A/N: Because somehow Riku/Roxas is a fantastic, maybe even the best, pairing to write at 1 in the morning. For Rika, inspired by Jimmy Eat World's awesome song "Night Drive." Leave a review if you like? It's fun!

Night Drive

It's really not supposed to start like this, in the middle of the night with the whole world dead to them while they are locked inside Riku's shitty van he inherited from one or three of his older brothers. Nobody really knows how it was supposed to start anyway, but that's how it went.

It was innocent in the beginning; they really swear it was just supposed to be a talk to stave away the boredom. It was a discussion about how nothing was really original anymore and how they were both out of place that turned into goddammit-Riku-haven't-you-fixed-the-heater-yet and the two of them, all tangled awkward limbs and trying to stay warm. There's a ratty blanket about ten times as old as they are and they try not to think too much about the closeness. It's really only to stay warm while they're here and too lazy to go anywhere else.

Then all of a sudden it's mouths against each other, teeth crashing and flashing in the moonlight, Riku's mouth biting down at his neck and Roxas' fingerprints staining Riku's skin like bright cherry lipstick.

And heat surging like electricity, addictive and spiralling out of control and more-more-more until they fall together, never wanting to wash the other off. Because even if it started with a night drive and it wasn't really anything they couldn't deny, it was still something they made.

Something they made all by themselves, for once.
