Chapter music- Hedley - On My Own and Disturbed - Ten Thousands Fists

Title: One can find love if you look hard enough

Summary: One girl, one cime, more than one victim. How can one girl cause so much choas when she isn't even from this dimension?!

My own character: Shadow Mystic Perkinson, Akira Salen Michels
Chapter one: Get out of my way!

Gunshot's could be heard from miles around. In the large city of New York one single figure ran through alley way's, trying to avoid the bullet's whizzing past.

"Get out of my way!" the figure growled out pushing people aside.

"Get back here you theif!" a large bodyguard yelled firing off his pistol rapidly.

The figure is dressed in a simple black cloak. hiding their face and what gender they are from view. People tried to stop the figure but instead only got pushed to the ground.

"Stop that theif!" the bodyguard yelled angrily running as quickly as he could.

The figure ran towards an empty alleyway only to run up the wall a bit and back flip off of it. The figure filled everyone off as the figure ran into the alleyway and disappeared.

The bodyguard ran into the alleyway and past the figure hiding in the shadows in between two buildings. The figure slowly eased their way out from the crack and looked around.

"Damn that was too close! How the hell did the know where I would be anyway's?!" they figured hissed lowly. By the tone of the figure's voice you could tell it was a female.

A running noise caught the girl's attention making her pay close attention to the entrance of the alleyway. "Did you find that damn thief?!" the bodyguards voice yelled angrily.

"N-no sir! We didn't see anyone exit the alleyway expect for you!" a studdering female voice admitted fearfully, scared of the raving bodyguard in front of her.

The girl smirked under her hood and stepped towards the wall so not to be noticed if they ran into the alleyway trying to listen carefully to what was being said.

"We need to find that damn theif! If word get's otu that a simple lowly theif broke into the volt and stole money from the club, we're ruined! We need to find that damn bastard!" the bodyguard bellowed out.

"Yes sir! I understand!" the female voice said firmly, now unafraid.

'So you both think you can catch me huh? Let the games begin' the girl thought darkly as she heard the bodygaurd and the female run into the alleyway. The girl stepped out into the alleyway and into the streetlight, letting hersef be seen.

"YOU! There you are!" the bodyguard yelled loudly.

The girl just reached into her cloak and pulled out a simple dagger. "Shall we begin?" she asked huskily.

The female stepped forward her shoulder length blonde hair and pale skin reflecting the glow from the street light a few feet away from them. "What are you playing at?" she asked sternly her brown eyes narrowing in hate and anger.

The girl smirked and cracked her knuckles. "Why whatever do you mean? I only want to have a little fun with you two. You're so determined to catch me aren't you? I thought you love to have a little play fight before I kill you is all" the girl taunted letting her hood show the bottom of her face, and her dark grin scaring the bodyguard.

The bodyguard stepped forward and raised his pistol at the girl. "We won't be the one's dieing here girl, you are" he sneered out shooting at her, where her heart should be.

Right before the bullet could hit the girl though, the shadows nehind her shielded her. Covering her chest where the bullet would have hit.

"H-how? How can that be?!" the female gasped out in terror. The female took a few steps back and behind the bodyguard terrifed out the girl in front of them.

"Oh how sweet, your so scared! Like I said, yuo're the one's who are going to die here" the girl chuckled our, the shadows now settled on her shoulder resembling a raven.

The bodyguard shot three more round's, the raven taking all the hit's. "You're a freak!" he gasped out in disgust.

In a blink of an eye they girl was in front of the bodyguard and female, giving them both a dangerous grin. "You have no idea just how much of a freak I am" she whispered before grabbing the bodyguard's neck and lifting him off the ground causing him to drop his pistol.

The bodyguard clawed at the girl's hand, trying to free himself and to get air. "L-let go o-of me y-you mon-monster" he wheezed out his face turning blue from the lack of oxygen.

A bullet was fired hitting the girl in the shoulder, causing her to look behind the bodyguard and at the female, who held the pistol in her shaking hands.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" the girl hissed out snapping the bodyguards neck and tossing him aside, like he was her afternoon trash.

The female took a shaky step back away from the girl and dropped the gun. "D-don't come anywhere near me!" she screamed out in terror.

The girl frowned at the female, showing her annoyance. "You do realize that what you said is pathetic right? You expect me to listen to what yo say when your unarmed and not even worth the air you breath?" the girl hissed lowly, the raven returning onto her shoulder where she was shot.

In less than a second later the girl had the female pressed up against the alley wall and about to snap her neck still annoyed.

"W-why? Why are you doing this?" the female asked quitely, tear's streaming down her face.

The girl frowned and cocked her head to the side, showing her confusion.

"Why do you kill so easily? Why don't you feel anything?" the female asked fearfully staring they girl in the eye, or where her eye's should be.

The girl thought for a moment before answering. "You the first person who has ever asked me that question, beside's myself year's ago. I kill because it's natural to me. It's the only thing I know what to do really. Feeling? That's a difficult question to answer really. Well... I don't feel anything since no one showed me how to feel" the girl mumbled thoughtfully to herself thinking over her answer.

"No one ever showed you how to feel? You mean you really don't feel anything at all? Not eveb happiness or pain?" the female asked shocked the tear's slowly stopping.

"Well... I feel annoyance, hate and anger. Does that count as feeling something?" the girl asked moving her ehad so it was upright again instead of cocked to the side. The firl was still confused but waiting for the female's answer to ehr question.

The female looked at the girl and gave her a pity filled smile. "Whatever happened to your parent's?" she asked softly while not thinking of what the outcome to this question could be.

The girl suddenly tensed and snapped the female's neck angrilt, letting her limp body fall to the ground. She stood there for a second before walking away from the dead bodies. Her shoulder's tense and back straight.

'Parent's... I don't have any parent's... I never have' the girl though blankly as she neared the alley exit, near the street were little to no light was coming from.

The raven flew off the girl's shoulder startling her a bit. "Hm? What's wrong with you? You've been acting strange even since that old man threw this dagger at you a few month's ago" the girl said confused looking at the forgotten dagger in her hand.

The dagger itself isn't anything interesting, but the heavey arua of pure power covering it was. The blade was dull and somewhat rusted, showing it had been used many time's before. The handle is a simple black with four letters carved into it: S, G, H and R.

The raven squeaked angrily once and dived towards the girl getting a head start off the light post it was resting at.

"What are you dong Akira? Stop playing around and get out of that dive! Akira! Are you even listening to me?!" the girl yelled as the raven Akira neared her more and more.

Finally Akira was about to collide with the girl when she cocked her head to the side.

"Are you sending me away again? Like you did when I was born?" she asked comfused before AKira flew stright into her, surrounding her with the shadows.

"So you won't answer me anymore? Or are you trying to protect me again?"

Shadow: So? What do you all think?? I got this idea while at my dad's house. Which is kinda weird in itself

Akira: Why do you say that??

Shadow: Cuz... I never get any writing ideas over there

Akira: Not even one?'

Shadow: Well... there was this one story...

Akira: Was it any good?

Shadow: I though so at first

Akira: What do you mean at first? What happened?

Shadow: Well I turned it in for my English homework and got an F, then my friend Edward lit it on fire in my backyard I get it

Shadow: You do? I still don't and that was over three year's ago!

Akira: You are so slow

Shadow: Thank you! ...wait was that suppose to be mean?

Akira: smacks herself on the forehead how did I ever get stuck with you??

Shadow: Because you loooove me!

Akira: Nope that ain't it!

Shadow: pouts Your so mean to me! Oh well!! Please read and review! Let me know what you think!!

Akira: And if she really is slow