Finally, an update by me! Sorry it took forever... I'm working on a lot of other things... Quiero comer la silla pero no puedo. Voy a practicar alli.
Bobertpaw, Lynxheart, Girpaw and Lionfang padded onto the shore of the lake. It was the first day of training for the new apprentices, but Potatopaw was back in camp with Lilypads learning special "medicine cat things".
"Today," Lionfang meowed in authority, "Thou shalt learneth and or mastereth the ways of THE FORCE."
Bobertpaw's ears pricked. "Whazzat?"
Lionfang puffed out his chest. "'Tis an omnipotent force which controls everything in the universe. As a warrior apprentice, THE FORCE is strong with thee. Alas, medicine cats lack the abilities to manipulate THE FORCE. 'Tis a shame."
Bobertpaw hung her head. "Poor Potatopaw."
"DOOKIE!" Girpaw squealed towards camp.
Lynxheart blinked twice. "Ooo-kay then… Let the training begin?" She hesitated before handing the apprentices light sabers. Girpaw immediately swung his around, nearly clipping Lynxheart's ear with the greenish blade. Bobertpaw jumped back, dropping her purple sword on her mentor's foot.
Lynxheart winced. "YOU ARE THE WORST APPRENTICE I HAVE EVER HAD!" She grabbed a blue light saber and rushed at Bobertpaw.
"Hey! Girpaw lifted the warrior with THE FORCEand slammed her into a tree. Squirrels dropped onto her head and began dancing around Girpaw.
"And all the squirrelies say 'he's pretty fly, for a Jedi!'" Lionfang sang in an annoyingly high-pitched voice. Lynxheart gave her brother a sour look. He hung his head. "Sorry…"
Review and I'll ship a donut to your current location... xD
Girpaw watched the squirrels run into the forest. "SQUIRRELIES!" He ran after them.
"Aw, crap…" Lionfang stared after him. "GIRPAW! COME BACK!" He disappeared into the forest after his apprentice.
Lynxheart sighed. "I told Maplestar her Star Wars obsession was a bad thing! But noooo… She had to go and blow my Skittles money on these freakin' force action light sabers!" She kicked the toy into the bushes. "Mouse-brained things aren't even real…" Her bobbed tail wagged angrily as she muttered under her breath.
Bobertpaw padded up to her mentor. "I've got a giant piggy bank… Wanna go buy some Skittles?" She pulled out her piggy bank and shook it over her head. It made a cool jangly noise.
Lynxheart's eyes lit up. "You would do that? For me?" She hugged the apprentices head. "YOU ARE THE BEST APPRENTICE I HAVE EVER HAD!" They ran in the opposite direction, to the nearest Twolegplace.