A/N- Hello everyone! Alright, so last chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed the story!

soflty18- Yes everyone is at peace… Thanks for the review!

The night found the pirates leaving. Since their issue had been resolved the lords went back to their respective oceans. Will and Elizabeth made plans to return to Port Royal after picking up Will Jr. from Shipwreck Island. Barbossa left quietly, but not before promising Jack a few good fights in the seas they both loved. Teague also returned to his ship so he could return to Shipwreck Island. He did give his blessing to Jack and Alex before leaving. Jack watched as his crew ran around the ship finishing their jobs. The night promised smooth sailing so no one was preparing for any real trouble. Alex had already retired to the Captain's cabin, which is where Jack found her when he too retired for the night. "I thought you were going to sleep." Jack said as he took off his affects.

"I can't sleep. I'm scared that I'll disappear or you'll disappear when I fall asleep. I'm scared I'll wake up back in my bed at home again."

"Well then, I'll just have to keep a tight hold of you." Jack walked up and wrapped his arms around Alex's waste and looked out the back window. "Aren't dolphins supposed to move around? Or at least not stay in the same spot or area?"

"They can stay in the same area, but usually they don't. These two have been playing around here. They left for a bit, I think to feed."

"What have you been working on?" Jack asked.

"A letter."


"Mike and Janelle."

"How will they get it? I mean, we don't exactly have access to a time traveling wave."

"I know. It just makes me feel better if I can write them." Alex said with a smile. "Let's get some sleep. You look like the walking dead."

"Funny, funny." Jack said, smiling. He walked with Alex over to the bed before pulling her down with him.


Mike and Janelle were relaxing in front of the TV when their afternoon was interrupted by the doorbell. They both looked at each other with hope for it being Alex although in their hearts they knew it was just false hope. Mike got up and walked over to the door.

"Can I help you?" Mike asked the young woman on the other side of the door. She had straight black hair and a golden tan. She was built like a surfer and had a tattoo of a skull and cross bone on her shoulder.

"This is going to sound weird, but I have letters for you. The thing is they're really really old."

"Um, please come in." Mike said. "This is my girlfriend Janelle, Janelle this is…."

"Alex, Alexandra Malika." The girl said.

"It's nice to meet you." Janelle said.

"So where are those letters?" Mike asked.

"O, yes. So they've been in our family forever. They had a date on them for when they should be delivered. That date is today." Alex took out a handful of letters from her purse. "I brought this group right now, but there's another handful in my car." Mike looked down at the letters in his hand and took the first one out of the cluster. Handing the rest to Janelle who inspected them he opened it.

"Mike?" Janelle asked. His face had gone pale as he read to the letter. "Mike, who's it from?"

"It's from Alex…"

"I swear, I didn't write the letter!" Alex said.

"No, my sister." Mike said. "Um, this is going to sound weird, but we went back in time and…"

"Your sister stayed there when you two came back. You helped the pirates right?" Alex said.

"Yes, but how would you know that?" Janelle asked.

"It's a story that's gone through the family. My grandmother's told it to me so many times." Alex said. "I also followed a tradition in my family tat can explain a bit." Alex rolled up the sleeves on her shirt so her wrist was bare. A sparrow was flying over an ocean. "I'm related to…"

"Jack." Mike muttered.

"So if the stories are true you two would be like my couple great aunt and uncle?" Alex said.

"It looks like that." Mike said. For the rest of afternoon the three went through the letters and got to know each other a little more.

The End