AN: So I probably shouldn't start a story when I am going to leave in a week for vacation and not be back for three weeks, but I am bored, I have the whole story written out in pencil, and really need something to do. So here I am typing on something I shouldn't. I think that everything in the story will either come out, but if you don't understand something, ask me, though it may take me a time to respond between leaving and the website giving me a bunch of crap and not working for me. I guess I should tell you that the story starts in early to mid November before the movie. The first chapters are short, but the get longer.

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter 1

"I know something you don't know," Jeanette – Jay – Bolton taunted her brother before homeroom.

"Keep on dreaming Jay," Troy said.

"Do you know where we are going winter break?" Jay shot at her brother and got a glare from Darbus.

"Cali or Florida," Troy said off-handedly.

"Well I got the official announcement from mom this morning while you were being slow, so I know which one, wanna guess?"



"Then it's Florida, real hard to figure out Jay."


"What was that?"

"A buzzer."

"None that I have ever heard."

"It means you're wrong."

"It was my only other choice."

"Last I checked there are fifty states in the U.S."

"Just tell me."

"Colorado. I wasn't really paying attention because you had just tripped down the stairs, but it was something about a gym and being able to practice and such, I don't know you'd have to talk to dad to get the exact reason."

"So he already has us in the championship, great."


"Surely there were other options."

"Apparently, we got a really great deal, or whatever."

"Colorado is cold."

"Buck up bro, snowboarding, hot chocolate, snow, it could be fun."

"I was looking forward to surfing, smoothies, and sun. And sneaking drinks from dad. Not cold, white, Colorado."

"Want some cheese with your whine?"

"Shut up," Troy couldn't come up with anything else. He hated losing an argument with his sister.

"As you wish my Prince of Peas," Jay winked at him knowing how the old nickname bothered him.

"You should really stop saying that, it was from when I was like four."

"But it is so fitting," Jay said.

Troy wasn't going to lose this argument, "I-" unless the bell cut him off.

Darbus stood up and looked over the attendance, everyone was there. "Ok, I have a few announcements to make. First, the fall musicale is in its second night of production, seeing it and writing a review will earn extra credit. The principal would like to remind students to not stand in the hallways but to go to class so you are not late. Picture retakes are next week, next Thursday. If the developing company made a mistake the retake is free, but if you don't like your expression, clothing choice, or hair it is five bucks, and I think that is it," Darbus looked over the sheet with the announcements on them, "Oh, well there is a girl's varsity basketball game, the first home game apparently and the boys varsity first home game tomorrow. And-"

"And we're going to kick some cougar butt!" Chad interrupted. He and Jay high fived as other team members whooped and hollered.

"Fifteen minute detention Danforth, Bolton," Darbus said, slamming a book on the desk to regain control, "As I was saying before I was rudely inter-"

"Which one?" Jay interrupted – again, halfway on purpose, halfway wanting an answer.

"What do you mean which one?" Darbus asked.

"Which Bolton, there are two of us you know, so me or him?" Jay pointed between her and her brother.

"You," Darbus pointed at her, "Again, as I was saying..."

Everyone tuned her out. Troy gave Jay a pointed glare. As the captains and siblings it was an unwritten rule for them to cover for each other at practice when one was late or had detention. Their dad, the coach had a knack for showing up late, so they had to start practice and that is hard to do when you can't be there.

'Sorry' Jay mouthed. Troy just nodded. They bell rang and they were out the door, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Jay pleaded.

"It's kinda ok, since I sorta still owe you from Friday night," Troy said. Jay smiled evilly as she remembered. Last Friday Troy came home after curfew and she covered for him saying she asked him to get something fro Gracie- (a teammate) – house.

"Oh, yes, blackmail, I forgot about that," Jay grinned. Troy playfully pushed her.

"I have stuff on you too," Troy said.

"Like what?" Jay asked as they walked towards their next class.

"Danny Silverman," Troy said simply.

"You wouldn't!" Jay went bug-eyed.

"I'll stay quiet if you do too."

"Promise?" Jay stuck out a hand.

"Promise," Troy said shaking her hand with a nod.

They walked into their English class and took their seats. The bell rang about a minute later and the teacher stood up. "Ok, settle down, class. I am sure you all had a wonderful weekend, but we have an in-class write, if you recall me telling you Friday. I am grading it on the one to nine scale, almost AP style, but not because you are not AP. Do any of you want a reminder of the scale?" She asked, no one said anything. "Ok, you can use your books, well you pretty much have to. You have forty minutes, and hear is your prompt," She turned on the overhead, "I think it goes with out saying to keep you eyes on your own paper, blah, blah, blah, Ready, set, go," She strode back to her desk as everyone took out a sheet of paper and a pencil and read the prompt.

'Reread the passage starting on page 142 that begins "As my sympathy for Taske, Weathers, and some of my other teammates mounted..." and ends "'s al reported favorable." Then analyze the author's tone/attitude and purpose in the passage focusing on the style and diction. What is the author trying to convey to the audience. Use at least two examples form the text to support your points.'

Jay had just started to write when the door opened and everyone looked up. It was her dad. Great, she thought.

"Excuse me, can I borrow my kids for a sec?" Jack Bolton asked. The teacher nodded. Troy and Jay got up and exited quickly.

"Can we make this quick dad, we're kinda in the middle of a test," Troy said as they started to walk, both teens already knew they were headed to the gym.

"Sorry about that, my girls basic gym class is on the basketball unit, and well lets say, not good to be blunt. We are trying a pick and roll."

"Let's hurry this along," Jay said frustrated. It was just like their dad to do this sort of thing.

"What's the hurry, I got you out of a test?" Jack asked not seeing why she would be in a hurry to get back to a test.

"It's timed, we don't have forever."

They entered the gym. Troy and Jay demonstrated the drill quickly a couple of times before darting out of the gym. Once the door closed behind them, Jay broke out into a sprint back to class, "Jay!" Troy yelled after her as he tore after her. "Jay, what's wrong?" He asked as he came to stride with her. She didn't reply as they reached the door. "Tell me what's wrong," Troy said as they reached the door.

"I have to get back to my write," Jay said making a reach for the door.

"Why has this write become so important?" Troy said spinning her around.

"Because it is deciding if I play next week, just let me do it," Jay said.

"Wait what?"

"You have no idea how close I am to getting a 'D' in English, and I do then I am not playing!" Jay crumpled against the wall shaking, but not letting any tears come out and she slid down the wall.

Troy looked around before kneeling down in front of her, "I didn't know that Jay."

"Now you do," she shot at him, "It is this stupid book and Shakespeare before, and I just don't get it. Shakespeare can't speak English and I don't care about anyone climbing Mount Everest. If you do you are insane and have a death with. I hate it. I hate this book!"

Troy sat in silence watching her melt down, "We will figure something out, you and me. Just like my math problem," That earned him a small smile, "And I will get you more time on this write, I promise."

Jay looked at him and laughed a short laugh, "Good luck with that."

"Teachers love me," Troy said and they sat in silence for a moment, "Since when did I get better grades than you?" Troy asked with a grin. Jay crumbled on the ground laughing. "Come on Jay," Troy stood up and pulled her up too. They walked inside and Jay went back to her paper as Troy went up to the teacher. He flashed her a smile as he sat down telling her mission accomplished.

After the original forty minutes were up the teacher went around and picked up all the papers, leaving Troy and Jay with theirs. They continued to work into their free period.

Jay looked her paper over before getting up and handing it to the teacher. Troy, who had finished earlier, got up and followed her out of the class room, "Nine worthy?" He asked.

"God I need it, but I'll never get it."

"Sure you will."

"I've never gotten anything above a six."

"You'll get something higher than that this time, I can feel it. Now let's go to free-period workout."

"We know I don't need it," Jay joked cockily and Troy pushed her, but they both laughed. "Trainer! I totally just remembered. About my shin splints on our 'jogs' as dad calls them even though they are five or more miles long. Matt was going to show you how to wrap my arches to help it."

"You mean I have to touch your smelly feet?"

"Shut up!" Jay pushed him, but laughed all the same, "And your are so much worse than mine, I can smell your shoes all the way up in my room."

"You did not just say that!" Troy looked at her.

"I think I did," Jay said and she took off running with her brother behind her.


AN: And that is my first chapter, now I am going to go type the second and maybe third, depends on how long it takes. I really appreciate reviews telling me what you liked or disliked.