This story has been discontinued

This story has been discontinued. I apologize to any reviewers who still held out for it…

But let me just tell you what I was going to do!

In the next chapter, Sango was going to meet Kohaku, her long-lost brother and eventually rediscover her clan. During the hunt, there was going to be some InuKag fluff, and a totally cute fight, with Rin and Katami arguing over what sort of person Sesshoumaru is, and Miroku telling Sesshoumaru that the two girls, Katami and Kikyou are actually marriage proposals for the princes.

Sesshoumaru thinks about it, and decides to give Katami a chance. He eventually falls for both her and Rin.

The hunt ends, with Katami bagging a deer but finding out about Inuyasha's…problem, and conceding to him.

They get back to the castle, where Miroku is a bit distressed to find that Sango has no time for him. He confesses his feelings, and she falls in love. (I can never complicate their relationship).

Inuyasha is initially attracted to Kikyou, mainly because he is uber pissed at Kagome, but gets over himself and chooses Kagome. The King breaks the news to his sons: they are engaged. Sesshoumaru shrugs and takes it, but Inuyasha throws a class A hissy fit and threatens to abdicate his crown if he has to marry Kikyou. His father weakens and gives in. Kagome and Inuyasha confess to each other.

Huzzah happy endings! So Sesshoumaru gets Rin and Katami, Inuyasha keeps his Kagome as a glorified servant/lover person, and Miroku…well, remains Miroku, except with Sango.

Kikyou…well, you decide what happens to her.

And while you're at it, lemme know what the hell Koga wanted from the royals.

Yes, I know, this was disappointing. I'm not so crazy about myself right now either…but what can I do? The chapters that I'd written on my laptop are lost forever, and try as I might, I can't recapture their essence. Haven't you ever had a story die on you?

Besides, having given up on the manga (nothing has happened for the last hundred or so episodes!!) I think its only natural I've lost my interest in my Inuyasha stories.

Work in Progress may have hope left yet…but don't count on it.