiha again, and also the strain may be damaging to their unborn child.

Neji kissed him on the lips,

"I'll see you later, koi."

Naruto smiled and nodded,


Neji walked out of the door and Naruto heard the front door shut. He gave a yawn, turned over and went back to sleep.

He awoke later and had a bath before going downstairs to have some breakfast. He then frowned…he needed to go shopping for food. As soon as he had finished the washing up, there was a knock on the door. He went to the door and opened it up, only to be glomped by the person and end up sprawled on the floor. He looked up at a grinning Ino. Hinata and Tenten came in through the door and helped him stand up. Ino grabbed him in a hug and squealed,

"Congratulations!! Hinata told us! Do you know whether it's a boy or girl?"

Naruto blinked and then gave a sigh,

"No…I don't know the gender… and thank you."

Ino smiled up at him, letting go of him and allowing him some air to breathe.

Tenten then turned to Ino and snapped her fingers in a demanding way. The blonde teen pulled a face, but handed the older lady some money. Naruto raised an eyebrow at this,

"What was that about?"

Both women looked a little ashamed and Tenten said,

"We had a little bet…"

"On what?"

"Who was on the top and who was on the bottom. I won!"

Naruto sweat dropped and gave a sigh,

"Do you mind? I need to go shopping…"

"That's okay! We'll help you! A pregnant person needs all the help they can get!" Ino said enthusiastically. Naruto mentally groaned and placed his hand over his face in despair. That was then when they noticed the silver ring on his finger. Ino grabbed his hand and stared at the ring and then looked up to stare at the other blonde.

"What's this?"

Naruto grinned and said,

"Neji asked me to marry him!"

Ino gave another squeal and hugged him again,

"Really? Oh Naruto, that's fantastic! When's the wedding going to be?"

"Not really sure. After the baby's born I guess…"

"Hmm, that would be the best idea…" Tenten mused, tapping her chin in a thoughtful manner. Naruto shrugged and went to the front door, pulling on his coat as well as putting shoes on.

"Well, aren't you guys coming?" He asked before opening the door and walking out. There was a small scrabble as they rushed to follow him.


Neji narrowed his eyes. He had been watching the Uchiha for a few hours now, and there seemed to be nothing wrong. That was a problem. Neji knew he was up to something, but what, he didn't know.

"So…how's Naruto?" Asked a lazy voice beside him. Neji turned his head to look at Shikamaru. The lazy teen, even though only a Jounin, was here because he was good at analyzing and working things out, so he could easily tell what Sasuke was planning. Neji turned his eyes back to the Uchiha again and said,

"We got a big surprise the other day."

"Oh?" He asked, looking at him in an interesting manner.

"When I got home, Naruto was sick, so I took him to Hokage-sama."

Shikamaru nodded as he continued to listen to the white eyed teen, though Neji could see the concern in his eyes.

"She said that there was nothing wrong with him, but took a blood sample just in case. The next morning, he was sick again, but insisted that he was fine. We went to Hokage-sama and she said that there was nothing wrong…instead we got some interesting news…"


"As it turns out, because he hosts Kyuubi, he carries the ability to carry children…"

"So he's pregnant?"


"That must be troublesome."

Neji gave him an irritated look before looking back at their charge.

"So, what are you going to do about it?"

Neji gave a sigh and said,

"Have the child of course."

"You do realise the problems, don't you? For one thing, both of you are males, you're also not married, so that could course problems."

"We'll cope. Besides, I asked Naruto to marry me yesterday."


"Though I think it would be best to wait for the baby to be born."

"Hmm. How on earth is he supposed to give birth?"

"He can't. As soon as he goes into labour, he should immediately go to Hokage-sama so a caesarean section can be performed."

"I see. Seems strange you know."


"That a male friend of yours is pregnant…"

Neji gave a chuckle,

"How do you think I feel? It's my child, and Naruto is my lover…soon to be husband."

Shikamaru gave a yawn as Neji shifted his feet slightly. Neji then narrowed his eyes when he looked back at the Uchiha. Sasuke was lounging against a rail in the middle of town, apparently waiting for something, or someone. Neji then spotted a figure approach the raven haired male and frowned when he saw that it was Sakura. The two talked for a little bit and then walked off in opposite directions. Neji frowned,

"They're up to something…" He said. Shikamaru nodded and gave a yawn,

"Maybe we should have Sakura watched as well."

"Maybe even Kakashi." Neji said quietly.

"That bastard is up to something…troublesome…"


Naruto had spent most of the day with the three girls…and what was it about the fact of a baby that makes them so…well…girly? Yeah, a baby was something special to a loving couple, but why did girls go all gushy?

They had dragged him around various shops, talking about all the things that a baby would need…wasn't it a little early to be buying things for the baby? All he wanted to do was buy food for their empty cupboards. He had, eventually, gotten his point across and they paraded him to the market. The shoppers watched with amusement as the three girls lectured the poor blonde on what kind of food he should eat. Naruto felt trapped, but was glad when they paid for the food; though he was furious when they refused to buy ramen. Ino rather plainly stated that it was not healthy for the growing baby. Naruto tried his best, but was not able to change their opinion. The whole supermarket heard their argument.

They had managed to get all the shopping back to the house and the girls helped Naruto put all the stuff away. Though there wasn't room for everything the girls had bought, so Naruto had t leave them on the side, though he would rather have them stored away. As he had been unpacking, he swore he saw something pink at the window. He shrugged it off; thinking that is was just something he saw.

The girls then, finally, left him alone with promises that they would come over the next day. Naruto was thinking of waking up early and hiding. Yeah, that sounded like a good plan. He gave a sigh and sat on the sofa, turning on the T.V while he absently rubbed his abdomen. He had done that a lot over the last couple of days, since discovering that he was pregnant. He did it without even thinking about.

His eyes were fixed on the screen, but he wasn't really watching the program. He was wondering what Neji was doing now. Naruto knew that his lover was watching over Sasuke. He wondered whether they had caught Sasuke doing something yet. He gave a sigh and switched the screen off and lay down, giving a yawn. Those girls had worn him out. After a few moments, he fell asleep.

He awoke at the feeling of someone shaking him. He opened his eyes and glared at Neji, who was standing over him. Neji didn't seem to notice the glare directed at him. Naruto sat up and crossed his arms,

"What do you want? I was having a nice dream!"

"Why is there a ton of food in the kitchen?"

Naruto rolled his eyes and stood up,

"Ino, Tenten and Hinata came over and insisted that they pay for the food…I didn't mind that, but I didn't get a choice on what was bought!" He crossed his arms and pouted cutely.

Neji smirked and asked,

"So no ramen?"


Neji shook his head and moved out of the room,

"I'll go make us something to eat."

"You do that." Naruto shot back before collapsing on the sofa again. He looked at the remote before pulling a face. He didn't feel like watching anything at the moment. He gave a sigh and stood up, going into the kitchen where Neji was cooking something up. He padded up to the elder male and stood next to him as he was making some sort of sauce. Neji turned around and smiled gently at him.

"Are you alright, koi?" He asked as he turned back to the meal he was preparing.

"Am fine…just didn't feel like watching T.V. Did you find anything with Sasuke?"

Neji looked thoughtful, a light frown on his face.

"Not really. But that's what worries me. We watched him all day and he hasn't done anything. Though he talked to Sakura briefly. On what, I don't know. We're going to watch her as well."

"Oh…okay. As long as you're here I'm not afraid!"

Neji gave a chuckle and wrapped an arm around the blonde's waist, pulling him close, kissing him lightly on the forehead.

"What did you and the girls do?"

"Well, they came over, and they were real excited about us having a baby…and they made a bet…"

"On what?" Neji asked, a light frown on his face. Naruto blushed a bright red colour,

"On who out of us was on top or bottom."

"Ah…who won?"


"Hn. I thought so."

Naruto pouted and crossed his arms. Neji gave a light laugh and kissed his pouting lower lip,

"What else did you do?"

"Like I said earlier, they took me out shopping…but it took a while to convince them that I needed food."

"What were they shopping for before hand?"

"Baby stuff."

"A little early don't you think?"

"Yeah, I know. I still have 7 months to go yet."

Neji gave a sigh before turning back to the meal, serving it up quickly. The two ate the meal, talking occasionally before Naruto washed the dishes with Neji's help. When the two had finished, they retired to the living room, watching a little television before deciding to go to bed.


Sasuke gave a low roar, throwing the vase he had been holding against the wall. Sakura had come to him not a few minutes ago with the news that Neji and Naruto were planning on getting married soon after the birth of their first child. Fuck, it would make everything harder for him! He had given the task of watching over the blonde to Sakura and Kakashi since he knew he was being watched. He would have to keep a low profile to prevent any suspicions. And he was pissed off with that. Maybe he shouldn't have tried to get the blonde when he did, but he was so damn impatient! But at least he knew that he could rebuild his clan using Naruto. That was a good thing. He couldn't wait to get his hands on the blonde dobe. But for now, he would have to plan their escape. It was alright, he had about 9 months in which to do so. Plenty of time to come up with the perfect plan.


X- Timeskip 2 months; Naruto 4 months pregnant –X

Neji slowly woke up, instinctively clutching the blonde in his arms closer to him. He opened his eyes, giving a small yawn. Naruto's back was up against his chest as he used one of Neji's arms as a pillow. Neji's other arm was around his waist, lightly placed on the swollen stomach of his lover. Neji didn't feel like getting up. He just wanted to lie there all day snuggled up to his pregnant lover. Tsunade had confirmed that the baby was a baby boy, and now all they needed was a name for their child. Naruto seemed more beautiful at the moment and Neji couldn't help but hold him most of the time. Naruto didn't seem to mind. By this time, the whole village had found out. At first, they were completely shocked, but soon settled down. They said that it was a side affect of hosting the demon, like Naruto's whisker marks. And they couldn't help but smile whenever they caught sight of Naruto arguing with the three girls of Konoha 10 (not including Sasuke and Sakura). It was a funny sight. Extremely slowly, Neji removed his arm from under the blonde head and got out of bed, getting ready for his day of looking over the Uchiha. Sasuke seemed to be spending most of his time in his house, brooding; only occasionally visited by Kakashi or Sakura. They were having the other two watched, though not as closely as Sasuke was. So far they had found out nothing.

It was starting to piss Neji off. He knew that they were up to something and that it involved Naruto, but they didn't. It set him on edge. And it didn't help that Naruto often had mood swings. After he got dressed, he heard a soft moan from the bed. He went to the bed and sat next to Naruto as sparkling blue eyes opened to regard him. Naruto gave a yawn and sat up, rubbing at his eyes with one hand, while the other hand rubbed his swollen stomach gently.

"Good morning." Neji said. Sleepy blue eyes looked at him,

"G'morning." Was the sleepy reply.

"Anything planned for today?" Neji asked. Naruto gave a smile and said,

"Well, the girls and I are going to start buying stuff for the baby, and start converting one of the spare bedrooms into a baby room."

Neji smiled and nodded before standing up,

"I'll go and make us something to eat."

Naruto nodded before standing up and going into the bathroom. The Hyuuga made his way downstairs, making him and Naruto something simple to eat. When finished, Neji gave a sigh and said,

"I'm going to go and look over Sasuke now…"

Naruto pouted and crossed his arms,

"Why don't you spend the day off?"

Neji gave a sigh and replied,

"I don't want him to harm you in any way. I want to find out what he's up to…"

"But you always do it! Don't you want to spend time with me!? You haven't had much time for me in the last two months!"

Neji blinked. What the hell was Naruto on about? Neji spent most of his day with Naruto! He stood there, staring at the little blonde who was glaring daggers at him.

"Naruto…I spend most of the time with you-"

"No you don't! You get the girls to look after me!"

"W-what!? They want to hang out with you! I didn't ask them!"

"You could still find time for me!"

"I do!"

"Then why don't you have someone else fill in for you!?"

Neji took a step back, slightly afraid. Damn Naruto was scary when he had mood swings. He hastily ran out of the kitchen and the front door, closing it just in time for a plate to smash against it. He breathed a sigh of relief and walked away from the house, staring at it over his shoulder. He gave a sigh and turned his head around, only to come to an abrupt halt as he was about to walk into someone. He looked down,

"Hi Ino…"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Naruto's having a mood swing…he even went so far to through plates at me."

Ino gave a giggle and patted his arm,

"Don't worry Neji, we'll calm him down."

"Hn." Was all he said before walking off down the street, scowling at the sound of the three girls laughter behind him. He gave a sigh and continued on his way down the bustling street.

He relieved one of the ANBU at the Uchiha's house since Sasuke had not moved from his house within the last couple of days. Neji was getting on edge. He heard a light step behind him and turned to see Shikamaru. The chuunin looked at him and waved lazily in greeting,

"Hey, what's up? You look a little angry…did something happen with Naruto?"

Neji grunted and replied, "He had a mood swing this morning…"

Shikamaru gave a chuckle,

"Well, he is pregnant…what else do you expect. What was it about this time?"

"He said that I hardly spend any time with him…"

Shikamaru stared at him,

"You spend most of your day with him!?"

"I know…he doesn't seem to think so though…"

Shikamaru looked at him amused,

"Maybe you should take a couple of days off, that would cheer him up."

Neji gave a sigh. Maybe he should…he could help Naruto around the house a little bit. He gave a shrug and turned his gaze back to the house. He frowned when the door opened and the Uchiha stepped out, walking down the path and towards the town centre. Neji narrowed his eyes…Naruto was out shopping today with the girls.

"We should follow…I think he's heading into town, Naruto's out with the girls today, I don't want Sasuke anywhere near them." Neji said quietly to Shikamaru. The other male nodded and leapt off to follow their charge, Neji a second behind him.

Sasuke continued on his way to the town, with Neji, Shikamaru and other ANBU members dogging his every step. Neji activated his Byakugan, searching the town for his lover. He located the blonde in a shop with the girls. Sasuke was heading in that direction. Neji swore,

"Shit, he's heading in Naruto's direction." He said over the communication to the other members of the watch team. He heard their affirmatives as Neji sped off in front. From the looks of things, the two's paths were going to cross. When the two were about twenty metres within range of each other, Neji jumped down, blocking the Uchiha's path. Sasuke stopped, narrowing his dark eyes in annoyance.

"What do you want Hyuuga?

"You can't go any further Uchiha."

"Why not?"

"According to the law."

"Which one?"

"The one that states that you cannot approach Uzumaki Naruto."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes even further and Neji could see that the sharingan was activated. Neji's own bloodline activated and he growled,

"You're not to go any further until Naruto has left the area…"

"Your lover." Sasuke spat venomously, anger etched into every line of his young face. Neji narrowed his eyes,

"Shut up Uchiha. What are you doing here anyway?"

Sasuke crossed his arms and growled,

"What's wrong with going to the shop for food?"

"The fact that you're to near Naruto."

Sasuke looked even more pissed and attempted to brush past the Hyuuga, but Neji stopped him. Sasuke glared at the older male, but Neji took no notice of it and said quietly,

"You are not to go any further until Naruto has gone from this area."

Sasuke glared harder and snapped,

"I can go where I please!"

"Not when Naruto is around you can't!"

With Neji's eyes, he could tell that Naruto was leaving the area…though not within a 'safe' zone. The Uchiha and Hyuuga continued their glaring match until Neji stepped to the side, allowing the Uchiha to pass. By this time, Naruto was safely at home with the three girls. Sasuke smirked at him as he walked past and Neji have to clench his fists tightly to prevent himself from punching the shit out of the bastard. He watched closely as the Uchiha strutted down the street, glaring at everyone he passed. The villagers either glared back or ignored him. It was funny really. Naruto was the one being hated and the Uchiha was loved by everyone. Now the tables had turned. The villagers hated Sasuke. They did not trust him. And for good reason as well.

"I really do think he's up to something…"

Shikamaru gave a yawn,

"All we can do for now is keep an eye on him…and Naruto as well. If he's up to something, it involves Naruto in some way…"

Neji gave a sigh and replied,

"At the moment, he has the girls with him when I'm not there, so he's watched over 24/7. Maybe I should take a few days off to spend with him, just to be on the safe side."

"Hmm, and I think that you should stay with him when he's near the end of his pregnancy as well. He would be most vulnerable then. You should stay with him. There are more then enough shinobi available to look over Sasuke. Especially the Konoha 10. They love Naruto dearly and they don't want to see him hurt. It had us all scared when Naruto was violently ill. We're afraid to loss him."

Neji gave a sigh,

"I know…"



There you go, another chapter XD Hoped you liked!! Review please!!

Oh, and I have a question for you…Should the baby be named after Neji's father? Or maybe another name? Please leave suggestions in the review, thank you.