Editing this because I couldn't figure out the formatting when I originally uploaded this (several years ago). It was one of my first FMA pieces and isn't very good, but it has a special place in my heart. Enjoy!

Without A Reason

I am the boy who wouldn't forget
Who lost more than he gained
And watched as his world fell apart
I am the boy who has killed more than once
Without a reason

I am the boy who lost his soul,
But gained solid armor,
And watched his brother
Grow smaller and smaller
Without a reason

I am the girl who waited and waited,
Who tinkered while waiting
And was only curious
And was left without a goodbye
Without a reason

I am the woman left by her husband,
Who died before her children,
And tormented them and myself
To be convinced I wasn't who I was
Without a reason

I am the man who was rotting
So much he left his family
Only to be hurt by his long-forgotten loved ones
And be shunned by the current ones
Without a reason

I am the man who died a boy
But changes whenever he pleases
I am the man who hates his parents
And watched humans suffer
Without a reason

I am the man whose last sight was his wife
Pointing a gun at his gut
He did nothing wrong
Except figure it out
And helped a best friend
But he was still killed
Without a reason

I am the man who was hurt all along
But never let on
I am the one who was promised by his friend
Then hurt in his death
Without a reason

I am the woman who was stronger than strong
And followed the rules
Who killed more than many
Without a reason

I am the man whose country was beaten
And given a arm by his called-foolish brother
He lost the love who wasn't his
And wanted to make another stone
Without a reason

I am the girl who was left all alone
Who was led on
And given something she loved but hated
And seen in another world
Without a reason

I am the woman who did everything wrong
Her lover wanted her back
So he did what he had to do to have her again
She wondered and tried
But was killed by the smallest of us
Without a reason

I am the man who was nothing but flesh
Whose life was Lust
But eventually earned his just desserts
Without a reason

I am the boy who was filled with hate
For his mother and my friends
His mommy was not his mother
And he killed wondering why
Without a reason

I am the woman who had lost a child
Only to have him returned
More horrible than she could have imagined
But she still loved him
Without a reason

I am the man who was cut off from humanity
Who was never part of humanity
He was the first kill of a small boy
Without a reason

I am the girl who did nothing wrong
Who was promised another play
Her father used her, though
Without a reason

I am the man who ruined three lives
No one asked about the first
The second I was condemned for
Because of my sins I was turned into a beast
Without a reason

I am the man who's rank was high
Who had the ever-useful eye
His son was nothing
And whose body killed him
Without a reason

I am the woman who watched it all
Used my spies including my son
Told the boy life was unfair
And was hated by all
For a reason

I didn't change any of the actual poem while editing the format, so please bear in mind that this was written several years ago. Go check out some of my other FMA stories, tell me if I've improved!

Here are the people whom the stanzas are about, in order, by popular request:

Stanza 1: Ed, Stanza 2: Al, Stanza 3: Winry, 4: Trisha Elric, 5: Hohenheim of Light, 6: Envy, 7: Maes Hughes, 8: Roy Mustang, 9: Riza Hawkeye, 10: Scar, 11: Rose/Noa, 12: Lust, 13: Gluttony, 14: Wrath, 15: Izumi Curtis, 16: Greed, 17: Nina Tucker, 18: Shou Tucker, 19: Fuhrer Bradley/Pride, 20: Dante