Once again, I know I'm not supposed to do this, but I feel like I owe you all some sort of explanation for what's taken so damned long for me to get anything new posted up...

1) My mental and physical health have not been at their greatest lately. Whenever I'm feeling well physically, my mental health is in the shits, and vice versa. As of now...I have bronchitis and my mind is rather shot so I'm dealing with them both right now. It all started, however, with the return of my depression (even worse than before). It got to be so bad that I almost competely relapsed. Thankfully, my boss intervened before that could happen, though...

2) I've been concentrating on my novel. I have plans to start sending things out to agents this summer so I really need to get my ass in gear...

3) I have absolutely no inspiration for "Understanding" at the moment. Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean that I'm going to stop writing it. I just have nothing at the moment and I don't want to force myself. That, and I was almost done with a Sora chapter when I realized that it was time foran ((AS, AS)) installment and had to start over again. So yeah...

Anyway...I just wanted to let you guys know something so you're not in the dark. Umm...I do have a writing journal up that I made so I could give you guys updates instead of having to write these note things. It's the "homepage" link at the top of my profile. OH! And if you want to send me a response to this, please DON'T send a review!! Remember last time if you send a review to my note it wouldn't let you review the chapter once I posted it. I just wanted to remind you. I would love to hear from some of you, though...
