Authors Note:

I needed some closure for this story. I've always wanted a Don/Megan shipper, so this chapter sort of gets that done with room left for a follow-up story at some point.

I don't like Liz, and that's why I didn't include her in the story.

I do like Colby, but didn't really want to write anything for him in this story, because I want to see where the writers are going to take us in Season 4. (It'll be here before we know it! Yeah!)

I hope you've enjoyed this and I do apologize for the delay in updating.

Lorrie 

Disclaimer: I do not own 'nor claim to own the rights to Numb3rs or any of it's characters. The following story is written for entertainment purposes only.

"If I'd Only Known"

By Lorrie

3 Disagreements

Mob connections

2 bullets

1 Father's anguish and retribution

Chapter 13 - If I'd Only Known . . . How You Felt About Me

"Just give me a minute, Charlie. I can do this, you know." Don stated firmly as he looked up at his brother from the backseat of the car.

Charlie smiled at him. "Oh, and I'd like to know how with just one good arm."

Don eased himself out of the car and stood up on the sidewalk. "Just like that." He returned the smile.

Alan shook his head as he watched his two sons. "Boys." He cautioned with only a tone a father could muster.

Charlie looked at his father sheepishly. "I'm only trying to help, but my brother here is being stubborn."

"Am not." Don retorted.

"Are too." Charlie shot back.

"Boys!" Alan repeated, his voice a bit louder.

Charlie and Don both dropped their heads. "Sorry dad." They replied in unison.

Alan came around the car and took Don's elbow. "I know you can do this, but humor me, OK?" He looked into his son's eyes just before they started up the sidewalk. "Besides, the neighbors might be watching and I wouldn't want them to think that I wasn't taking good care of you."

Don laughed and offered no protest as Alan helped him up the sidewalk and into the house.

"Are you going up to your room, or taking the couch?" Charlie asked.

Don eyed the couch. "The couch looks good."

"Only for a while, Donnie." Alan announced. "The doctor said you need two weeks worth of rest."

"Believe it or not, I can rest and watch TV at the same time." Don said as he eased himself down on the couch.

"I'll get some pillows." Charlie offered.

"How about a blanket to go with them?" Don suggested.

Alan's face suddenly showed concern. "A blanket? Donnie, are you cold?"

Don shook his head. "No, but I like a light blanket over me when I sleep."

"You're tired?" Alan asked, relaxing the tension in his voice somewhat.

"A little. I guess the ride here took a little out of me." Don confessed.

Alan nodded as he watched Charlie get his brother settled in on the couch and picked up Don's duffle bag. "I'll just take your bag upstairs."

"Thanks dad." Don replied.

Don had been asleep for almost an hour when a knock at the door roused him. He kept his eyes closed, guessing that Charlie or his dad would answer it, but after a few seconds passed and the knocking continued, he pulled himself upright and started to get up. A wave of dizziness hit him and he had to sit back down. "Charlie! Dad!" He called out, holding his head in his hands.

"Sorry, I was in the kitchen." Alan explained as he ran to the door while trying to keep an eye on Don. "Don't you dare try to stand up!" He warned.

"Alan, is everything alright?" Megan asked as she was welcomed into the house.

Alan gestured towards Don. "I think he tried to get up too fast."

Megan made a beeline for her co-worker. "Hey, bossman." She said as she knelt in front of him with concern on her face. "You OK?"

His right elbow rested on his right knee while the heel of his hand pressed hard against his forehead. She couldn't help but notice that his eyes were squeezed shut, as if trying to shut out pain. "Don?"

He attempted to breath through the pain in his head and answer Megan at the same time. "Yeah. Just got up too fast."

Alan pressed two pain pills into Megan's hand. "The doctor said he may have a few episodes like this."

"Don, let's take your pain pills." Megan handed them to Don while she took a glass of water from Alan.

After swallowing the pills, Don rested his head in his right hand again. "Why don't you lie back down?" Megan suggested, gently placing her hand behind his neck and good shoulder, helping him ease down to the couch.

Once he was lying down, Megan started to pull away, but Don grabbed her hand. "Don't go." He said softly.

"How about I stay right here until you go to sleep?" She suggested, squeezing his hand reassuringly.

Don nodded. "I'm glad you're here." He said softly.

Megan smiled. "Me too."

Alan nodded in agreement. "Me too." He said as he turned back towards the kitchen.

Something had definitely either changed or surfaced in Don and Megan's relationship, not that they hadn't always been close, but it appeared that their friendship might be blossoming into something more; which in Alan's eyes would be a welcome relief. He had always liked Megan.

Even though little things were surfacing now, he wasn't sure that Don would allow things to develop between he and Megan. He had said something just a few months ago about how wrong it was to date a co-worker, this after coming through a very fast-paced, rocky relationship with Liz, who had decided that after a particularly hazardous shootout that had left Don with a slight bullet graze to his shoulder, that she didn't want to be involved with anyone in law enforcement and had put in for an immediate transfer, which had crushed Don.

He sighed as he looked back into the living room, seeing Megan's hand gently touch Don's face as he drifted off to sleep.

Megan could feel Alan's eyes on her, but she didn't want to move away from Don. She had come far too close to losing him and too many things had been left unsaid between them.

It was her doorstep he had landed on a few months ago at two in the morning, half drunk and crying the blues about Liz leaving. She had let him in and they had gone through a pot of coffee while talking, but she would never forget one thing in particular he had said to her. "Megan, you're the only one I can really talk to. You're the only one who really seems to understand me." He had stared into her eyes. "I know we're partners and I shouldn't think about you the way I do, but Megan, I definitely feel something for you, something that I've never felt for any other woman and I . . . I . . ." His head had drifted downward towards the table and he passed out.

She smiled at the memory. He had almost told her how he really felt. She had thought something was up the day that he had saved her from that crazy kidnapper.

Her thoughts drifted to Larry, feeling guilty for a moment, but then realizing that her feelings for Don could no longer be ignored. She looked at him sleeping peacefully in front of her and bent down and gently kissed his cheek. "I'm here for you, bossman, always." She whispered.

Charlie came home an hour later to find Don asleep on the couch with Megan's head resting against his leg, their hands still clasped together. He stared for a moment and then hurried into the kitchen.

"Oh, you're home." Alan exclaimed as he took a fresh roast out of the oven.

"Umm, smells good." Charlie said as he poured himself a glass of tea and gestured towards the living room. "What's going on in there?" He asked matter-of-factly.

Alan smiled slightly with his back towards his youngest. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"With Don and Megan?" Charlie asked.

Alan peeked through the door and gazed at the sleeping couple. "I think they're asleep." He said, still avoiding Charlie's obvious question.

Charlie laughed. "Yeah, I got that much, but they're holding hands. What did I miss this morning after leaving for work?"

Alan turned to Charlie, "I don't really know what's going on between them, if anything, but I do know that right now Megan is a great comfort to your brother."

"But are they seeing each other? I mean, I thought Megan and Larry were still dating, well somewhat, I mean, I guess it's hard when he's not here, but . . ."

"Charlie, I won't have you bringing any of this up to your brother, do you understand? He needs her right now. She knows how to get though to him. He listens to her when he won't listen to me or you."

Charlie peeked out the door again and smiled as he quietly closed it. "OK, I'll pretend I didn't see anything."

"Thank you." Alan replied.

"For now." Charlie said. "But Larry will be coming back at some point and . . ."

"Charles!" Alan raised his voice.

Charlie lifted his hands in defeat. "OK, OK, I'll shut up now."

"I think that might be best." Alan said and patted his youngest on the shoulder. "Now, go get cleaned up for dinner. I'm going to wake Don and Megan."

"Let me do it!" Charlie exclaimed quietly.

"I don't think that would be wise." Alan cautioned. "Now get cleaned up for dinner."

Alan stood silently for a moment, admiring the two sleeping FBI Agents. They certainly do compliment each other. He thought as he gently touched Megan's shoulder. "Megan." He said quietly and then touched Don's shoulder slightly. "Donnie, it's time for dinner."

Don drew in a deep breath, smiling as he inhaled the aroma of Megan's shampoo. "Megan, time to get up." He mumbled.

She lifted her head, sleepily. "What time is it?" She looked around and quickly realized that she was in the Eppes home. "Oh, I must have fallen asleep."

"It's OK." Alan said reassuringly. "I'd like you to stay for dinner. I made a pot roast."

Don smiled as he wiped his hand over his face. "You might want to consider that. Dad, here makes the best pot roast you've ever tasted."

Megan looked at her watch and then at Alan. "Are you sure? I mean, I've been here most of the day . . . apparently sleeping." She looked at Don. "You look like you feel better."

"I do and I'd really like for you to stay for dinner." He said softly, his beautiful brown eyes melting any resolve she may have had.

She sighed and smiled up at Alan. "I'd love to stay for dinner."

"Good! Everything's all set and if you'd like to freshen up, you know where the bathroom is."

"Thanks." She looked back at Don. "Would you like a washcloth or something?"

He nodded as he stretched his right side. "That would be great."

"Are you going to give him a sponge bath while you're at it?" Charlie asked, half kidding, half serious.

"Charlie!" Don exclaimed.

"Charlie, that's enough!" Alan cautioned.

"Sorry. I didn't mean anything by that." Charlie apologized.

Don stared at him, uneasily. "You better not have."

Charlie took a seat beside his brother's resting place on the couch. "How are you feeling?"

Don nodded. "Good. A little hungry."

"Well, that's good because dad has made all of your favorites for dinner." Charlie replied as he started to get up.

Don grabbed his arm. "Charlie, what did you mean by that?"

"By what?"

"The comment you made to Megan." Don said.

Charlie pulled out of Don's grasp. "Nothing. I told you I didn't mean anything by it."

"Charlie, I won't have you saying anything to hurt her. Do you understand me?" Don cautioned.

Charlie nodded. "Yes, I think I understand you completely." He turned towards the kitchen. "Dad, I left a few papers back in my office on campus. I'm going to have to back and get them." He turned back to Don, still calling out to Alan. "Don't hold dinner for me."

"Charlie!" Don shouted as Charlie grabbed his keys and left. "Charlie!"

"What was that all about?" Megan asked as she came back down the stairs with a damp washcloth in her hand.

Don shook his head. "Nothing."

"Charlie thinks there's something between you and me, doesn't he?" She asked as she handed Don the cloth and watched him wash his face.

"I don't know what's going through my brother's mind. I seldom do. Besides, it's none of his business, anyway."

Alan emerged from the kitchen and placed the pot roast on the table. "Well, if you want to make your way to the table, dinner is just about ready."

"I shouldn't have agreed to stay for dinner. I've upset Charlie and . . ." Megan started.

"Forget Charlie." Don said quietly, cupping Megan's chin in his hand. "I want you here. I want you to stay."

"Don, I feel sure that Charlie thinks he's protecting Larry. He must have seen us when he came home from work." She started.

"Seen us what? Holding hands while we slept?" Don smiled, his eyes never leaving hers. "So what? Larry's a big boy and he should know that if he wants to keep a lady's attention, then maybe he should stay near the lady."

"Don, I . . ."

Don leaned in close and gently brushed her lips with his just as Alan came through the door. Megan pulled away suddenly, her face turning red. "Don, maybe I should go."

Don shook his head. "Please don't." He said quietly. "We need to talk . . . later, after dinner."

She smiled and helped him to his feet.

"This smells wonderful!" She exclaimed as Alan helped her get Don situated in the dining room chair.

After she took her seat, Don grabbed her hand under that table, looked at her and smiled.

Alan found it difficult to not keep a smile plastered to his face, but felt bad about Charlie walking out on them, knowing that Charlie only had Larry's best interest at heart. Somehow he couldn't help but think that Charlie may not have the whole story of Larry and Megan's relationship.

"So, do you want some of all of it?" She asked Don as she took his plate.

"You know it." Don replied and watched as she helped his plate and placed it in front of him before helping her own.

Megan could feel Alan's eyes on her as she helped Don. "Alan, can I get you something?" She asked.

"No, no, I'm fine. I was just marveling at the care you're giving Donnie." He smiled at her.

"That's what friends do for each other." She replied, chancing a brief glance at her boss who couldn't contain his smile.

"I hope you've remembered to thank Megan for being here for you today." He gestured at Don.

"Well, not yet, but the night's not over." Don replied.

Alan lowered his head and shook it slightly. "You just keep in mind that you're recovering from two gunshot wounds."

"Believe me, that's not something that's easy to forget." Don replied and as if on cue, grimaced at a twitch of pain in his side.

"Don?" Megan asked.

He closed his eyes and eased out his breath. "I'm fine."

"Do you want to lie down?" Alan asked.

Don shook his head. "No. I'd like to finish my dinner." He said and resumed eating as the pain subsided.

After they were finished, Megan cleared the table. "Alan, let me get Don settled in the living room and I'll help you with the dishes."

"There's no need for that. I can load the dishwasher." He replied.

She smiled. "I'd really like to help."

"OK." Alan returned the smile, thinking that she might want to talk.

"Alright, bossman, the couch or up the stairs?" She asked.

"The couch looks good. I'm a little tired." He said quietly.

Her hand rested on his forehead. "You don't feel feverish."

He gently pulled her hand from his head and kissed the inside of her palm, then brought her hand to his cheek. "I'm fine, Megan. Just a little tired. This is the longest I've been up since I got shot."

She cupped his cheek and then gently ran her fingers through his hair. "OK, the couch it is then. Let's get you settled and then I'm going to help your dad with the dishes."

Once Don was settled in, his light-weight blanket on top of him, Megan knelt next to him. "Goodnight." She whispered, and kissed his forehead.

"You're not leaving, are you?" He asked.

"I've been here all day and I think I've pretty well worn out my welcome." She said as he grasped her hand.

"Not with me, you haven't." He said.

"Don, I've upset Charlie. I never intended to do that. I never intended to . . ." She caught herself before completing her sentence.

"To what?" Don asked.

"To stay all day." She lied.

"Megan . . . I need you." He said quietly.

She nodded. "And I'll be here anytime for you, you know that."

He looked down at their clasped hands. "When this is over, when I'm back 100, we need to really talk, if you know what I mean."

She smiled and nodded. "I'd like that." She set with him until he fell asleep and then gently pulled her hand from his and joined Alan in the kitchen. "Sorry, I tried to get in here sooner."

"Is Donnie asleep?" Alan asked.

She nodded and picked up a plate, adding it to the dishwasher. "Yes."

"You care a great deal for my boy, don't you?" He asked her point blank.

There it was, all laid out on the table. "Yes, Alan, I do. I always have. Don has a special place in my heart that no one will ever be able to touch."

"Megan, don't misunderstand what I'm asking. I know you would never intentionally hurt Don, but what about Larry?"

She dropped her head. "Larry's changed Alan. He isn't the same person he was before the space thing with NASA. He doesn't want my company anymore and that's fine. I mean, we went into our relationship with the understanding that it wasn't permanent."

"I take it that Charlie doesn't know that." Alan replied.

She shook her head. "Apparently not, I thought maybe Larry had confided in him since they were so close, but . . ."

"But what?" Charlie asked as he quietly came into the kitchen. "I saw your car outside and Don's asleep on the couch." He commented. "He looks a little uncomfortable though."

Alan took off his apron. "I'll check on him."

"So, Megan, about before, I'm sorry." Charlie said. "I shouldn't have walked out before dinner. It was Don's first night home and . . ."

"And you were looking out for him . . . and for Larry. I understand, Charlie." Megan finished.

Charlie eyed her sheepishly and then quickly looked down to his shoes. "Megan, Don has a hard time with relationships. I don't know what he told you about Liz, but her leaving, because of him getting hurt, nearly . . . Megan he snapped. I found him in the garage one night bawling his eyes out. He was drunk and he said that he knew now that he would never have a relationship with anyone because no one understood him . . . except you."

He quickly chanced a glace at her face. "I didn't think too much of it at the time, because I knew he was drunk and I knew that you and Larry . . . well, I thought that you and Larry were involved."

"Charlie, Larry and I . . ." Megan interrupted.

Charlie held up his hand. "I know. I've spent the better part of the evening with Amita and she told me what Larry had confided in her. He's more interested in the meaning of life right now, not living it and Megan, he wants you to be happy . . . without him."

Megan smiled. "I know, Charlie. He told me and we came to an understanding. I would never ask Larry to change for me and somehow letting go of Larry, reminded me how much I care for Don."

Charlie smiled as he looked at her. "Really? I mean, you and Don?"

"Is that really so hard to believe?" Megan asked. "We've agreed to really talk about it once he's back 100. So, we'll just wait and see for now, OK?"

Charlie nodded. "OK, but how will this change your working relationship. I mean, will you still be part of his team, or . . . I know, I could run a statistical theory based on the number of co-worker relationships and . . ."

"Charlie, why not just let Don and I see where things go, OK?" Megan stated with a smile as she left the kitchen to check on Don.

Alan was just pulling the blanket up to Don's chin when Megan came in. "I'm leaving now." She said as she gently touched Alan's arm. "Thank you for dinner."

"You're quite welcome. Why don't you come by again tomorrow? I'm sure it would brighten Don's day." Alan said as he motioned Charlie out of the room.

"I might." She replied

When both Charlie and Alan had left, she knelt beside of Don again and kissed him gently on his lips. "I'll see you soon, bossman." She whispered.