Chapter 12:


Lara didn't go to school the nest day and Clark got worried. He went over to her house and knocked on the door. No answer. He opened the door and walked in. "Lara… are you here?" He closed the door behind him as he stepped in more.

Lara was upstairs in the bathroom putting on her make-up. She had heard him but was ignoring him. Clark started to walk upstairs and heard a noise from her room. He walked in her room and stopped as he saw her walk out of her bathroom.

A tight black leather mini. A strapless black shirt that showed her stomach. Her hair was in curls and held back with a clip. She had black eye liner and shadow. Her lips were ruby red. This wasn't the cute side of her she always dressed in.

"Lara why didn't you go to school?" She sat on her bed and put on her black boots and looked up at him. "For what? Clark you know we don't need it." He walked over to her. "But still…Lara…" She was walking away from hin then turned to look at him. "What the hell do you want now?"

He looked at her stunned and grabbed her arm before she could storm out. "Where are you going dressed like that?" She tried to let go of his grip, "I'm going out. Now let me go!" He held on tighter. "No Lara! I can't let you go. What's wrong with you? You changed over night." She looked at him and then pulled herself free from his grip. "Just leave me alone. Go and be with that little tramp."

He walked after her, "Lana? Lara I don't want to be with her." He didn't understand why she thought Lana was such a threat. He hardly saw her anymore. "I know there's something there. I know you feel something for her. The way she talks to you. How cute." She said sarcastically and stormed out of the house. Clark was angry and followed her. "Lara! We have to talk now." She turned to look both sides of her. She heard something. Her mind was racing. What could it be? She thought. Is it you? No, leave me alone!

She started to cry and Clark heard her whimpers. He walked up to her. "Lara? What's wrong?" She let out a loud scream and started to cry. "No! Not now! Go away!" Clark knew she wasn't talking to him, something else was there. Or so he thought. "It's following me Clark. Stalking me." Her heart was racing and she felt like a mouse being chased by a cat.

"This way." She cried and pulled his hand super speeding over to an abandoned building. She looked around for it. "Lara are you ok?" She was breathing heavy and pacing around. "We have to hide from it Clark. We have to." Clark followed her and looked around. "I don't see anything or anyone. I think we're safe. Lara what does it look like?"

She didn't look at him. She started biting on her nails and looked down at the floor. "It's big…very big….it killed my mother….I..I wasn't there…why wasn't I there?" He looked at her and grabbed her arms. "Lara snap out of it. Look at me." She wouldn't look at him. She moved away from him and he watched her sensing something was wrong with her. She saw a shadow and screamed. It was the creature. The creature that was haunting her memory. Clark watched as she yelled at the air. "No! Go away! You've ruined every other place I've gone. Don't ruin this place too! Go away now!" Clark walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "Baby….shhh…baby stop. It's okay, no one's there. Shh." He listened to her yell at nothing for another half hour. She had lost it.

Once she sat on the floor next to him and was calm again she looked up at him. Her eyes were red from crying and her face was pail. She looked flushed. Scared even. She looked so innocent and abandoned. Like a small child. "What's going to happen to me now?" He ran his hand through her hair and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry, I'll have someone give you the best attention." She moved away from him. "No Clark. You can't send me off. Baby no." She kneeled next to him. "You can't do what they did to me. We belong together. You and me. I belong to you and you belong to me."

His eyes became glassy as he would hear her words. He reached out and touched her cheek. "No don't worry. It's going to be okay." She shook her head and stood up. "It's never okay Clark. Never." She turned and super speeded away. He didn't want to just leave her alone but he had to go home. He would go the next day to her house and see how she was doing.

Lara got home and walked up to her door. She had tears still streaming down her cheeks and she couldn't control herself. I'll just shower and lay in bed. She thought as she opened to door to the house and walked in. She turned on the lights and looked up to see a man. "Nice to see you again." He said and the next thing she knew she was knocked out.

Clark went to Lara's house the next morning before heading off to school. He looked at her drive way. The car that was usually there wasn't. I hope she didn't go out. He thought. He walked up to the door and knocked. No answer. He reached for the door knob and the door opened. He walked in and his eyes widened and mouth dropped open. The house was empty. "Lara!" He called for her and looked around the house. No furniture, no pictures, nothing was in the house. He ran upstairs. There was nothing.

He went to the school and asked if she had gone there. The secretary at the front desk of the office typed in her name and checked. "I'm sorry but there is no Lara Anderson at this school." Clark looked at her confused. "What do you mean? Of course she's here. We have three classes together." The secretary shook her head, "I'm sorry we don't have any record of her." Clark walked out and looked around. In a low voice, almost a whisper he said, "You're gone."