This is the third and final part in this story. Thank you all for the reviews, they mean so much. It's mid-night, so another late night romance with my writing that shall be kept secret from my mother. I just hope that she doesn't hear the Wicked soundtrack playing from her room.

I'm sorry, but my skill at writing kissing is still lacking. So don't expect this great detail that you get in a lot of stories. Read it, I'm fine, writing it makes me blush. So I write stuff that's not so detailed. I hope that this doesn't ruin the story for you. (You know, it is rated K+, it's not supposed to be THAT detailed,)

Disclaimer: No...just no.

Sorry for any and all mistakes.

Okay, I've ran into a problem. See, Hilary, being a girl, has many ways to use her body to make guys drool and still be/look decent. I, on the other hand, can only take off my shirt. If I take off my pants, she's won. And I'm not about to go around wearing shorts. I'd like to reframe from looking like a dork, that's Tyson's job.

It still sucks!

And she's still wearing those short shorts. They frame her hips and legs perfectly. I would like to know who thought up short shorts. They should be tortured like I'm being tortured. It's truly unfair. I may just very well lose this battle. And my mind.

Stupid battle of revenge through seduction!

All I really know right now is that, Hilary is due here for morning practice if fifteen minuets, so I have that much time to form a plan to drive her crazy, while still remaining me.

So walking out of the house naked is out of the question.

Hey, Max brought a bag of suckers. That could be useful. I mean, she's already used the whole sucking on something thing, but I really have nothing else at this point.

"Hey, Max," I call out. He turns is blond head towards me, innocent eyes questioning. "what's that?"

Max looks down at his bag. "Oh, Kai, I know you said that I wasn't allowed to bring candy to practice, but please, just this once." he begs.

I look like I'm considering this for a moment. Can't answer too quickly now. That'll give me away. "Do you have…berry flavor?"

Max looks shocked for a moment before nodding slowly.

"Hand it over," I hold out my hand and Max slowly reaches into his bag while still looking shocked with is blue eyes wide and jaw dropped.

"Here you go," he hands me a sucker wrapped in a purple-bluish wrapper with strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries on it. How can people eat this, much less suck on it? Who would want this taste continually in their mouth?

"Make sure you share with the others." I tell him as I walk away, observing my new tool.

"Uh-huh," he says slowly, still shocked. Sometimes I wonder if he's too innocent. I mean, how could he not see what's going on around here. Did he think that Hilary was suddenly doing all this stuff just because? That I just wanted to suddenly play catch at the beach because I've finally realized the benefit of having friends? Did he really think that? Maybe Ray should be helping him instead of Hilary.

Speak of the devil. Here she comes, riding up on her bike wearing what she usually wears now. A low cut tank-top and short shorts. They both show plenty of skin.

"Hey, guys," she greets kindly as she leans her bike against the wooden fence, her top falling as she leans down so that anyone could have a nice view of her chest. Not that it's meant for just anyone. It's meant for me. HA!

"Hey, Hilary!" a few call from around the yard and the house. Ray walks up to her and they start chatting like they're old friends and not partners in crime. And torturing me is a crime. Just ask all my fans.

Oh, I can just imagine their conversation right now.

"Oh, yes, Hil," Ray says in a perky-sweet voice, "Kai is so falling for it. Every night, two cold showers."

"Why, thank you, Ray, for helping me take Kai's ego down a few notches." she gives dreamy eyes and sighs.

"No problem, Hilary," Ray smiles attractively and wicks just because he can, "it's fun to watch Kai lose at something that's so easy."

"I know," Hilary laughs and lightly hits his arm playfully. "You should give him some tips. Everyone knows that you're the best at seducing."

Ray shrugs haughtily. "Yeah, I know,"

They both laugh and giggle.

AHHH! I'll show them both!

I unwrap the stupid sucker and shove it in my mouth (ignoring the fact that I almost choke from doing it.). Take that!

Hey, berry flavor isn't that bad. Kinda sweet.

"Oh, my--Kai! Are you actually eating a sucker?" Tyson shouts when he sees me. Everyone but Max stops to look at me.

Annoyed with the onlookers, I growl, "Every get ready to train." They all stand there for a second just staring. "NOW!" Now they all scrabble.

After all this time, doing that is still fun. I love being captain.

The boys go to the small beydish in Tyson's yard while Hilary follows Kenny to the porch. Kenny tells me that he would like to see Max's blade in action, so I tell Max to battle against Ray.

I walk over to the tree and lean against it. The more distance between me and Hilary, the better. Still, I can't help but wonder what she's brought to the table today. The tank-top and shorts can't be it.

I see Hilary moving towards the pocket. She digs around for a second before pulling out a tube. Twisting off the cap, she pulls it out and uses what's on the end to brush something shiny on her lips.

LIP GLOSS! She brought lip gloss into this game?! How am I supposed to top that? I can't put lip gloss on!

She smacks her lips and runs and figure along her bottom lip before putting the tube back into her pocket. Her eyes shift from the battle to me and those shiny lips lifted into a smirk.

EVIL GIRL! That's Hilary's new nickname. Not Hil, not 'Hey You'. And defiantly not just 'Girl'! No, it's EVIL GIRL.

Evil Girl over there wiggles her hips until she is comfortable and then crosses her legs, making sure to lift the one leg very slowly. She can do this for a living. Not that I would let her.

Hey, you're getting the wrong idea here. I wouldn't let her do that because that's not a life I would like for a friend.

Anyway, these goes on for a while. She rubs her lips together, puckers them, licks them. She's doing just about anything she can with her lips. And when the shine wears off, she replies the gloss and starts all over.


And Ray's just standing there all smug-like. Like I said before, he's evil, too.

I can't lose this! Not this one! She'll hold it over me forever.

There's only one thing I can do, and I can't believe I'm about to do it. Sighing to myself, I slowly pull the berry flavored sucker out of my mouth with a little lick at the end.

She saw it. I know because she stalled for a moment.

I've got the power!

You know, now that I think about it, maybe Max isn't so innocent. Maybe he knows about suckers and, if used correctly, the effect they have on women. Hmm…curious.

When the battle is finally over, I volunteer to go next as Kenny fettles with Max's blade. I'm blading against Ray, considering Tyson was eating.

Our battle was furious. Kenny told us that we shouldn't be battling this hard, but the stupid guy I'm battling with is helping the enemy! I have to destroy him! Kenny just wouldn't understand.

I can see Hilary from the corner of my eye. She's not watching the battle, but watching me. HA! I know that in battles, my muscles flex. I might just win this battle(the battle with Hilary, not with Ray.). But winning one battle is not winning a war. I have to think of more ways to make her lose concentration.

The beybattle ends and I am victorious. Coincidence? I think not. I look over to Hilary and she is leaning back on the porch with a pout on her face. That is not fair.

Claiming to be tired from a sleepless night(which is so untrue. My dream last night was very likable and I didn't dare wake up until the end.), and headed to what room we all slept in. I needed time by myself to think of a plan. I took off my shirt and laid down on my back. I sighed as I felt the cool wood flat against my back.

It could have only been a few minuets before I heard the soft padding of feet walking towards me. I know it could only be two people. Tyson, Kenny, and Max wouldn't walk that softly. Ray would because he's graceful like that. And Hilary because she's a girl…that happens walks softly.

I hear the door slid open and silently cursed myself for not having a plan. Now I'm alone in a room with her and she probably has a full deck of plans.

"Kai?" she whispered as she slid the door back.

I wasn't really in the mood to deal with her right now, so all I said was, "Hmm," I open one eye to see her standing over me. When did she get there? I hadn't heard her move.

"Kai," she says as she looks into my eye. "when is this going to end?"

That's a shocker. "I don't, Hilary," I open my other eye. "I didn't start it."

She chuckles, "You did started it,"

"Not intentionally." I defend myself calmly.

"Fine," she sighs, "Fine. We'll just keep this up. One day, one of us will break and then we won't have anything left." She gets out the lip gloss and applies it. I don't think she was doing it to temp me, but out of habit and nervousness instead. It doesn't really matter, though. What matters is she did it, and what I did next.

What I did next was grab her hand and pull her down to me. With one hand on her wrist, I threaded the other through her hair and kissed her lips roughly; demanding, even.

She pulls away(not too far, I still have my hand in her hair.). She was wearing a shocked face before she smirks. "You know," she says quietly. Did I mention that she was straddling my legs, her free hand resting against my chest, the other pulled down so that she's leaning against me. All in all, it's a very nice feeling. "I didn't plan it to end this way. This is all you."

"Whatever," I say. I know this is what she wanted. If not, why go so far to win?

"It's true," I insist as she brings her face back down to mine. Our lips brush as she talks. "I just wanted you to feel what I was feeling every time you "innocently" did something like taking off your shirt. I never meant to push you to kiss me."

I think about this for a minuet. "You don't want to kiss me?" I ask. I already know the answer.

"Well," she shrugs, "I never said that exactly." she takes another moment. "You taste like berries, you know. I like it."

"Good," I reply, and kiss her again.

This time she's little less shocked, so a little more responsive. It's nice. I can't believe I never tried this before. I mean, I've been kissed, of course. Random fangirls jump out of nowhere all the time. But I've never kissed them back.

Hilary's good at kissing. Much better than those other girls. She knows what she's doing, and what she wants. I can tell by the way her tongue licks my lips. She taste like strawberry. Lip gloss is usefully. It's surprising that she's so forceful. It makes me wonder where she learned to do this.

WHAT OTHER BOY(s) HAS SHE BEEN KISSING?! All right, it's final, she's not allowed around boys that I don't trust. Not with kissing skills like these.

After a few minuets of "censored activity"(get your dirty minds out of the gutter! We didn't do that much!), Hilary lead me from the room, giggling to herself as she drew on my hand with her thumb. I've never ever been hand in hand with ANYONE. It's a new, enjoyable feeling.

We walk onto the porch and start for the street on our way to the park. Everyone looks at us. That's enjoyable, too.

Before we leave, Hilary turns around and waves, "Thanks, Ray,"

He smiles knowingly, "No prob, Hil."


"Kai, close your mouth," Hilary giggles when she sees me. "It's very unbecoming on you,"

I KNEW IT! You all new that I new it, right? I told you! I knew it! I knew he was helping her!


Of course, I just shut my mouth, hold Hilary's hand, and walk away. No one but Hilary and me needs to know that I rule.

So that's it. This short story is officially done. Thank you for your reviews, I always look forward to every one them. They are so encouraging, and I've got to tell you, I will really miss them on my vacation( if I ever really get out of here!) I will give you information updates if I can. If I don't, I'm gone for a while.

At least I finished this story, though.

This is the last chapter. No more updates, please don't ask. I have a really hard time saying no. It's a weakness.

Thank you so much! And hey, it is the last chapter, so review if you've got something to say!