"Hello, Bipsy here once again. 10 years later after our last broadcast, we've finally gotten everything back in the world unbroken. Even the murderous fox."

"Yep, I'm all cured of my evil," cheerily said the rejuvenated fox.

"Tails, how did you overcome the darkness inside of you?" curiously asked Bipsy.

"After rehab, I learned it isn't healthy to keep my emotions balled up inside. So now I express what I feel more positively. Why, just earlier today...


Sonic and Tails were walking down the street.

"Sonikku!!" Amy yelled as she ran towards Sonic.

"GET THE &!+# AWAY FROM MY GOT DAMN MAN!!" Tails immediately said with ease.

Amy stopped cold.

-End Flashback-

So everything will be fine from now on."

"Yeah, I guess everything is fine," replied Bipsy.

"Oh, and a message to the audience. I keep a set of assorted knives with me at all times, so don't be an Amy."

"Okay, I think that's enough of a broadcast for today," Bipsy rushed.

"But don't you want to hear how I almost cut her up?" said the disappointed Tails.

"Stay Safe, America! Stay REAL Safe!"

HEAG: Happy Endings Are Great.