A/N: Well, I've tried Eragon and Harry Potter fics... And I always had a slight obsession with Danny Phantom, so why not? This is only the first chapter in a 16/17 chapter long story I've plotted out. Though, it all really depends on how good I am at DP... Tell me if it's horrible, alright? I'd just like an opinion before I stab in the dark much more. I don't want to hit anyone, you know.

Of course, Amity Park wasn't a normal town. Of all of the haunting seen in Washington state, Amity topped the list with its own, special ghost: Danny Phantom. Few individuals knew his real story, or his real identity. Most that did know were ghosts themselves, who kept his secret. His real name was Daniel Fenton, just a fourteen year old kid, barely into high school.

Danny was at school, listening to a lecture from Mr. Lancer on school spirit, along with everyone else in Casper High.

"I think Lancer's used these lines before." One of his best friends, Sam Manson, whispered to him. He passed the message onto Tucker Foley, who was on his other side.

"He's used them all before." Tucker replied, rolling his eyes at the teacher who had gone into describing the Spirit Sparklers with great detail.

Sam looked to Lancer, then back to Danny and Tucker and shrugged. "Good point. You think he'd refine it, though."

Danny leaned back on his chair and shut his eyes for a minute. It didn't get much worse that this. He was bored, hungry, and Mr. Lancer wouldn't shut up. Of course, this happened every day in his Language Arts class, but this assembly was running on two hours and his legs had began to cramp.

"There's no poi-" Danny began, before shielding his eyes, as everyone else did when Mr. Lancer ripped off his clothes to reveal his old cheer uniform, and then slid across the floor on his knees, only to have it rip right at the chest; revealing an forest of chest hair.

"WE DIDN'T NEED TO SEE THAT!" The trio yelled angrily, eyes still shielded.

The rest of the school, even the teachers agreed. There were, almost instinctually, teachers beckoning students out of the auditorium with great haste as the middle aged man put himself back together.

"You know, I kind of feel sorry for him. He just wants to relive his high school years." Tucker said thoughtfully at lunch the next day.

"Dude, it's Lancer." Danny replied. "Lancer."

"True. But still." The techno-geek shrugged the topic off.

"I've gotta go get my extra credit thing from Ms. Haynes." Danny gave a sickened look as he thought of their art teacher. He rose from the table, and not bothering to tell Tucker goodbye, left for the art room.

Danny didn't pay any attention to the flickering lights- it happened all the time. Though, when the halls were emptied and lockers opening and closing, he'd become slightly concerned. Then, his ghost sense set off.

"What the hell?" He looked around, a large wind had started. There was a hazy shape in the distance, but Danny recognized it immediately. Vlad Plasmius. Going ghost, he sighed. He wasn't in the mood for this today.

"Why, Daniel! Great to see you." Vlad said sarcastically. Surprisingly, he was holding a large, silver gun.

"Wonderful." Danny grumbled, firing an ectobeam.

"Indeed! And I see you've noticed my new toy." Vlad dodged the ball of energy and shot the gun into the air for an example. A giant, blue ball of energy came out of the small hand gun and flew through the floors of Casper High, and into the sky- Vlad had made his point, the gun was dangerous.

"Er, whatever." Danny replied. Flying closer to Vlad, he made a shot he knew he couldn't miss. The next thing he saw, though, was darkness. The shot had hit Vladâ–“s arm, and made him shoot at Danny, full blast.

Vlad, though shocked, was satisfied. The ghost boy had been thrown into the wall and transformed back into his human self, though he could guess that he'd broken more than a few of Daniel's bones. Grinning evilly at the side affects he'd discovered while testing, Vlad fazed out of the high school while students poured into the halls, wondering what had shaken the school so hard.

"Tucker, where's Danny?" Sam had almost dropped her lunch in shock when Vlad shot the gun.

"Um. He was talking about extra credit in art or something..." Tucker trailed off.

"Who needs extra credit in art?" She raised an eyebrow, then shook her head. "Well, let's go see what it was. He probably threw the Box Ghost into a bunch of lockers or something." Tucker shrugged, then proceeded to follow her out of the lunch room.

What they didn't know, though, was that Danny was in much more trouble than either of them could have predicted.