Here is the second part of the one shot. For some reason kept cutting off at this point so I had to make it two parts. I hope you enjoy!!! Thanks.


Part II

Brooke slowly made her way toward the door. She wasn't sure what she was doing here. It had all sounded so great when Peyton said it, but now all she was was a nervous mess. She almost turned around a dozen times during the car ride over and now here she was standing in front of the door contemplating turning around and leaving. All she had to do was get in her car and drive herself home. She shook her head. She wasn't willing to do that. No matter what had happened between her and Lucas Peyton was right. Lucas had been a huge part of her life for so long. It would be wrong not to say goodbye. She took one final deep breath before gathering up all the courage in her and raising her hand to knock on his door.

Her heart was pounding as she watched the door open. Lucas appeared from behind the door and he looked as bad as she felt. She caught the confused look on his face."Hey."she as she gave him a small smile.

Lucas stood planted in front of the door. He couldn't believe she was actually here. He'd fought every urge of his to go over and see her. He'd even had to turn the car around on his way over there. He wanted to see her before she left so bad it was killing him, but he knew Brooke wanted him to leave her alone. He felt that he had to give her this one thing since all he'd caused her was heartache. It had been the hardest thing he'd ever done, but now here she was standing in front of him. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do so he just stood there not saying anything for fear that it would upset her.

Brooke watched Lucas as he seemed to be thinking about something. She was so nervous and the fact that he just stood there not saying anything made her feel worse. She wanted him to say something, anything, but all she got was silence."Maybe this was a bad idea. I should go."she whispered already turning to walk away.

Lucas' heart began to pound as he watched her getting ready to leave. He'd kept quiet in fear of upsetting her, but his silence was what was causing her to leave. He had to get her to stay and talk to him."Wait...don't go. Please stay."he pleaded.

Brooke turned to face him. "If I do are you gonna invite me in or are you just gonna keep me out here all night?"she joked trying to get rid of the tension that was surrounding them.

Lucas gave her a weak smile as he opened the door wide for her to enter. He took a deep breath as she brushed against him as she entered. Her mere touch sent him reeling. He watched as she took a seat on his bed. He loved how right it felt to have her here. He missed walking into his room and seeing her lying on his bed waiting for him. She used to do that all the time. He'd come home after shooting around at the Rivercourt or from the cafe and she'd be sleeping in his bed waiting for him.

He walked over and sat down on the chair at his desk. He turned so he could see her."I'm glad you're here. I wanted to go see you, but I didn't think you wanted me to."he said staring at a stain on the wall.

Brooke nodded. She could understand that. If he'd tried to see her before her talk with Peyton she probably would have sent him away."I'm sorry. I hate that I made you feel that way. It's not that I didn't want to see you. It's just's too hard. I can't be around you and not be with you."she admitted.

Lucas took in her sad appearance."Then why are you here Brooke?"he asked wondering what reason she would give him. All he hoped for was her honesty.

"I had to say goodbye. I'm leaving tomorrow morning and the thought of not seeing you before I left..."she trailed off trying to gather her thoughts."I just couldn't do it. No matter how hard I tried to stay away I had to come."

Lucas gave her a faint smile."Well I'm glad you came. I couldn't not say goodbye either. I love you Brooke. No matter what happens with us always remember that."

Brooke nodded as she tried to blink back her tears."God, why is this so hard? Why does this have to feel so bad?"she asked aloud.

"Because we both love each other and we know it's gonna be hard not being in each others lives everyday."said Lucas as he breathed in deeply.

"That makes sense I guess. I do love you Lucas and if things were different maybe we could be together. I just...I can't see that happening right now. Please don't hate me."she pleaded not bothering to try to hide her falling tears.

Lucas watched as the girl he loved more than anything began to cry. He hated seeing her like this. He hated being the one to make her like this. He quickly got up from his chair and made his way over to her. He gathered her hands in his and gave them a squeeze before looking into her eyes."I could never hate you Brooke."he shook his head for emphasis."Never. I know that I am the reason we can't be together."

Brooke shook her head at his words."That's not true Lucas. I know I have always blamed you openly for our failure, but it isn't true. It's both of our faults. You for obvious reasons and me because of my insecurities."

"I helped feed those insecurities Brooke."offered up Lucas.

"Yeah, maybe, but in all honesty I was screwed up way before we got together. That I blame solely on my parents. I also have a huge problem with forgiveness Luke. I can say that I forgave you, but I don't think I really did. I was always looking for a reason to not trust you and that might have been where we fell apart."she finished. It had taken her a long time to be able to admit her fault in all this. She was glad she finally had. Now maybe they could all heal.

Lucas looked down at the beautiful brunette before him and smiled down at her."Look at you go."he couldn't believe the words she was saying. This definitely wasn't the girl he once knew. No, this girl was wise beyond her years. She'd grown up so much he hardly recognized her. He couldn't help but fall even more in love with her."I am so proud of you Brooke. You have no idea how much hearing you say this means to me. I have been hating myself for the simple fact that I thought you hated me for everything that went wrong with us."he gave her hands that were still securely held by his another meaningful squeeze.

"I'm not gonna lie and say that I didn't try to hate you because I did, but in the end I loved you too much to hate. I'm glad I came. I'm glad I'm finally getting all this out and it only took me moving across the country to do it."she gave a small laugh. "I'm sorry I waited so long."

"Don't apologize Brooke. I'm just glad I get to hear it now. I'm glad I get to spend this time with you before you leave. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come. What made you come anyways?"he questioned. He was ecstatic to have her here with him, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious as to what brought her to him.

Brooke shrugged at his question. She wasn't sure how she should answer that question. Bringing up Peyton right now might put a damper on the mood they were sharing and that was the last thing she wanted. She only had a little bit of time left with him and there was no way she wanted to spend it arguing."I don't really know. I mean I was at home making sure I had everything and you just kept popping into my head. I knew right away that it would be wrong not to see you. I guess I just didn't want to have any regrets."

Lucas nodded accepting her answer."And now that you are here how do you feel?"he asked. He needed to know where she stood.

Brooke bit her bottom lip, something she always caught herself doing when she was trying to think hard."I guess I feel like this was the right decision. I needed to see you Luke. I had to talk to you. I needed you to know how I felt. I love you Luke and what I wrote in that letter was true. You are the best person I know. You have brought out so many good qualities in me. Things I didn't even know existed. Knowing you made me a better person and I will never forget that."she paused as she closed her eyes and let the tears fall silently. She took a deep breath before her sobs became too much for silence. She couldn't stop herself from letting it all out. She couldn't believe that she was breaking down in front of him, but here she was doing just that.

Lucas' heart broke as he watched the girl he loved more than anything break down. He quickly scooped her up in his arms and brought her shaking body into his. He ran his fingers through her hair as he tried to comfort her."Shh baby. Don't cry."he whispered into her ear. "Please don't cry."he said as he tried to choke back his own tears."I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this."

Brooke wrapped her arms around Lucas tighter upon hearing his words. She too was sorry that all this was happening. Lucas shouldn't have to put up with her, not when she was being like this. Even as she thought that, she knew there was no place Lucas would rather be than here with her. No matter how much of an emotional wreck she was. Knowing that brought the smallest of smiles to her. How the hell was she supposed to give up this person? How was she supposed to live her life day after day without him in it? The answer was simple she couldn't. She couldn't see herself happy without him in her life. It just wasn't possible.

She pulled out of his tight grasp slightly to be able to look into his eyes. She couldn't believe that he was crying with her. It broke her heart a little more. She knew he loved her just as much if not more than she loved him. She ran her hand up his chest and around to his neck. She leaned forward on the tip of her toes and placed her lips on top of his. She could feel Lucas' surprise as he took a second before allowing himself to kiss her back.

The kiss was slow as Lucas wrapped his arms around Brooke's lower back. He pulled her body into his as he deepened the kiss. His tongue trailed her bottom lip before slipping between her parted lips. It had been a long time since she'd allowed him to kiss her like this. His heart was pounding in his chest at that fact that he finally had her in his arms. This was all so surreal. He wanted to pull away and make sure she was okay with all this, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He was afraid that if he broke their trance Brooke might come to her senses and leave him and that was the last thing he wanted.

As if Brooke could read his mind she broke their kiss. Her face still inches away from his. She let out a deep breath and her warm breath brought chills down his spine. Her arm tightened around his neck as if she were afraid to let go."I love you Lucas."was all she whispered before once again capturing his lips with her own. She kissed him like she meant it. She kissed him as if her life depended on it. Her other arm snaked around his neck as she brought him further into the kiss. She hadn't kissed him this way in far too long and there was no way she was about to stop now. Even if nothing came out of this at least they would have tonight.

Brooke let her hand trail down Lucas' chest and down to his stomach. She pulled his shirt up and broke their kiss to pull the shirt over his head.

Lucas watched her in surprise as she rid him of his shirt. He closed his eyes as her fingers resumed their patterns on his now bare chest. Soon her lips joined and he gasped at the sensations running through him. Sensations that only she brought out of him. His hand found the back of her neck as she kissed his chest. He couldn't help the moan that escaped his lips."Brooke."he let out hoarsely.

Brooke looked up at him and smiled. She knew that look all too well. He was in heaven thanks to her. Her lips once again found his as her hands went to work on his belt. She'd gotten it undone and was working on his button when she felt Lucas stop her. She looked up at him confused.

Lucas looked down at her and saw the confusion cross her face. He quickly leaned in to give her a kiss before speaking."What is this Brooke? What are we doing?"he asked. He couldn't believe he was questioning this. This was what he'd wanted with Brooke for so long, but it wouldn't be right if Brooke was doing this for any other reason than she truly wanted this. He had to know where her head was so as much as it was killing him he had to stop them.

Brooke removed her hands from his pants and looked at him."If you don't know what this is than obviously I'm not doing a good job."she tried to force a smile, but it didn't quite reach the surface.

Lucas let out a sigh."I'm being serious Brooke. What are we doing?"

"I thought this was what we both wanted Lucas. I thought you wanted me as much as I wanted you."she said looking away a bit embarrassed.

Lucas couldn't help but hear the vulnerability etched in Brooke's voice. It broke his heart to hear her doubt his feelings for her."I do want you Brooke. God I want you more than you know."

"Then what's stopping us Lucas. I love you. You say you love me. I need you Lucas. I need to be with you. I can't do this anymore. I can't not be with you. It hurts too much. I just need you even if it's just for tonight."

Lucas looked at her and took in the pleading look she gave him. He loved this girl so much and he knew that he wanted to be with her just as much as she wanted him. There was no way he was about to deny them what they both wanted so desperately. Even as he knew that he couldn't help, but feel a cloud looming over them. He lowered his head and placed his lips over hers in a sweet kiss before taking her hand in his and leading her to his bed. He lowered her on it and kneeled on the floor next to her. He used his hand to slowly place a piece of hair behind her ear."You are so beautiful."he whispered as he once again leaned in to kiss her.

Brooke brought her hand up to his face and cupped his cheek as they kissed. Lucas ran his hand down her shirt as he slowly unclasped her buttons. He carefully pulled her shirt to the side and began to caress her bare skin. Her skin was so soft. He loved that she moaned into his mouth enjoying his touch. He allowed his hand to tail down her tight abdomen to the hem of her jeans where he carefully worked on the buttons. His mouth never leaving hers.

Brooke wiggled out of her jeans relishing the feeling Lucas brought out of her. Her hand stroked his strong bicep before she reached up with her hand and ran her fingers through his short hair. As their lips clung his tongue explored her mouth. She ran her hands down his muscular back and pulled him up off the floor.

Lucas spread out next to her as his hands slid around her waist bring her into his warm body. He shivered as he felt Brooke's hands make their way toward his lower half. She allowed a finger to dip under his boxers as she stroked the sensitive skin before undoing his buttons and removing his pants and boxers fully. There he lied completely bare and not for a second did he miss how her eyes roamed eagerly over him. Her eyes darkened with desire at the mere sight of him. He loved that he had the same affect on her as she did on him. He watched as she subconsciously licked her lips. That was all it took for him to reclaim her lips hungrily. He had a sudden urge to be as close to her as he could get. His hands trailed down her sides as he came to the only piece of clothing that was separating them. He hooked his fingers on the sides of her panties and gently pulled them down. He paused his actions as he took in her beauty.

The hot look in his eyes made her blood flow through her veins like fire. The desire that flared in his eyes was almost too much for her. She slid her hand around the nape of his neck and kissed him slowly. This was what she longed for all these months apart from him. Lucas hovering over her was what she craved. She broke their kiss momentarily as she looked up into his still heated eyes."Make love to me Lucas."she breathlessly whispered as she realized that she had never wanted anyone more than she wanted Lucas at this moment.

Lucas heart swelled at her words. That was all he needed before giving the both of them what that had so desperately been wanting. He maneuvered himself off the bed and positioned himself between her already parted legs. He looked into her desire filled eyes as he lowered his head and kissed her swollen lips."I love you Brooke."he said into their kiss. His hand resting on her neck.

Brooke shut her eyes as she felt his lower body against her heated center. Desire flooded her lower body. She wanted more than anything to buck her hips and take him into her completely, but she stopped that urge. That wasn't what this was about. Tonight was gonna be special for them. They would take their time with each other."I love you too Lucas."she let out hoarsely.

Feeling her breasts crushed against him nearly sent him over the edge. His lips left hers and trailed down her jaw to her neck where he found a particularly sensitive spot, a jolt of desire ripped through her.

She sighed and reveled in the wonderful sensations coursing through her."Lucas."she moaned. This was great, but she needed more.

Lucas placed one last kiss on her neck before slowly lowering himself into her. Her breath caught in her throat as she took in the feeling of him inside her once again.

He paused his movements briefly as he allowed her body to once again get used to his. As he felt her inner muscles clench around him he took that as his cue to continue. He thrust in deeply, and then pulled out slowly, almost withdrawing from her completely, and then he slid in again. He smiled to himself as she gasped in pleasure. All he wanted to do was please her tonight. That was all that mattered to him.

Brooke's desire climbed even higher as she moved her hips sensuously. Pleasure seared through her entire body. Her hips began to move in rhythm with his and her arms wrapped around his muscular torso. She felt her end nearing. The warmth pooled at her lower body. A soft sigh escaped her lips, and her body trembled as her orgasm took over full force. Her pulse pounded in her ears as she came down from her high. Lucas kissed her as she panted for air. His lips stayed with her as she rode out her orgasm. Brooke continued to kiss him once she regained control of her body.

It wasn't much longer that his thrusts became faster, and his breathing more ragged. Brooke pulled him in deeper with each thrust, and he groaned and lowered his head to her shoulder. She felt him tense, and his body trembled as he released into her and he gave a shuddering moan as his orgasm took over. She held his body tight as she kissed his shoulder and stroked his back. Emotion welled up inside of her as a tear slowly rolled down her cheek. This was all too much.

It only took Lucas a few minutes to reign himself in. He lifted his head from her shoulder and dipped down to place a small kiss on Brooke's lips. He smiled at her as he placed his forehead against hers and took a deep breath."That was so amazing Brooke. I can't even begin to tell you how much I missed you."he whispered with a goofy grin.

Brooke placed both her hands on either side of his face and kissed him once more."I feel the same way Lucas. You don't even know."she finished.

Lucas quickly removed himself from her and placed himself next to her on his bed."Okay, well then tell me. I want to know everything that you've been feeling these past few weeks. I want to know everything Brooke."

Brooke let out a sight laugh."Are you crazy Lucas? I couldn't possibly tell you everything right now. There simply isn't enough time and talking is not what I want to be doing after how amazing you just made me feel."she said as she hooked her leg over his and wrapped her arm around his waist as she rested her head on his chest.

Lucas smiled as he took in the brunette in his arms. He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze before letting out a content sigh.

Brooke lied there and took in the sound of Lucas' beating heart. She absentmindedly traced circles on his chest as her mind wondered."I lied to you earlier."she blurted out.

Lucas' eyes furrowed."What?"he asked hoping what she was about to say wouldn't change their happy mood.

"I lied. You asked me what made me come see you tonight. I said I just didn't want any regrets, but that wasn't really the truth. Peyton is the one that made me come here."

"Peyton?"questioned Lucas now more than a little confused. Why would Peyton send Brooke to him? Last he knew she was furious at the both of them.

"Yeah, she pretty much gave us her blessing to be together. I don't think I would have come if she hadn't said it was okay. I guess I just wanted you to know that."she said as she buried her face into his chest.

Lucas wasn't sure what he was supposed to do with that bit of information. Brooke had just told him she had no intention to come to him until Peyton told her it was okay. In a way it kind of upset him, but he knew that was just who Brooke was. There was no way she would hurt Peyton this way no matter if they weren't really friends anymore. Brooke's little admission made him love her that much more. She always put everyones happiness above her own."I understand Brooke. I know you wouldn't hurt Peyton with this. I'm just glad Peyton is okay with us."he felt Brooke nod."Is there an us Brooke?"he knew this was going to change the mood between them drastically, but he had to ask. They really didn't have much time to sort everything out.

Brooke lifted her head from his chest and looked at him."What do you mean?"she knew what he was talking about she just wanted to prolong this conversation as long as she could.

"What was tonight Brooke? I mean are we back together or was this just a simple goodbye?"he wasn't aware, but he'd stopped breathing as he awaited her answer.

Brooke looked down. How was she supposed to answer that? She loved Lucas and she wanted to be with him more than anything, but there was still California and Victoria Secret she had to consider."I don't know how I'm supposed to answer that Lucas. I love you. Tonight reminded me just how much. I know I don't want to give that up. I just...I don't know and I don't want to talk about it right now. I just want to be here with you tonight and not have to worry about anything. Can't we just have tonight and set the real world aside?"she practically begged.

Lucas' heart broke at the pleading tone of her voice. He wanted to give her what she wanted, but there were things he had to know."I really wish we could Brooke, but your flight leaves at 7:00 am. I think we should talk about everything before then. We need to talk about if you're gonna still be on that flight."he knew he was being selfish not wanting her to leave him but he couldn't help it. The thought of not having her here scared him.

"There are later flights Lucas. Please just give me tonight."she looked up into his eyes. She smiled as he nodded."Thank you."she said barely above a whisper.

"No problem."said Lucas as he gave her his best fake smile. He still had so many questions that needed answers, but Brooke wanted tonight and he was going to give it to her."So what is it you want for us tonight?"

Brooke lowered herself back into his body and held him tightly against her."I just want you to hold me. Don't let me go."she said as he eyes began to water.

"You got it. I won't let you go. I promise."said Lucas as he pulled her into him even more. He needed this just as much as she did.

Brooke slowly opened her eyes taking a second to adjust to her surroundings. She was securely held between Lucas' chest and arm. He hadn't let go of her like he promised. This thought brought new tears to her eyes. She slowly lifted her head in search of the clock. It was a little after 4:00 in the morning. Her flight would be leaving soon. She couldn't believe that this was happening. She couldn't believe that she was about the leave the only guy who ever really loved her, who she had only ever loved. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, but there just wasn't any other way. She loved Lucas more than anything, but how was she just supposed to give up her future for something that had failed twice before?

The last thing she wanted to do was slink away in the middle of the night like some coward, but she had to. There was no way she could stay and see the look on Lucas' face when he realized that she was still leaving. It would break her heart. So in a way she was a coward, a big one.

Brooke gently removed Lucas' arm from around her, hoping he wouldn't awake. She slowly pushed back the covers and lifted herself out of bed. He heart dropped momentarily as Lucas shifted in bed. She let out a sigh of relief when he fell back into his deep sleep. She walked around the room in search of her clothes. She happened to glacé in the corner where she saw an article of clothing she hadn't seen in a while, one that she loved more than anything. She quickly crept over to it and picked it up. Without thinking twice she pulled the Keith Scott Motors hoody over her head. It still smelled like him. She then pulled on her pants and sat at his desk. She couldn't help but watch him sleep. He looked so peaceful. She knew that once he woke up and saw that she was gone the peacefulness would once again be gone.

She hated herself for doing this to him. How was she just supposed to leave without saying a word to him? She couldn't do that to him. She couldn't be that heartless. How was she going to do this then? As she scanned the room her eyes landed on his journal. She walked over to it and pulled a few sheets of paper from it and sat herself down at the desk. There was no way she could wait and speak to him face to face, but she still couldn't leave without telling him she was sorry. It would have to be done in a letter. Letters were special to them. He might even appreciate her doing it this way. She tried to make herself believe that, but she knew it was all bull. No way would Lucas want to hear her goodbye in a letter, but even so it had to be done this way.

Brooke picked up the pen and tried to come up with the words to make him understand why she had to do this.


I don't even know where to begin. I am so sorry for doing this to you. I am sorry for leaving this way. I am the biggest coward. It breaks my heart having to leave you like this. I just know that there is no way I would be able to leave you if I waited until you awoke.

I love you Lucas, more than you will ever know, but I have to go. I can't stay here and give up everything that I have worked so hard for. You need to know that just because I am choosing to leave doesn't in any way mean that I love you any less.

This is what I didn't want. I didn't want to have to choose between you and my future. This isn't fair. It's like I can't win either way. I don't know what the right thing to do is.

Maybe me coming to you last night wasn't fair to you. Maybe I should have stayed away. I think me going to you was selfish on my part. I wanted to be with you one last time. I wanted to have some wonderful memories to take with me.

I have never felt so bad about my actions then I do now. I was completely selfish, but I can't say that I would take it back if I could. Last night was amazing Lucas. I have never felt more loved and that's all because of you.

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Please always believe that. I can't believe that I am sitting here about to give you up. This decision is breaking my heart. I hope sometime down the road when you have gotten over your anger toward me you can understand why I had to leave this way. I just hope you don't hate me. Please Lucas, don't hate me. I don't think I could bare the thought of you hating me.

This is the hardest thing I'll ever have to do in my life. Saying goodbye to you is killing me inside. I love you. I mean it Lucas. I love you so much it hurts. Take care of yourself and please be happy. Don't let me ruin that for you. I'll be thinking about you.



Brooke dropped her head onto the desk as she finished her letter. Writing that was so hard. She still couldn't believe this was how it was all gonna end. She didn't want to leave Lucas. She wanted to crawl back into bed with him and stay wrapped up in his arms forever, but she couldn't. The real world was out there and she couldn't fight it. If she stayed she would be giving up the biggest chance of her life. If she stayed she would always wonder what if. Working for a major clothing company was her biggest dream and she would be crazy to give that up.

She lifted her head from the desk and wiped away her tears. She had to get out of here before she changed her mind. She was so close to doing just that. She got up and took the letter with her. She walked over to the bed and placed it on her now vacant pillow. Lucas would find it there when he awoke. She could picture his heart broken face when he saw that she was gone. The image was enough to make her sob aloud. She had to get out of there before she woke Lucas with her crying.

She took one last look at him before placing her hand on his face and caressing it gently. She knew she was pushing her luck and he might just wake at her touch but she couldn't help it. She wasn't sure when she'd see him again so she needed to memorize everything about him. Without a moments hesitation she dipped her head and placed a soft kiss upon his lips. She quickly pulled back as her cries became too much.

The door seemed like the hardest place for her to get to. Once she reached it she slipped out of the room she had always felt so at home in and fell to the ground. There was never gonna be a harder decision she would have to make. Leaving here was killing her and she could no longer stop herself from breaking down. It was a miracle she hadn't broken down in Lucas' room.

Brooke wasn't sure how long before she was able to pull herself up from in front of his door, but she finally managed to do so and made it to her car and headed home.

Lucas let out a slight yawn as the sunlight peered through the window. He smiled to himself as the memories of last night flooded back to him. He reached out his arm in search of Brooke. His head shot up when he realized she wasn't lying next to him."Brooke?"he called out in hopes to get a response. His heart pounded as his eyes landed on what looked like a letter. His name was written on the outside in Brooke's handwriting.

He reached out for it and prayed that when he opened it it would say she loved him and had gone out to get breakfast, but even as he stared at it he knew that Brooke was gone for good and that inside was her goodbye to him. He opened the paper and read her words. He wasn't sure at what point he'd started crying, but once he was through he'd had to wipe away a few fallen tears. It was all over. Brooke was gone. She said she loved him, but had to leave. He wasn't sure that made sense, but there was nothing he could do. She was already gone.

Lucas' eyes went straight to the alarm clock on his side table and took in the time. 8:45am. Her flight left over an hour and a half ago. She really was gone. He wasn't sure that he'd expected any less. Well he didn't think she would leave when he was sleeping, but he should have known that no matter what she would still choose Victoria Secret. It was like she said. She'd be crazy to give that up. It was her dream. He was the one being selfish by wanting her to stay with him.

It hurt like hell that she left him like this, but how could he not understand. They weren't a sure thing, but her contract with Victoria Secret was. She said she didn't want him to hate her and he wouldn't. He loved her too much for that to ever happen.

He wasn't sure where he was supposed to go from here. He already missed her like crazy, but once again there was nothing he could do about that. Everything was about to change now that she was out of his life and he was going to do what she said, not dwell on the bad. Think about all the good changes in his life. Maybe her leaving would turn out to be a good thing. Maybe now they both could finally get over each other.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed. I know this isn't your fairytale ending and I wanted to give you all that, but as I sat down to write this and the more and more I wrote, I just couldn't see it ending any other way. So please let me what what you think. Thank you for reading. I hope you aren't too bummed.