Jelmo: Hey, Welcome to my fic! Im really excited about it. When the 5th book came out I rejected the fact that ih happened, then the 6th book came out and I just totally didn't want to believe it. SOO Im going back to the end of 4th year! Yay!

General Disclaimer: Harry Potter is not mine… just incase you thought other wise.

Chapter 1: The Game is on.

Dumbledore sat down in his chair in his office at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry mumbling something along the lines of "stupid Harry" he picked up a letter off his desk and read it for what seemed like the millionth time thinking about this past month and a half…

Flash back

It was just after lunch when his fireplace burnt in green light and Sirius came running out panting heavily, Dumbledore twinkling eyes became serious and alert, "Sirius what's-" but Sirius, with fear, nervousness, and something else written throughout this face pushed a letter into Dumbledore's hands:

To my dearest God father,

A lot has happened this year to say the least and as you have noticed I'm gone now, I've ran away and I'm NOT coming back, ever. Now before you go having a heart attack let me explain, I began planning this last summer when I was depressed with Cedric's death. I decided that I'm going to leave the wizarding world behind but I also decided that I would have to kill Tom first because he would never leave me in peace, I figure not that I just wanted to complete the prophecy, I would either kill Tom or die tiring, either way it would end this forsaken way of life. It's funny really, after all that training and worrying, he was killed without the huge battle we imagined. He didn't see me as a cat, it's funny, you'll agree with me on that won't you?

Anyways I feel bad for leaving you but I can't stand it, I'm proud of you for sticking through everything that you did, you could of given up with my mum and dad died, but you didn't. You could have given up in Azkaban, but you didn't. You could have given up when they put Wormtail on trial finally and they kept giving him more and more potion because they thought he was lying. One thing after another, but you stuck through, I'm proud to say you were my godfather.

Please don't come after me, I'm sick of it, I'm not going back to England, not going back to Privet drive, and I'm NOT going back to Hogwarts. I'm sorry, but I need to live my life without people telling me what to do exactly with it. Don't worry about me, I'll go to some muggle high school and as long as I'm in school there's normally some sort of place that will care for teens.

I know you thinking that I should be resting because I'm not done healing actually I'm feeling a lot better, anyways it's been fun but please please please, let me alone to live my life.

Love always,


Dumbledore looked up at Sirius, "we have to find him".

End flash back

Dumbledore was looking through a stack of papers, names of people who have left the country in the last month and a half. After searching through out England Dumbledore got Fudge (who agreed in helping to get the-boy-who-lived back) to contact the muggle minister who got the information they needed. Since then Ron, Hermione, Remus, Sirius, himself, and other people who would help out now and then had been tiring to find either Harry Potter in the list or some name that seems off. After looking through about 15 pages of names he sighed and removed his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose but before he could get that far a name caught his eye 'James Weasel'.

As of now Harry lived in Seattle, he loved it there, when he first got there he spent the first 2 nights on the streets, but on the third night a high school teacher by the name of Tia Andrews found him laying on a bench and took him to the hospital, he was looking pretty bad back then, he had been beaten by his uncle, then after running from there he had gotten in a fight with a death eater that went after him, finally Harry had ran away from England after that, well as soon as he could walk anyways. Tia was a lonely single English teacher who lived in an upstairs apartment about 5 minuets driving from Roosevelt High School. Soon after Tia got Harry connected into the high school and he had been attending there ever since, his arm had been in a cast the first month but all in all the change had worked out well.

He didn't have any good friends yet but he was enjoying life, he could not do something just because he didn't want to, he still did most of his work but he didn't always.

One Saturday he was taking the short cut through someone's back yard to get home from school when he found a wizarding paper on their stone table, kind of curious he picket it up put it in his backpack before jumping the fence on the other side to get back to the apartment. Harry ran up the stairs two by two before grabbing the his key from his pocket and opening the door.

He shut and locked it quickly behind him before going to his room and sitting down on his bed. Harry pulled out the paper and on the front it said "Boy-Who-Lived gone for good?" A month ago Harry Potter ran away not long after his defeat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. We ask if you see him to contact the Ministry immediately. We have contacted the muggle world to have them also keep an eye out but the headmaster or a Britain school called Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry has told us that more then likely he left Britain. So who knows maybe we will find him here is the US" Harry didn't know what to think about this, he spent many minuets staring into space. Finally, Harry decided that if the time came he would figure it out then. He sighed and fell back on his bed, 'why wont they just leave me alone?'

Sirius, Remus, Ron, Hermione, McGonagall and Dumbledore were working quickly though a new stacks of papers. Harry was in Washington, and he said he was going to a muggle high school, this should be easy. Ya right, 4 hours they had been looking and relooking through the stacks of papers of every name of ever kid in a high school in Washington. Seated around the table in Grimwald place Hermione jumped up "I FOUND IT" every head turned towards her, "James Harry Weasel, I bet was the third time I looked through that paper and-" but she was caught off when Sirius came around and hugged her.

"Thank you thank you thank you" Sirius said holding her for a minuet.

"Just get my Harry back" she said eyes tearful. Sirius turned around to look at Remus and Dumbledore, "Albus, when are we going?"

He stood up and picked up the paper "as soon as I can get Mr.Weasel's school's address and his schedule. Also we need a plan I think they'll have some rules against random people take students away. And I don't think Mr. Potter will be going quietly."

Remus frowned, "then what?"

"I've been thinking…. Thinking someone might want to play teacher, it would be fun… we'll just have to wait for the perfect opportunity."

On July 29th Tia was sick; she couldn't even sit up in bed for very long. Harry walked to school in the rain that day in a bad mood and he himself was feeling a little sick but if Tia knew she would make him stay home, though latter he would have wished he did. It was nothing, well nothing according to Harry. Anyways he went to his history class and stared at the board numbly copping down lecture notes, then he went to his math class, waiting there for the bell to ring for dismissal, it seemed like forever but it finally did. James silently walked through the rain to English knowing there was going to be a sub. When he got there he slumped down in his desk in the back corner of the room next to the window. When the bell rang the sub still wasn't there and he was starting to wonder what was going on, then walked in the door was an exited Remus Lupin. He looked around the class for a monument as Harry grew tenser when Remus was staring right at him he made eye contact, just for a second before pulling away, "Good morning class, as you can tell I'm not Ms.Andrews. I'm your sub today Mr.Lupin." He wrote his name on the board with a red marker. "Today you will be writing an essay" there were groans from the class, "about running away" Harry frowned at him and gave him a nasty look, "What wrong Mr. Weasel? You just gave me the weirdest look".

'He's toying with me' Harry thought angrily. "No, nothing wrong sir"

Remus frowned pretending like he didn't know what was going on, "See me after class Mr.Weasel" Remus turned around, "write on how, why and where you would go, begin". Harry groaned and looked up towards the window, 'I can't believe I fell for that….' he sighed 'now I know how I'm getting out I just have to wait for the perfect time.' He pulled out a sheet of paper and a pencil, he was writing so hard that he broke it. He sighed, took a deep breath, stood up and walked to the pencil sharpener that was next to the door, as he walked over there so did Remus. He pushed his pencil in the sharpener wile Remus stood in the door way, Harry refused to look up and slowly started to sharpen, he stopped for a sec and whispered "I'm not going back."

Remus laughed, "I'm very sorry to tell you this but you have no chose in the matter, your underage in both worlds."

It was Harry's turn to smile as he started the sharpener "I run pretty fast, I made a mistake once, but I learn from my mistakes". With that he turned around and sat back down at his desk.

Remus looked at Harry, "Mr. Weasel," he waited for Harry to turn around, "game over". The class gave curious looks to both "James" and "Mr.Lupin". After a minuet Harry pulled a fresh sheet of paper out and began to write:

Dear my dearest god father, Remus, Dumbledore, and who ever else you brought with you,

I told you I could do it, but did you believe me? No. And your wrong, the game is not over it has merely just begun, incase you have forgotten I have a lot of money that I could live decently off of for most if not all of my life, all it has to last me just over a year. I don't understand why you won't let me be but I can't say that I'm surprised about it. Anyways the bells about to ring, I'll talk to you soon, I presume for you won't leave me alone until you can't find me, latter. For now, let the games begin!

Love always,

JW aka HP

Harry folded the paper into an airplane and put his backpack on his desk. Finally after much waiting the bell rang Remus went right outside the door "hand me your paper on your way out" when the last person was heading towards the door Harry jumped up, but unable to move his feet he fell flat on his face. He heard the door close and he sat up rubbing his face and ankle, "I hate you".

He laughed, "Really? I thought you loved me!" Harry growled and pulled himself back into his desk.

"What do you want?"

"To take you back."

"I'm not walking out of here".

"I know".

"It would look a little weird with you carrying a 'sleeping' body out of here to"

"You don't think I've come this far without a plan"

"Well then, are you going to share it or keep it to yourself?"

"hmm… for now I'll tell you this, Ill be right back and you aren't going any were" with that he flicked his want and Harry's wrists were bound to his desk with invisible ropes.

Harry sighed, "And where will you be going".

"I think there's someone you would like see".

Harry frowned, "and who would that be?"

"Your most favorite professors of all time... and your guardian." Harry swallowed and sunk into his seat, "I'll be right back" Harry took a deep breath 'ok, I don't have much time'. Remus shut the door and he heard him locking the door, "and the hope of being saved by muggles is now out of the question". He bit his back pack grabbing the zipper and opening it. He then grabbed the back of his bag and dumped its contents on the desk. He put an expansion charm and weightless charm on his backpack before he left Hogwarts, just to make shur he could have everything he needed with him at all times. His invisibility clock fell on his desk along with his binder, history book, math book, biology book, and Spanish book. Then came his smaller things, a knife that Sirius had given him said to be able to open any lock, a second wallet containing some wizarding money, and a small blue bag, he bit it and shook his head back and forth opening it slightly. He then got some of the powdery substance fall on his bound left wrist stetting it free. He the pored some on his other limbs and got up he heard the key rattle in the lock he grabbed the knife through the paper air plane at the door and jumped out the window. He landed and heard the door open followed by the recognizable voice Professor McGonagall, "he's gone!"

"That's not possible! I tied him magically to his chair. How could he…"

After a monument he heard Dumbledore's voice, "what does it say?"

"Let the games begin" Harry heard foot steps coming towards him and he took off running, through the wind he heard some yell "HARRY!" But Harry kept running, he ran across school and jumped onto the fence and started climbing the 10 feet to the top, he was about to hop over when he started feeling very sick and dizzy, he threw up over the side and slipped falling the 10 feet to the ground. Pain shot through him and he tried to get up. He grabbed the fence to support himself and started to pull himself up again. He glanced back and saw Sirius and Remus running after him, he knew he still wasn't safe, so he ran and ran still dizzy and sick and wanting to pass out but he couldn't allow that.

He was figuring out where he could go, he would wait, for a couple days at least. He sighed; 'I need to be out sight, what is there to do?' He walked down the street, 'you know with my luck some muggle police will pick me up for cutting school.' He laughed bitterly as he walked down to an abandoned park. He sat on a swing for awhile thinking of what he should do until night. He heard distant foot steps coming and looked to hide; he slid into the cement tunnel and held his breath. The foot steps came with voices, little kids...

"Mommy, please can we play?"

"When we come back from Grandma's we'll stop for a wile." Harry relaxed, but he still didn't know where to go. He figured he could turn into his cat but where would he put his bad? He couldn't have some muggle finding all the stuff in there. He rubbed his arm lightly, he definitely broke it and at least a rib but it was nothing compared to what the Dursleys did to him, he had killed Tom at the end of his fifth year and wile Sirius was under questioning at the Ministry who wouldn't be convinced that he was innocent Harry got sent to the Dursley's. Where, wile his 'dear' uncle was abusing him Harry finally decided that it was time to run away from the world like he had planed only known for less then 5 years.. still a long time.

Remus and Sirius came back to the class room where McGonagall and Dumbledore waited going through Harry's things. "We figured out how he got out, apparently the Weasley twins had given Harry some of the invisible rope dissolver." There was silence for a few monuments and Sirius started putting Harry's things into his bag.

"Now what?"

"Well we have a dog with a great since of smell, other then that we have to keep an eye on his house, tell Ms.Andrews about Harry and maybe she could tell us were he might be" Remus said.

Harry lay in the tunnel for a wile looking at all he had left with him, his wallet, Sirius's knife, and his wand.. not much. He lay down in the tunnel and closed his eye wanting the pain to go away, this turned out to be a mistake being that he fell asleep not to much latter...

He woke up to some one shaking him making his body hurt all over again, "kid, wake up!" Harry looked at the man who said this, it was a police officer, 'o shit'.

Jelmo: So I've written the next 3 chapters but they can still be better, and I have 6 more days of school SOOO that means FINALS