A/N: Thank you for the reviews, and so I can get my stories done and dusted, here is another chapter

A/N: Thank you for the reviews, and so I can get my stories done and dusted, here is another chapter! With any luck I'll get hooked, and it won't be long till it's all done. Then I plan a sequel, if you want. xD

Disclaimer: If you recognise it from the telly, it's not mine.


Selinia looked up at the beings, although she was fearful, she hid it well, as she'd learnt to do the numerous times she'd been in trouble.

"You want something from me. What?" She spoke loudly and clearly to the almost see-through, human looking beings. She noticed that they were all feminine, from what she could see of them, and that their eyes glowed a soft pale blue, illuminating the room. More light streamed in from somewhere behind the walls, making it so bright, it started to hurt Selinia's eyes.

"We've been so lonely. All we want is someone to sing to us, to show us the modern world through a voice. We've been locked up here so long, won't you help us?" Selinia was doubtful of their true intentions, after what the TARDIS had told her, but their gaze was oddly calming, and almost made her forget all she's been told. The being closest to her started to approach her, and she felt that she couldn't break her stare into her eyes.

"So why don't you sing?"

She found herself muttering the first words of one of her favourite songs, some words making her realise what was missing from this scene.

"Well it's hard to explain but I'll try if you let me
Well its hard to sustain
I'll cry if you let me."

She started feeling confident, and an idea started forming in her mind.

"This doesn't change the way I feel about you or your place in my life
Can't you see I'm dying here?
A shot of broken heart that is chased with fear"

She started to sing louder, the idea her only thought in her mind. She could start to feel some of the beings smiling maliciously, but she knew something to give her the upper hand.

"Angels cry when stars collide
I can't eat and I can't breathe
I wouldn't want it any other way."

The echoes of her own voice reverberated back to her off the walls.

She kept growing louder and louder. Some of the beings started to wince in pain, and cover their ears.

"Intentions that were pure have turned obscure
Seconds into hours
Minutes into years
Don't ask me why
I can't tell you lies."

"For you, Doctor." She whispered before throwing her arms wide, as a glow enveloped her, the light of which started to burn the beings.

"My heart burns through
My chest to the floor
Tearing me silently although abruptly
Words cant hide as I'm taking you home
And I tried to see
Tried to understand your words as I'm taking you home"


All the Doctor was aware of whilst running around the neighbourhood was a constant double beating in his ears. He managed to pinpoint his location, and was deciding the best course of action to get back to Cardiff to save Selinia. No doubt that some kind of sensor would pick her up, leading to a poking about, and a poking about was the last thing he wanted. No, he needed a teleport, something to take him back . . . the though came back to him in an instant. He raced through the streets, recognising houses and shops, faces and road names. Eventually he found himself back, facing the door of his "room". He touched the door handle, and all he was aware of was the silent peace echoing through him, and the beautiful words " . . . I'm taking you home."


It was draining her, she could tell. She felt more tired by the second, the bright lights no longer keeping her awake enough. She watched the beings burn, them almost evaporating into nothing, floated away by the air, or the vibrations it carried. She watched the last two, furthest from her, eventually float away, and her eyes became fuzzy as she stopped singing. She stood straight for a moment, and thought she could start to see a figure standing in front of her. But all of a sudden, the blackness just caved in on her, and she started falling.


Truly an angel.

As the Doctor allowed the peace to beckon him, he watched his surroundings melt, and change. As the walls sagged to the floor, a bright whiteness replaced them. He slowly turned around, taking in his surroundings, and let out a low whistle, not that he could hear it for the singing that now filled his head. He noticed a figure cloaked in white, shining white, and he started striding across the room to her.


He looked at the room from beside her, watching the last of the beings fall away to dust in the wind. He turned to face her.

I'm proud of you.

Then he watched his angel fall.


-- Three days later - the TARDIS med bay --

"So, wait, she caused the entire disturbance?"

"Well, whatever those things were that I saw, they weren't producing any signal. They were just standing there."

"But, all of it?"

"Well, you see, Jack . . . ."

Selinia had been able to hear the two men for a few minutes, one with a almost recognisable accent. Eventually, she fluttered her eyelids open, and propped herself up. She noticed she was back in her normal clothes, apart from her boots had gone, and her t-shirt was different. She put her hand to her head, and noticed she was cold. Instinctively, she reached for her belt clip, but it wasn't there. The Doctor raised his hands, and helped her sit up. Her muscles complained, they were stiffer than ever, and she swung her legs round slowly.


The Doctor nodded.


He nodded again.

"Oh, you didn't forget the arsenic, did you?"

"Nope, I used 81 though, I found it easier to inject."

Selinia smiled.

"We haven't been introduced, I'm . . ."

"Captain Jack Harkness, although that's the name you go by, but isn't it a bit catchy for a man who can't die? A little noticeable."

"Yeah, how do you know that?"

"Okay, so the system was a little challenge, I'll give Tosh that, but it was . . . four out of ten, maybe three? I'd do it before breakfast." She picked up a syringe from the tray next to her, and loaded it with a clear liquid out of a bottle next to it. She stabbed it through the cotton of her trousers, and into her thigh. She pushed the plunger, and yanked the syringe out again. "I'll be good to go in two."

"So, you hacked the system?"

"Yeah." She gave a innocent look. "It's what I do. Oh." She turned to face him with a grin. "You might want to strengthen the security on the CCTV. We don't want just anyone watching you and Ianto now, do we?" She watched the red flush creep up his neck, satisfied, she jumped off the bed, and strode into the corridor. She spun on the spot, and poked her head around the door.

"You did check both hearts, right?"


And that's that, unless I feel like starting a sequel once I've finished everything else! Reviews are much luffed.3 By the way, the song was "Angels Cry" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. And yes, I did mean arsenic. xD