Title: So What?


Genres: Friendship/Family/Romance/Drama

Greatest thanks to Entrancia! She is so nice! Had to put up with my poor grammar. Go check out her story, Forget Me Not! I swear, it's good.

Sakura groaned as she heard that alarm of hers go off. What day is it today? She reluctantly got up and stared at the clock for what seemed like hours before realizing what time it was.

8:29 A.M. She tilted her head at first…

…and screamed. Because, well, school starts at 8:45. And exactly how long does a regular girl take to ready herself up?

Heh. More hours than the regular guy.

"Oh, no!" She wrestled with her huge, thick covers (A/N: cold natured person) and tried to get out of her bed. But when Sakura did, being the clumsy one in her family, she slipped. Sakura stared at the ceiling fan for several seconds until a life-threatening yell sent her back to her room.


And she certainly didn't want that to happen.

Sakura quickly got up and put on a shirt while putting her hair up, putting on jeans, and slipping on socks, all at the same time. She ran to the bathroom to wash her face and quickly apaplied some eyeliner and mascara.


She slipped in all of the papers shecould find in her room in her backpack and dashed down the stairs. The smell of bacon and toast filled her nose. She noticed that the table was prepared for two, with plates and all. The bacon was still the pan, being cooked by Touya.

Touya had custody over Sakura. He was over 21, and their father had died long ago along with their mom. Because of that, Touya was stuck living with Sakura until she could take care of herself legally. Otherwise, he would leave her alone. He still cared, but she can take care of herself.

"Thank God, you're awake. You have five minutes!" Touya shouted. Sakura merely walked over to the pan, took out two strips of bacon, and dropped them on the table.

"What do you mean I'm awake? I wake up everyday!" She pouted.

"Whatever. And put the bacon on the plate!"

"Huh? Oh."

Sakura ran out and unlocked her bike. There were only two minutes left until the school bell rang. And school was on the other side of town.

"See you!" She called out to Touya who watched her pedal. He knew she would be fine. She was going to be late again.

He hoped nothing happens, though.

Sakura pedaled as fast as she could go, but the cherry blossom trees were so pretty. She couldn't help but take a detour through the forest. It was cool, with the trees' shadows covering the ground. She went slower. I love this town! It could be so peaceful…

The school bell rang out loud. Sakura flinched. If it weren't for school!

She went through the trees and came out of the cherry blossom forest, seeing the school was only a hill and a turn away. She pedaled up that hill everyday and was pretty used to it by now. Her favorite part, though, was when the bike went down.

On the top of the hill, Sakura breathed deeply. "Here I go!"

She screamed as the wind whizzed by her. It felt good, and this was the only thing that kept Sakura alive throughout the day.

Most of her days seemed as if it was supposed to go on like that forever: wake up, eat breakfast, rush to school, live until school ends, go home, eat dinner, do homework, read, then go to sleep.

She wasn't bored with it. All she ever dreaded was school. She thought of how it was the second week of school now and that she was a senior. Sakura should be happy, but in truth, she wasn't.

Especially when a stupid boy came running out of the corner she was supposed to turn at. He was in her path and she was still speeding.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Sakura screamed, pulling on her brakes, but the bike was going so fast it swerved on its side. The boy stopped running and merely glanced at her. The only thing she noticed about him was his hair and how messy it was.


Thick dust filled the air as the bike crashed into the boy despite her efforts to stop. Sakura groaned and felt the ground on her right side. Her bike was still in between her legs and she felt an additional weight on top of her.

The school bell stopped ringing.

"Syaoran? Syaoran!" someone called out. Sakura heard footsteps.

"Syaoran!" another voice said. It sounded like a guy's. "What happened?!"

Sakura didn't even know she had closed her eyes until she opened them. Vaguely, she heard the boy and girl speaking to each other, and noticed some guy was on top of her. She flinched.

He blinked. Sakura gasped and yelled at the top of her lungs, "GET OFF ME!"

"Come on, Syaoran. " The boy on top of her was lifted off. Sakura saw two people now. The girl was wearing jeans with a spaghetti-strap tank top and had long, flowy purple hair. The guy wore glasses, but it was half-cut. The girl came over and sat beside Sakura. "Eriol, move the bike out, too," she ordered.

The guy, Eriol, complied and slowly took the bike, all scratched and bent. The girl looked at Sakura and noticed her gashes. "These cuts are bleeding!"

Sakura scoffed. "I think they're a bit more than cuts." Her voice was hoarse. Sakura was raggedly breathing now. Just exactly how fast was she going on that bike?

"I'm going to call the ambulance," the girl said, and flashed out a purple cell.

Eriol came over and took a look. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"If I say 'I'm fine', would you believe it?" Sakura turned to his face, smiling a bit.

He chuckled. "No, I don't think so."

"Figured. I wouldn't have either." Sakura took a sharp breath from the pain that was now going through her body. It hurt. Bad.

The boy that was on top of her leaned in. "Is she okay?"

Sakura gave him a 'no' look. Eriol shrugged. "Does she look like it?"

"No," he replied.

"Then she isn't."

"Are you blaming me?" the boy snapped. Sakura winced at his tone of voice. No one was blaming him…

"Hey, if the blame isn't on you, are you saying it's my fault?" she bumped in. The boy slowly turned his head at her while Eriol sighed.

"You were the one who sped down the hill."

Sakura gaped at him. "And you were the one standing there like an idiot!"

He rolled his eyes and walked away. Sakura's eyes budged out. "What is his problem? Any normal guy would at least look after a girl on the ground!"

The boy heard this and smirked. "That's just it. I'm above normal."

The girl, who was finished with talking on the phone, shook her head in disappointment, "Syaoran, be nice. It was no one's fault."

Syaoran pointed at Sakura. "You're right. It's No One's fault."

Sakura didn't show it, but his words hurt more than her wounds.

Eriol threw a rock at him. "What is your problem?! You were running to an intersection, not looking left nor right!"

Syaoran dodged the rock, which hit the ambulance's hood instead. He mumbled out an apology to Eriol.

"Not to me, to her!" Eriol meant Sakura, so Syaoran walked over.

"Sorry," he said while the hospital crew checked over her scratches. One guy in a white uniform sighed in relief.

"Good, it's not so bad. She might want to get a new bike after we stitch her up."

"Thank you." The girl, Tomoyo, smiled

Sakura wasn't paying attention and tried to sort out the boy, whom that girl had called Syaoran. She frowned and thought he might be going through some sort of rebellious phase.

A sweet voice broke the silence, which was Tomoyo's. "You actually mean that she can play the piano?" Sakura didn't know that after the bike incident, she had fallen asleep, and wondered instead why her eyes wouldn't open.

Are my eyes crusty?

"Yeah." Sakura knew this voice was Touya's. "Sakura's been playing ever since she was three. My mom taught her, but after she passed away, Sakura's been teaching herself."

"Wow," Eriol remarked. None of them knew that Sakura was listening. Her eyes refused to open.

"So why is she not making use of it?" Syaoran's voice came from the other side of the room.

"What do you mean?" Touya asked.

"Like, why doesn't she play in the library or parties if she's so good?" Syaoran asked. His choice of words pissed Sakura off, but she still couldn't see!

"She does," Touya said. "She just likes to play for the little kids though. Whenever Sakura plays the piano in front of adults, she gets stage fright."

"Why? If she can play, then she shouldn't be so afraid," Tomoyo's gentle voice cut in. Sakura liked her voice. It was so pretty…

"Because, she just is. You guys can ask her that," he monotonously informed them.

"So you think she can join?" Eriol asked. It was silent for a minute.

"Decide that for yourselves when you hear her play. I doubt she would play in front of you three, though." Sakura could hear her brother getting up from a seat.

"Can't you record her then or something?" Syaoran was walking towards her; Sakura could feel his footsteps coming closer. A shadow blocked some of the light that was reaching her closed eyes. The smell of cologne overpowered any other smells, and it would've killed her if it didn't smell like…cherry blossoms…

This cologne actually smelled good. It was nice to know that not all colognes were stinky.

"I could, but she could get annoying as hell if she asks me why I'm recording her." Touya sounded like he was smirking. Sakura smiled and couldn't stop from giggling, which surprised everyone in the room.

"If it's you, Touya, I'll always be as annoying as hell. It's my job as your little sister." She finally fot her eyes to work and saw that she was in her room.

Actually, Touya, Tomoyo, Eriol, and Syaoran were in her room. Her pink, childish, fluffy bedroom that Sakura never showed to anyone but her family. She panicked.

"GET OUT!" Sakura sat up, but her right leg bugged her. As soon as her feet touched the floor, she wobbled and crashed. Again.

Tomoyo stood up out of reflex and covered her mouth. "Sakura-chan!"

"You have a knack for pushing me on the ground, don't you?" someone gruffed underneath Sakura.


"HOE! GET OFF!" Sakura slapped him. He stared at her like she was crazy.

"What? You get off!"

Sakura noticed their position and blushed. She stammered, "I'm sorry."

But when she and Syaoran stood up, Sakura fell on him again, causing both to land on the floor a second time.

This stupid leg! she blamed.

Eriol laughed. "You guys are like magnets, huh?"

But neither answered him because of an overly protective brother, who was there the whole time.


At school, everyone had seen the incident and they were all talking about it.

"Look! Kinomoto just jumped him! The nerve of that girl!" a freshman cried out.

A girl scoffed, "Somebody please get that thing out of this school."

"You know, it's not like she's retarded. Why are we picking on her again?"

"Because she's a freak."

"A loser."


"She's a hot wimp."

"Shut it, Ryoga."

Another person joined in the conversation. "She just crashed into Li Syaoran, you guys!"

"And your point would be?"

"Li Syaoran means Daidouji Tomoyo and Hiiragizawa Eriol!"

"You mean Celestine? That's not likely."

"There's no way they would visit Tomoeda. Like, Syaoran's the coolest guitarist and Tomoyo's the prettiest singer. Eriol's just plain awesome."

"Do you think she'd make friends with them?!" a boy Sakura's age sarcastically commented.

A girl with glasses fidgeted with her skirt. "What's wrong with that?"

"Naoko, no one asked you, so like, um, shut up."

"If there's one thing Celestine needs, though, that would be a pianist."

"I think they're fine the way they are."

"Hey, you think Kinomoto's going to try to join their band? She loves the piano."

"Puh-lease! She's so stupid, I doubt they're even going to look at her."

"That would be hilarious if she embarrassed herself in front of them."

"Serves the slut right."

A chorus of laughter went across the room.

"But really, she can't make a decent grade in Music! Remember that time when she didn't even know how to play the piano?"

"See, Kinomoto, you press down on the key. Press it! Press it!" a boy mimicked that person who had made fun of Sakura during that particular time in music class.

"It's the easiest class ever!"

"There's a real fat chance of her going to college at this rate."

Sakura always dreaded going to school. Because out there, this was how it was like.

And now, she had to go through another school year with it all.

I luff you all still! Constructive critism!

