One Word Is All I Need

Something as simple as a word, one single word, can change a whole person. Albus Dumbledore knew this because he knew what his students wanted, all thanks to a project. He asked every student, from ever house, to write down one (or more) word to describe what they wanted most, what they needed. The result of that project was stunning, shocking even.

Living in a time of war and fear, the students were scared. No one handed in their piece of paper with some ridicules word on it like 'sex' or 'a computer'. They meant what they wrote, with all their heart. Some were signed anonymous, some wrote their names.

A world without fear anonymous

Truth Blaise Zabini

No more pain anonymous

Respect Neville Longbottom

Revenge anonymous

My family Harry Potter

No more tears anonymous

Something to go on for anonymous

Something other than this Ron Weasley

All of them meant something, every word was the truth. But the one note that stood out, was that of one of the brightest witches of her time. A note that said it all.

A reason Hermione Granger