Chapter 18

Threads of Fate

Beautiful pink petals of cherry blossom dropped from the trees, falling on the green grass of the hospital's area. Syaoran leaned against the window frame, closing his eyes as the morning breeze swept across his face, bringing his chestnut hair dancing wildly in the air. It was a usual day in Hong Kong with a typical morning routine in the big city.

"Are you going to charge her?"

Fujitaka shook his head. "I'm not sure, Syaoran. She's too young. Even her parents were shocked at what she did to Sakura."

"You didn't mean to just let her go, do you?" Syaoran hissed, keeping it in a low tone, afraid that his harsh voice would surprise the unconscious Sakura in the room. Young or old, there was no difference to him because still, she was a criminal.

"I will, if only, Sakura will open her eyes again."

Syaoran snapped his eyes open. The conversation he had with Fujitaka Kinomoto last night was still fresh in his mind. Whatever decision Fujitaka had made for Shana, it doesn't matter to him anymore. He just wanted his Sakura to open her eyes again, brighten his day with her warm smile like she always did. Third day, he sighed.

Man, it's so bright. Her eyelids moved, attempting to allow her emeralds to capture the reflection of the sunlight from the window. I don't know if heaven is this bright, she thought. In that case, probably hell.

She forced the muscle of her eyes to open, ignoring the pain in her head that was beginning to hurt her. Open, open, open…She chanted in her head and a moment later, her eyes snapped open. Whoa! I made it! And then she knew that was a mistake, forcing her eyes to open when they were not ready. Aww… my head's spinning, she winced.

As she was ready to see whether she was in heaven or really in hell for she was pretty sure she had died the moment her body was transformed into tiny blue particles and disappeared into the air, voices from somewhere distance shattered her imagination of already being dead.

What was that? She thought, wanted to get up when she saw Syaoran passed by across her bed towards the door, didn't notice that her eyes were blinking because she hadn't made a single sound since then. Sakura gulped. He can see me, can't he?

"Calm down Tomoyo. She's just a girl," Eriol comforted the emotional Tomoyo who was gripping her fists, glaring at Shana who was standing beside Shinna. Refusing to choose between Tomoyo and Shinna, Kei just kept silent, sitting beside Meiling who had a surprise wake up from Tomoyo's roar.

"What's this fracas?" Syaoran came out from the room, looking at each one of them and finally stopped at Shana and Tomoyo.

"She's yours," Tomoyo finally said after a moment of silent, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed on her chest. She looked greatly annoyed, he could tell that by her look and he didn't blame her for that.

"Li, I-"

"If you wish to see her, I suggest you ask from her when she wakes up," Syaoran cut Shana off. "That is, if she wants to see you."

"Li…" Shinna pleaded.

"I've finished," he strictly said, turning his back at them, ready to prison himself in the room again with his unconscious beloved.

As he opened the door and was about to enter in, his feet instantly stopped. Right in front of him stood Sakura, dragging her bandaged foot with full effort towards the door, cursing something under her breaths about the bandaged left foot that made her walking a difficult task. Realizing someone was standing on the path she was heading, Sakura lifted her chin up, meeting the gaze of a pair of amber eyes. Instead of giving him a warm smile that she usually does, she let out a soft sigh. "Tell me you can see me coz' I had this weird dream and you wer-"

Her sentence were cut off when Syaoran took her into his arms fiercely, embracing her in his touches. After a while, he slowly pulled her back, gazing into those green emerald eyes that he had longed to see. A wide smile carved on his lips. Then without a warning, she pinched his arm.

"Aww, what's that for?" he groaned, puzzled by he action.

Looking annoyed at him, she said, "Last night I was speaking to you but you ignored me! You weren't listening and left me alone!" She crossed her arms on her chest.

"But I was sitting here all night long and you didn't even make a single move!" He became even more puzzled. "I didn't? That's weird." Sakura grinned sheepishly.

"Correction," Tomoyo came in from behind Syaoran. "You didn't just sleep all night long but three nights in a row!" She came and ran towards Sakura, pinching her cheeks while crying. "You're a bad girl, Sakura. I'm like a panda now you see?" she cried again, hugging Sakura tightly in her arms.

"Well, at least that I'm still alive now that you won't have to become a panda anymore," she chuckled and Tomoyo pinched her again.

"Thank God you're finally awake," Meiling interrupted in. Sakura shifted her gaze towards the jet haired girl. "Otherwise I'll become the second panda after Tomoyo." A way to tell that she cared about Sakura without showing it. Still the old Meiling's style, Sakura smiled.

"Hey, dad. Monster's got up from it's cave." A tall figure entered in the crowded room, followed by a 40 year-old man.

"Touya! Daddy!" Sakura shouted happily, hugging those two men in her wide opened arms. Touya, her 20 year-old big brother looked like the reflection of Fujitaka Kinomoto, except that he is a younger version of Fujitaka.

Everyone was there, her family, her friends and her beloved one. Still, she felt something was missing. "Where's Shinna and Shana?" By the time they realized about them, they were gone.



"It's for the best," Fujitaka solemnly said. "She almost caused you dead, that's considered a cheap price to pay."

"But dad-" Sakura tried to argue but Syaoran shook his head, signaling her to stop and she unwillingly obeyed. Maybe her father was right; it was for the best after all.

"3...2...1...MERRY CHRISTMAS!"

Months had passed since the unforgetable incident. As usual, Touya couldn't celebrate the Christmas because he had to go overseas to work. Daddy and Yelan also had a business trip to somewhere else. The Li's sisters were unable to attend our Christmas party for some reasons. So here we are all again; the same group we had for summer's holiday, well, almost the same. And oh yeah, we're in the Daidouji's villa, again.

Meiling had become a university student and had this charming mysterious boyfriend, Yue. He was cool though, and a year older that she was. Tomoyo and Eriol were as usual, except that Tomoyo made him promise that he'll give a diamond ring on her 20th birthday, that is three years from now. Well, we kinda know what that ring was supposed to mean. Kei went to our high school and currently became one of the most popular junior guy. He dated with some girls but things just don't turn right for him. I knew he couldn't forget her but well, I just hope he could find the right girl one day.

"What you're thinking?" Syaoran snapped Sakura back from her thoughts.

Cuddling in his arms on the sofa, Sakura leaned her back on his chest. "Nothing particular," Sakura answered. Wherever Shinna and Shana are, I hope they'll be happy.

"Sakura," Syaoran called and Sakura turned to look at him. Before she realize, he kissed her wet lips and for a moment, just gazing into her eyes as he cupped her cheeks in his hands.

"Don't ever leave me again, okay?"

Similing, Sakura shook her head. "I won't." And she returned his kiss.


This is the end of 'So Close' by Crystal Blueberry. I thank you all for you reviews and your support and not to forget to those who added this story to the favourite and alert list! Goodbye and see ya again in my next story! I love you guys!

This is my coming story, 'I Have To Say Goodbye.' A love and tragic story of a king and a princess. Sorry to say but I think it'll take months before I post this one. I hope you'll be patient to wait for my return. Till then!

Summary : He was to be said a cruel, heartless and cold-hearted king, feared by all his enemies. She thought he was an old geezer but when fate brought them together, he was not everything she had imagined. It's a story of love, magic and fantasy.

The preview for Chapter 1 of 'I Have To Say Goodbye' : His amber eyes glinted at the reflection of her silver sword. With a single, simple movement, he parried her sword. Sakura's eyes widened when he brought his sword forth and knocked her abdomen with its back. Her cloak flapped open, finally revealing the fair hidden face he was curious to see. Falling on her knees, she dropped her sword on the floor and he caught her in his arms protectively. Studying the face of the beautiful unconscious in his arm, he drew his sword to the side. As I thought...a girl.