a/n I know I said im not writing but this came to me a week after i said that, thought posting the fic before new years.


Title; Chosen one


To the human eye was the room pitch black, the only light source came from the creek of the door. The loudest sound came from the radiator, other then that there wasn't even breathing. Even if there was a man laying on top of a thick queen sized mattress that was in the centre of the pitch black room.

The man was on his back arms fallen to the side and legs fallen open, his eyes closed and lips half spread, blood still tickling down from the mans mouth and down his golden cheeks leaving a red pool on the mattress. The left side of the man's neck was bleeding just under the pulse.

The skin of the male was printed with blood trails everywhere, the smell was thick of old blood that started to dry. Outside people were minding their own business, a maid that passed the room without a second glance as the sign of, do not disturb, on the door.

A few cars passed the motel and even a cop car that passed the motel to keep pimps and hookers away from their town. Even a bird was outside the door eating crumbs of old bread, the maid cursing at the birds in her mother language as the bird flew away leaving drooping behind.

A stunning male dressed in dark jeans and black sneakers, with a dark grey long sleeved with a black t-shirt on top with the text of Ozzy Osbourn on his chest was walking towards the motel. In his hand were a brown paper bag and a motel key. His hair was dark rich brown, it was thick and wild, it was cut short leaving a inch left, his skin lightly tanned, a shadow of stubble was evident on his cheeks and chin. His nose was shaped like someone had formed with clay with three fingers giving it a perfect shape, his lips plumy.

His eyes strikingly ice blue there was something primal with that man, something feral. The male walked up the stairs and walked towards room 17 he glanced around him before putting the key into the lock. With a twitch of his wrist the lock was open and he entered and locked the door behind him.

The blue eyes radiated in the dark then the bed creaked as he sat down his big hand rested on the other male's chest and said simply, "wake up." And there was a gasp and coughing that echoed through the room.

¤Sixteen years back¤

A nine year old boy was shivering in his hand was a bloody axe, it dropped on the white carpet, with shaky legs he walked towards the dead blond female on the floor, he dropped on his knees with a loud thump, he started to shake the lifeless body. "Mom? Mom?"

There was no reply because the dead couldn't talk, her silk blond hair now sticky with blood, the boys hand touched a thick red mass, it was purring down from his mothers head, it felt almost like jelly. His lower lip started to tremble as his mother didn't respond his pleas. Thick drops fell from a trembling jaw.

The only sound of breathing came from the boy, his head rested on his mothers shoulder, he curled close to the bloody body squeezing his eyes shut. Sometimes there was darkness sometimes light that burned his skin. His lips cracked and his eyes felt dry as they where closed. Then the sound of a door opening startled the boy that instead of reaching for the axe curled closer to his mother stiff body that stopped smell like lilies and started to smell like rotten meat.

He felt a steady hand on his shoulder and the tone of a soft manly voice say, "Dean, c'mon." he didn't respond even if it was his name that was called, his weak fingers curled into his mothers stiff hair.

"No." He got muffled out as he felt another hand on him pulling him away from his mother, "No" he protested weakly, his body trembled and he looked up to see blue eyes.

"Sch" and suddenly his eyes felt heavy and his body limp. He stirred he was curled in the front seat of a car his head in a man's lap, he pushed himself up. His skin still had smudges of blood, it just looked like someone had tried to clean him with a rag, over his body was a black coat that smelled nice and safe. "Hungry?"

"Mom?" he got out looking at the man, he knew the man had to be a hunter just like his mother had been. Just like his father… now they both where gone, and he didn't even have his younger brother that passed away when he turned four.

"She got a kings funeral." Was the reply he got, and a bottle of water was pushed to him, he took the bottle but didn't drink the water even if his body craved it. He felt numb. "Drink." The bottle was taken from him and the tap was removed and the bottle pressed to his lips. He forced down a few sips before pulling away his mouth from the bottle. He curled back his head on the man's lap squeezing his eyes shut.

The sound of the engine lullaby him to sleep, his fingers curled into the material of jeans, the second time he woke up he saw a familiar road house. He had been there before, the man stepped out of the car and was greeted by Ellen and uncle Bobby. His body reacted before he could, he ran out of the car and into his uncle Bobby's arms that picked him up and left with him into the roadhouse.

¤Two months later¤

He sighed heavily as he listened to Ellen fuss over her six year old daughter that demanded perfect braids. He wanted to stay with uncle Bobby but Ellen had argued and saying it wasn't smart for a boy to be raised in a junk yard with no company because she knew that Bobby would let Dean out of school.

His finger scrapped against the wood of the bar trying to perhaps dig out his mothers name, MW. He was blinking slowly there was no joy in his face, no innocents of a boy. No there was only sadness and a dark pit that just kept growing inside of him. Like he was screaming the tops of his lungs but no one was listening to him. His other hand was curled hard over his necklace, his mothers and fathers wedding band with his fathers army tags.

He looked up as his name was called he took the brown paper bag in his hand, walking after Jo that kept giggling all the time. He got into the car and looked out the window, seeing the landscape of trees and freeways, it took awhile to come to town and even a little longer to go to school.

His old sneakers scraped against the ground as he walked towards the school building his head was hung low and he ignored the kids calling for him. Orphan they called him, poor they called him. Weirdo they called him and he didn't even care a little bit, as the pitch black hole inside of him just kept growing inside of him and he sighed heavy as he held the door open for Jo that giggled.

¤Four years later¤

His lip quirked up as he saw a familiar face enter the bar, he walked towards the door letting himself to be embraced by Bobby. It was the only light at the end of the tunnel, the only excitement of his existence. Bobby liked to train him in the hunting, telling stories about hunts and show him the car. Dean touched the blade he gripped a hold of his flexing his hand showing the speed in his wrist to Bobby that chuckled and clapped on his shoulder saying that his father and mother would have been proud over him.

It should please him instead the pit just grows a little more. The air is sticky and its about to rain as a thick fog is closing in. His skin gets goose bumps as he stands there without a jacket, he ignores Ellen call for him to help her with the dishes. He never was a burden, he always cleaned after him not leaving a trace that he even was in the room. He didn't like to be apart of the Ellen family, he didn't care about Ellen's husband that was a hunter and tried to be nice and teach him things.

He didn't care about Ellen's tries to become a surrogate mother to him, "think I can come with you on a hunt?" he asked looking at Bobby that shook his head and Dean felt a defeat inside of him.

"I don't think Ellen would approve of…"

"She's not the boss of me."

"Spoken like a true teenager." He snorted and kicked the ground, "I don't think I want teenage hormones flying around when I need to concentrate on the hunt. I'm sorry." He rested a hand on Dean's shoulder that shrugged it off and left the man behind.

His room wasn't that impressive, it was just a old bed and a desk, all that was missing to make the look complete was bars over the windows. His green hazel eyes focused on the bag in the corner of the room, it was filled with his cloths not that he had many, he only had two pair of jeans that well worn out and a couple of t-shirts and shirts that one was Bill's. But there was one prized possession in the bag, it was the journal of his parents, of the hunts and facts they gathered through the years.

He fished the journal easy out from the bag and opened the book and started to read it wasn't until late night he stopped reading as his eyes started to sting. As he passed the hall he heard his name being mention. As silent as he could be in his new awkward body he went downstairs and listened to Bobby discuss with Ellen.

"He can't stay here Ellen forever."

"I know that…"

"He's a hunter it's in his blood."

"Robert listen to me, he's just a boy. I wont allow you to take him to that junk yard!"

"It will be good for him, he's clearly miserable here."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, at least with me he will be distracted fixing cars."

"He lost his mother, of course he's miserable… seeing his father die at such young age… then his mother? No. He will stay here it's for his best."

Dean's brow was deep in his young face, his jaw clenched as his fists. As he looked out the spring of the door he choked on his gasp as the dark haired man sat there with his black boots on the table leaned back and obviously bored with the conversation, he saw him swallow a couple times. He almost felt like someone soccer punched him he almost buckled over.

Those eyes had hunted the young man's dreams, his whole body tingled. The man's lip quirked up looking straight into his eyes, and the younger man flinched back and hurried back into his room as he got caught spying on the elders. The thought of what the blue eyed would say to the others freaked him out. Would he rat him out?

A clad covered foot with a sock tapped the floor nervously, a thumb getting almost chewed off, eyes that kept darting to the door just waiting for it to burst open, nose widening as lungs filled with air, filling his scent's with the smell of dirty socks and teenage sweat.

But no footsteps gave a sound on the wood floors on the hall, just a scary silence and the echo of the younger man's hears thumping in his ear drums. Then as the night progressed the hazel green eyes got covered with eyelids, his body dropping to its side and the breathing evening out.

So exhausted he never heard the footsteps, nor did he hear the creaking of his door opening nor did he feel ice blue eyes on him as he laid on the bed snoring. His ears didn't pick the sound out of two male's speaking, "he's still to young."

"I know. Believe me I know." The voice a little harsh while getting interrupting by the sound of swallowing as each word spilled from pink lips.

"Should we tell him?"


¤Two years later¤

A blond girl bounced giggling as she was talking about a boy obviously trying to make the dark haired boy jealous that was anything but jealous, as his hands just had a free pass at Holly only an hour ago, his hands had went places he couldn't even imaged. His body still tingled, his lower brain remembered the feeling of Holly's hand. A dark pink tong flickered over full lips at the memory flashed through hazel eyes. "Are you even listing?"

"Luc kissed you." He got out bored with a roll of his eyes, as he never could understand Jo constant craving for his attention in every possible way when he couldn't even se her as a little sister. His hand pushed open the door and as soon as he entered he felt a yank he was quick to react but then relaxed as he saw it was Gordon, Gordon was only seven years older then him. A young hunter, many talked about Gordon's recklessness but Dean didn't care.

"My friend, drink with me."

"Sure." He sat down on the chair taking Gordon's beer that ordered another one, Ellen scowled at Dean that chose to ignore her by showing his back at her and put his focus on Gordon that grinned ear to ear.

"I know that expression." Dean snorted and inhaled the scent of the bar, old piss and liquor and cigars. "You just got laid." The voice wasn't toned but loud so many in the bar heard and a few cheered for Dean holding their beers up and muttering it was about time even if he just turned sixteen only two months ago.

"Yeah Gordon, do scream about it to the world."

"Don't be modest it was about time." Hazel eyes rolled and a quirk of the lip was the younger man's reply, "I wanted to talk to you, I've got a hunt. I need a pair of extra eyes are you in?"

"Of course." "No he's not!" the voices speaking at the same time and different reactions crossed two different faces, the younger man growled slightly as the older female narrowed down her eyes at the young hunter.

"You have no right to…"

"He's old enough."

"Thank you." Dean got out, his fist clenched over his right knee as he felt rage purr inside of him, filling that black pit hole.

"Your staying here, go to your room."

"This is not my home." He growled, "you are not my mother."

"I'm all you got." She snapped as a reply, "I'm sick of your attitude! I should give you and old good fashion spanking!" everybody listened to their fight, many elder hunter laughed, others shifted in their seats uncomfortable. The chair of the boy dropped loudly on the floor as he stood up narrowing down his eyes.

"I'd like to se you try."

"Don't tempt me boy! Go to your room."

"This is not my home. YOU are NOT my MOTHER!"

"No I'm not, you think your mother would approve of this attitude?"

"She's dead so I wouldn't know." A loud smack was heard, the blond boys threw to the side his mouth fell open and snapped the jaw in place, eyes narrowing hatred flashing through hazel eyes, body in position for an attack.

"Don't you disrespect your mother like that boy, now I won't tell you again."

"Back off." He growled to the older female, he felt a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Dean, go to your room."

"Says who? You?" Bill's jaw clenched and he on the other hand didn't have the patience, the sound of a beer bottle slamming on the floor and a body thrown over the table echoed. A freckled cheek rasped against the hard wood, as he was bend over the table arm locked and a loud grunt came from the younger boy.

"Bill." The elder female's voice, voiced out and there was a silence of panting then release.

"Go to your room." A rough push and the younger man fell on the ground and scrambled up refusing to back down but threw a punch at the man, knocking him right in the face.

"Dean!" a growl sounded out and the younger man froze. "Outside now!" no movement only panting loud and the other man walked right up in the younger man's face, "outside now boy!" and the younger man gritted his teeth and slammed the bar door open and closed behind him.

A young man laid on his back on the old mattress, legs crossed and moving annoyed, jaw clenched firmly shut, a black bruise evident on a left eye and jaw. The sound of a door opening made him growl as a warning. The reply was a ever so amused chuckle, "quite the show to day." The younger man face moved quickly to its side to look at the intruder.

"Gonna lecture me?" he half growled, to pissed off to acknowledge the tingle in his body he had felt with Holly earlier that day.

"Do I look like a parent?" a quirk went up. Dean sat up looking into ice blue eyes his anger melting away like an ice cube in Cuba. A shake of the head was a replied and the man grinned, "good that would be freaky." The younger man's lip quirked up on its own free will and the younger man tried to look cool but failed.

"What's your name."

"What do I look like?"


"What name do you think suit me?"

"I dunno. Eric?" a loud laughter echoed through the other male's lips and the younger man felt a thrill run through his hormonal body. He saw red, a red tong, blood he was about to ask when the man said.


"So can I call you Nate?"



"No, Nathanael is the name Dean." A silence was between the two.

"Why are you here."

"To se if your alright."

"Ah worried?"

"Perhaps." A silence entered the room once again, the sound of wind crashing against the window made them both break the silence, "will you behave when I leave you?"

"Who are you?"

"In time you'll know."

"Tell me." He demanded standing up feeling a thrill go right down stairs, he licked his lips and saw that the action wasn't unnoticed by the other male that looked at his tong darkly. He felt his breathing change. "Who are you?" he asked stepping in closer to the other man's territory.

"Don't tempt me." The man growled feral and swallowed hard, a twitch came to the younger mans features and backed off at the growl. Something he did instantly before the man would rip his throat off or something. A silence was heard and the dark haired man gritted his teeth as he was fighting with himself.

"Sorry." Came through the younger man's lips and he was suddenly pushed roughly pushed back and everything went black.

¤Three years later.¤

Nineteen almost twenty then soon he would be fifty, panic went through the young man's body. The lower lip almost bleeding as teeth dug into its flesh. Fingers tapping on a shaky leg, "cut it out." A firm voice said its tone echoing through the empty bar.


"Your birthday wasn't even five months ago! Its seven more months before you can start worrying about turning twenty."

"Then fifty!" the younger man continued as he hadn't heard the man talking. The older man snorted scornful.

"Its nothing wrong to be fifty!"

"That's what you are imaging, fifty's old… really old." The old hunter scowled the younger hunter.

"Well you're a brat compared to me, and I'm not afraid to put you over my knee and spank you."

"Your one kinky man, Kio" another snort.

"When is Ellen coming down?"

"I dunno, she's not in the bar that much since Bill died." There was a silence and the man left the bar leaving the younger man alone that sighed heavy. The door opened and he froze, he wondered if he should seek shelter in his room. Run away. The steps coming closer the man's lip quirked up.

The younger man looking at the slightly older man that hadn't aged a day since he seen him last that night when he was sixteen. "Dean."



"Right." Tone blunt. Feeling the tingle but also anger for something, anger for being knocked out.

"Want to help me with the car?"

"Sure." A reply came though full lips before his mind could deny. His sneakers touching the grovel, the hood popped open, "its just over heating, needs just some water." Seeing the man swallow and he turned looking into ice blue eyes feeling drawn. Magnet towards magnet a collide between the two.

Lips almost touching, then the sound of Ellen barking, "Dean!!" jumping apart the younger man narrowed his eyes at the bar before turning back to the other man.

"Stay." He requested before entering the bar. When he once immured out the ratty bar the blue eyed where no way in sight. The night shadow laid over the air, the green eyed looked up the sky.

"Nice night."

"You didn't stay."


"Who are you?"

"Really want to know?" eyes crashing and lips crashing. A needy sound, a younger man demanding full access to the blue eyed's mouth but getting denied. A growl went through the younger man, as need shot through. The tingle burning its way inside out the flesh and soul of a young man's body.

"Stop fighting." The younger man demanded in a growl as the dark need shot through its veins, as no was no longer acceptable. Hands demanding more but getting denied once again.

"Your too young."

"Fuck you." A growl shout through the younger man.

"Believe me when I say I'm fighting to control myself."


"You have no idea." The younger man ignored the warning and crashed his mouth once more, the man's fingers digging into the other man's arms before pushing him away, "no" the voice weaker.


"Dean! No! Go inside!" the harsh female voice screamed, the younger man froze looking at the blue eyed that was swallowing hard with closed eyes. "Come here right now!" the younger man ignored and looked at the blue eyed.

"This is your last chance. Now or never." Silence, then blue eyes meet his and said harshly.

"You have no idea little boy." The pit that been filled with need was replaced with hatred and anger for being denied twice.

"No YOU have no idea." He growled and stormed off, leaving the two.

¤Four years later¤

A young man leaned against the door post his arms fallen to the side, a soft smile played on a young mans features, eyes soft with love as watching as a chest rose up and down sleeping deeply, the younger man walked into the bedroom turning the alarm clock off. A steady hand on dark rich chocolate skin, "wake up."


"Wake up."

"Mmmmm" soft lips pressed against darker ones, "hmmm."

"Time to get up."


A young mans changed many times in only four years, the night of being denied filled him with wrath. Making his blood pump high making foolish decisions, meeting up with an old friend for hunts that was more brutal then helping. Gordon left behind after seven months, the young man on his own on black roads for over two years before finding love in a beautiful girl named Cassie.

"Make sure you beat those jerks." The green eyed told the brown eyed that smiled and pressed coffee tasting lips against soft lips.

"I will."

Later that night.

"You have no right."

"Listen to me boy, the demon took your brother, mother and father. What makes you think he wont take Cassie?"

"Shut up!"

"You love her right?"

"Yes I do. I'm gonna marry that girl Bobby. I love her."

"I'm sorry, but our kind don't settle down."

"I am not my parents!"

"The demon wont care!"

"I heard everything. I didn't mean to follow you… I just…"

"I'm so sorry Cassie."

"Your gonna leave me?" tears dropping down golden cheeks, knees touching the floor as his head hung low between her legs. The beautiful woman sitting on the edge of the bed holding up his face drying his tears with her thumbs as her own dropped.

"I have to… I… this is not what I wanted."

"We would have been great, more then great… our children would have been proud over you, you would have been a great husband and father." A choking sob cracked through the freckled face. "I love you Dean Winchester. I will always love you."

"I don't want to say goodbye to you, not you." A breath heavy with heart sorrow. "You came into my life, and everything… I just knew that everything would be okay. More then okay. I held you close and everything would be okay."


"Before I leave, I want you to know. There will never been anyone for me, no woman will ever replace you, no woman will I have a family with. Or marry, only you. But. I need you to promise me. To… marry."


"You have to, I need to know… this hunt will kill me that is a fact we all know when we go into it. I need no know that your okay, that you have everything you deserve and more. Promise me."

"Can't you come back? Ever? I will wait for you."

"No. This is goodbye."

"No." A heart wrenching sob echoed through her, "no."

¤Three years later¤

Hazel eyes widen as the head dropped on him, rolling off the floor and standing on tired legs, heart drumming in the freckled ears. Panting breathes came out the man, looking wide eyed at the dark haired man he hadn't crossed path with since been nineteen. "You"

"Yes, me." The man swallowing loudly while speaking, blue eyes looking down at the vampire head that been way to close to a golden neck. "Haven't you learned if your hurt you rest not search for vampires."

"Thought I would fix it so Gordon can focus finding the vampire pack he has been looking for."

The green eyed snorted annoyed, pacing back and forth, "I'm not a small kid anymore."

"I know."

"I deserve to know."

"I know."

"Just wanted to give you time."

"Time for what?"

"Enjoy freedom."

"I wont?" a shrug. "Tell me who you are."

"I'm the weapon, the key."

"What does that mean?"

"It means, I've been searching for my lock, my warrior… I've been searching for you for over eight hundred years."

"Your kidding…"

"No, I felt the crack in my goom when I meet your mother twenty eight years ago. I thought it was you mom but was sceptic since I wasn't bleeding that much, but then she told me she was pregnant. I knew it was you Dean. You where the one. You're the one I will protect."

"You never could protect my parents or brother how the hell can you protect me?!" the green eyed roared furious. Eyes flashing angry.

"I couldn't. I wasn't allowed."

"What?! Who didn't allow you huh!"

"Higher power."

"FUCK YOU!" the green eyed roared pushing the blue eyed furious with all of his strength.

"Believe me, I tried. I threw myself many times, I tried to protect your father each time I shelter my body over your father, the punch just went through me. The blow that killed your father, went just right through me."

"You're the man… the angel…" a memory flash when through the green eyed of being four and seeing his father die, his younger brother laying dead on the floor. A memory of a man picking him up and running him out the burning house.

"I tried my hardest." Tears dropped from the green eyed.

"I was left all alone."

"I know, not all alone Dean, you have me…"

"I had to leave the woman I love because of all of this…"

"You have me, I will stand by your side forever. I will protect you from everything. You are my warrior. You decide which path, which side you want to follow, I will follow you Dean."

"Is this why my family died? Because of me? That I was destined for you? The evil wanted me on their side so you would be on theirs."

"I'm afraid so, you will be the one that will be the wave in the war, which side will you tip at who will you give advantage to? The evil the good? It's your choice and yours alone."

"You think I even would consider the demon side? The side that robbed me my family?"

"There's power there, a crown to get there. The good is all about fighting, cuz if you chose the good side, then you will be the warrior not the bystander the prayer but the fighter. You will fight your entire existence and more. Believe me when I say there's no beginning or end to this war, as long as something is alive here or anywhere there is a war."

"What, you want to be on the demon side?"

"What I want is not…"

"What do you want?"

"I've seen life shattered way to many times of darkness, I wouldn't be on the dark side."


"Then you've decided?"

"Yes." Blood dripped through plumy lips. "Will it hurt?"

"Perhaps." The green eyes walked towards the blue eyed, looking deep into his iris. "I will be on your side, never leave your side. You will never be alone." The green eyed brought the blue eyed closer that looked at him. "I've loved before you even existed." The blue eyed murmured and the green eyed swallowed the blood.

A pact was created.