
One Month Later

"…And in other news, the Pentagon released several recently declassified documents today that detail a previously unknown program that used living mutants as test subjects. Mutant supporters in the House and Senate are outraged that nothing was known about this before. Steve Rogers, better known as Captain America, has been named in some of these documents as one of the first subjects in the program, though it is also indicated that he volunteered for the procedure. It is unclear at this time if further subjects were also volunteers, but more documents are scheduled for release in the next few days. Here to tell us more about this startling discovery is Richard Barnes. Richard?"

"Thank you, Amanda. It was thought that the American people could never be capable of the same types of atrocities perpetrated by such people as Adolf Hitler, but this discovery has proven that theory to be dangerously wrong…"


Two Weeks Later

"…A Senate sub-committee appointed by the President to investigate the now-publicly known 'Weapon Plus' program met yesterday to hear testimony from several unidentified individuals, presumed to be mutants. The persons requested they not be identified and only agreed to testify on the condition of complete anonymity. However, a portion of the transcript has been released and some of the things these persons detailed are horrifying to say the least. Here with more is our White House correspondent, David Archer. David?"

"Thank you, Richard. We were unable to film any of the proceedings due to the requests of the individuals who testified, but the White House Press Secretary released part of yesterday's transcript to us exclusively. They described procedures that include cranial implants, electroshock conditioning and even a process that bonded a highly toxic metal known as 'adamantium' to the skeletons of several individuals. Now, we do not have all the details at this time and the persons are expected to give testimony for the next few days, but it is rumored that they brought x-rays, MRI scans and other medical records that prove the truth of their statements. The committee is also scheduled to hear testimony from medical professionals from a variety of fields, most notable of which is Dr. Moira McTaggert, the world's foremost expert on the mutant phenomenon. However, experts from other fields have already released statements debunking this testimony as 'implausible', 'scientifically impossible' and even 'pure fabrication'. It is unclear at this time if the individuals will be asked to submit to testing by Senate appointed doctors, but it is rumored that this will be case. Back to you, Richard."


Three Days Later

"…Our first story for tonight concerns the testimony of the still unknown individuals for the Senate sub-committee that is investigating the previously unknown 'Weapon Plus' program. Here with more is our White House correspondent, David Archer. David?"

"Thank you Amanda. In a startling development, one of the unidentified people shocked the committee today when he reportedly leapt over a table, ejected what was described as 'a steel knife' from his hand and literally peeled the flesh from his own arm, exposing what one source called 'something out of The Terminator'. This was apparently in response to the testimony of one Doctor Craig Marsh, considered to be one of the foremost experts in orthopedics, who testified that it would be impossible to bond metal to someone's bones without killing the subject. Dr. Marsh also said that doing so would prevent the creation of new blood cells from the bone marrow, so even if the subject did survive, he would eventually die anyway. Our source also reported that the man's arm seemed to heal up in a matter of moments after he replaced the skin and muscles. However, we have been unable to confirm this and testimony is expected to continue well into next week. Back to you, Amanda."


Five Days Later

"…We continue our coverage of the 'Weapon Plus' investigation today with another shocking discovery by the Senate Sub-Committee. Here with more is our White House correspondent. David?"

"Thank you, Richard. As expected, the unidentified mutants were asked to submit to a battery of tests by court-appointed experts. The three people in question were reluctant to do so and our source reports that one of them said 'we've been messed with enough already'. However, they did eventually agree and testimony is expected to resume the day after tomorrow. Back to you."


Two Days Later

"…Testimony resumed on Capitol Hill today for the ongoing investigation into the 'Weapon Plus' program. Here with more is David Archer. David?"

"Thank you, Amanda. Our source reports that the findings of the court-appointed experts confirm the testimony of the still-unnamed mutants who were reportedly part of this 'Weapon Plus' program. But even more shocking is the testimony of these individuals that the program had experimented on mutants as young as the age of ten. Also revealed was a project that reportedly successfully cloned at least two other mutants. These supposed clones, who are both minor children and will not be identified, are currently wards of Professor Charles Xavier, headmaster of the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters in New York State. However, in light of the confirmation that the 'Weapon Plus' program did indeed experiment on the unknown individuals, the committee is not asking for proof that the cloning experiment was indeed successful at this time. The three individuals concluded their testimony today and returned to an undisclosed location immediately afterwards. Professor Xavier was not available for comment on the minor children, but is expected to release a statement at a later date. Back to you, Amanda."


Three Weeks Later


"…And in our continuing coverage of the 'Weapon Plus' investigation, more records were released today that name Malcolm Colcord as the man directly in charge of the program. Also named was Colonel William Stryker, who has been missing in action for the past eleven years and is presumed dead. Malcolm Colcord is most well known as former President Colcord, who took office after a series of unfortunate accidents took the lives of the President and Vice-President while he was Speaker for the House. It is unclear if anyone else in the government or military structure had any knowledge of this, but at this point anything is certainly possible. It has also been indicated that the program may be even more far-reaching than originally thought, and that several other governments may have been involved. The President is expected to meet with several heads of state to discuss this possibility. Richard?"

"Thank you, Amanda. In a related story, the American Civil Liberties Union is calling for reparations to be made to the still-unknown mutants who gave testimony over the past few weeks, stating that it's the least the government could do after allowing such atrocities to occur right under their noses. But the question on our minds is how can we put a price tag on the lives of these poor people? Transcripts of the testimony indicate that the only reason they survived the tortures that were done to them is due to their mutation. But how many people did this program go through to find the ones who would survive? Who were they and how do we make reparations to them? But perhaps even more astonishing is the outpouring of support for mutants in general and these anonymous individuals in particular, not to mention the general outrage the American people have expressed as a whole over these atrocities. I never thought I would see this in my lifetime, but it seems that complete acceptance of these extraordinarily gifted people has come at last."

I clicked off the television and sat back on the sofa gently so as not to wake Angela. We were both extremely grateful that the weeks of testimony were finally over, but Bennington had made good on his promise to expose Weapon X to the world. I smiled to myself as I imagined the heads of the program in other countries scrambling to bury their involvement in this thing, but I didn't worry about that. They'd come after us or they wouldn't. Either way, we'd be ready.


Two Months Later

"C'mon tiger, just one more push!" I said as Angela tried her best to crush my hand. She looked me in the eyes and gritted her teeth, pushing so hard her face turned red. So far, this labor had been much easier and faster than when she had Evie, though it still looked awful to me. But what do I know? I'm a man.

"You're doing great, Angela!" Dr. Owens said, then looked up and smiled. "The next one should do it!"

"Why do you people always say that?" Angela complained, her voice pained. "It's always the next one!"

"But this time it'll be true, ok?" Another contraction wracked her body and she moaned. "Good, now push! Really hard this time!"

"You think…I've been…slacking…up here?" She said as she pushed, then cried out in sudden triumph. She chuckled weakly and collapsed into her pillows, then reached up and stroked my cheek. "Didn't we agree you were having the next one when Evie was born?"

"I didn't agree to anythin'," I replied, turning my face to kiss her palm. She smiled again and I leaned over to kiss her softly. "I love you, angel."

"Mm, love you too."

A few seconds later, the baby gave a hearty cry and we both looked up. "It's a boy!" Dr. Owens announced and I gave a whoop of joy. Finally, I wouldn't be the only male in the pack! Angela laughed at me and I grinned, just happy to have the hard part over with.

The doctor handed over the blanketed bundle a few minutes later and Angela opened her gown to nurse our son for the first time. I sniffed back tears as I looked down and she smiled at me again. "For such a tough guy, you sure get emotional."

"Can't help it, darlin'." I said, wiping my eyes. "Just when I think ya can't make me any happier, ya go an' give me a son. What's next?"

"Another one?" She replied and I laughed. "What? I know I bitch during the delivery, but I'd give you a hundred children if you wanted them."

"Nah, not that many. Ten okay with you?"

"Do Laura and Rachel count?" I laughed again and kissed her, completely unable to see any way to be any happier than I was at that moment.

A few hours later, Dr. Owens released Angela and our son, Connor James, and we returned to the suite we'd lived in for the best part of both our lives. Evie had been so excited to have a brother that she gave up her room and moved in next door with Laura and Rachel. The three of them had spent the entire previous month redecorating her old room, using what Evie called "crayon colors" since we hadn't wanted to know the gender of the baby before it was born. Now that she knew she had a brother, she was already talking about decorating it again using "boy things", but we convinced her to wait at least a little while.

Angela was napping in our room while I watched my son sleep. I had done the same with Evie and saw no reason to stop that tradition. I reached into the cradle and stroked his tiny head gently with one finger. "Hey there little guy, it's your daddy. I'm kinda gettin' used to doin' this. Just wanted to let ya know how much I love you, even if ya don't know what I'm sayin' right now. An' I wanted to warn ya too, 'cause me an' you are the only guys in this family. I'm hopin' to talk your mommy into a couple more, but I can't promise they'll be comin' along any time soon.

"We been through a lot these past couple o' years, but I hope what we did made everythin' safer for you an' your sisters. We did lots o' bad things, but we had good reasons. Lots o' people say that, but we really mean it. There's a bunch o' bad people that can't do what they did to us anymore, 'cause we told the whole world. An' we did it 'cause o' you an' your sisters an' all the crazy people in this house. Someday, when you're older, we'll tell you an' your sisters all 'bout it. But right now all you need to know is that I love you." I looked around, but Angela hadn't woken up this time. I leaned over and kissed my son lightly on his forehead and he stirred a little but didn't wake up. I walked quietly into the room I shared with Angela and wrapped myself around her.

She rolled over and snuggled under my chin. "You were talking to him, weren't you?" She mumbled sleepily.

I chuckled. "Yeah, I was. How'd ya know?"

"You did it with Evie. Didn't think Connor would be any different."

"Great, I'm gettin' predictable. Better get out the old man pants an' start wearin' sandals with black socks." She made a gagging sound and I laughed a little harder. "It was a joke, darlin'."

"Don't make jokes like that. Black socks and sandals are a divorcing offense."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh really."

"Mm-hm. Just be glad I don't include 'hairy back' in there or else you'd be screwed."

"I do not have a hairy back!" I said, tickling her. She yelped then quickly covered her mouth, glaring at me. I smiled and kissed her. "Bet I can still surprise ya."

"Oh yeah? How?"

"Marry me."

She rolled her eyes. "Logan, we're already married."

"No, I mean again. Marry me again. I wanna give ya a real weddin' this time, with bridesmaids an' flowers. Hell, I'll even wear a tuxedo."


"I mean it. An' it means a lot to me do this for you. Marry me." She leaned forward and kissed me, tears in her eyes, and that was all the answer I needed.


Three Months Later

I stood in front of the double doors to the patio, trying not to fidget with the collar of my shirt. Sam, Kyro, Remy, Hank and Buzz (who's real name I learned is Christopher Carson) stood beside me, with Storm, Chasca, Marie, Kitty and Jubilee across from them, Kurt standing in the middle. Snow still covered the ground outside, but one of the kids - a girl named Casey - had managed to get her hands on some small evergreen shrubs and holly bushes and she used her mutation to grow them to full maturity over the past couple of days. They stood just outside the windows, softening the unbroken whiteness outside with various shades of green and the bright red holly berries. All the girls were wearing purple, Angela's favorite color, and surprisingly no one complained about it.

Kurt gestured to Simon, who had been waiting to start the music. As the first notes filled the air, the Professor came into view from a side hallway and waited at the base of the stairs. A few seconds later, Laura, Evie and Rachel came gliding carefully down the stairs, from smallest to tallest, with Angela right behind them. She was breathtaking in a simple white silk gown, long sleeved but leaving her shoulders bare, with only a tiny bit of glittering beadwork at the neckline. Her hair was swept up with a few loose curls framing her face, white roses and other little white flowers the only other decoration on her head. In her arms, instead of a bouquet, she carried our son, who slept peacefully for the time being. I swear, my heart stopped beating for a moment when I saw her and I couldn't imagine loving her more.

The girls came forward and stood with the others, while Xavier met Angela at the base of the stairs and escorted her to the front. He put her hand in mine, kissing hers briefly and we turned to Kurt. We didn't have a long ceremony planned and Kurt surprised me a bit when he didn't complain that we weren't having a particular Christian kind of wedding. He'd simply smiled and said "it doesn't matter what you have faith in, as long as you have faith." He nodded to us and began.

Angela handed Connor to Storm and turned to me, smiling with tears in her eyes. Kurt told us to join hands and we got through all the normal vows, the better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and health until death do us part - the last couple bits getting a laugh from the gathering - then he looked over our assembled friends and surrogate family. "Angela and Logan vould now like to exchange vows they have written themselves," he said and stepped back.

I looked down at her and took a deep breath. "Ya know, I ain't never been very good with words," I began with a slight catch in my voice and she smiled at me. "An' right now ain't no exception. But I wanted ya to know that I love you more'n just about anythin' in the whole world. I must, since I'm marryin' ya twice." Another laugh rippled through the crowd and I went on when they settled down. "But the way I see it, we've already been through the worst together an' I woulda never made it through it without you. So now it's time for the better part an' I don't wanna spend it with anyone else. I don't know 'bout the til death do us part stuff, 'cause I ain't sure we'll ever die, but if I have to live for another thousand years, I wanna spend 'em with you." I could hear people sniffling and the rustling of tissues or handkerchiefs, but my eyes were still locked with Angela's, who had her own tears trickling down her cheeks. I reached out and brushed them away with my thumb, smiling.

She smiled back and took a deep breath of her own. "Logan, I've loved you almost from the first moment I laid eyes on you. I saw you and something inside me wanted you so much I couldn't think of anything else. Yes, we have survived the worst things imaginable and I know I never would have made it if I didn't have you to keep me strong. You've always been my hero and I can't imagine my life without you in it. You're probably right, that even death won't be able to part us, at least not for long." This prompted another laugh from our friends. "But every day that I am alive, I want to spend with you. All of them, until the end of time."

I looked down and shook my head a little, hoping no one had seen the tear that rolled down my cheek or at least that they'd never be dumb enough to mention it to me. She smiled up at me, then wrapped her arms around me and I hugged her close for a moment until I'd pulled myself back together. We turned back to Kurt, who gave me a knowing look. He leaned in and lowered his voice. "I vill take your secret to my grave, mein freunde," he said with a wink, then straightened up. "Are there rings?"

I turned to Sam as Angela turned to Marie to retrieve the rings we'd exchanged once before, but now they were a little different. Simon had asked for them back the day before and had given them to our best man and maid of honor before we could see them. I looked down at the band in my hand and I couldn't help but smile. Now set across the top of her band were three stones, birthstones for each of our children and one for me in the center, embedded permanently in the adamantium. I looked as she handed mine over and saw that it had the same except with her birthstone in the middle. I smiled when I saw them, then turned my attention back to Kurt.

"The ring is the outvard symbol of the vows these two take today," he said, holding them up. "But these are even more special, as they are as indestructible as the two who vill be vearing them." Yet another laugh went through the gathering and even I couldn't help but smile. "More importantly, they are proof that no matter vhat the intention may have been for something, it is possible to become something greater, something better." He handed us the rings and I slipped Angela's on gently and she followed suit. Kurt smiled at us and motioned for us to turn around. "By the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and vife." We looked over our shoulders and he grinned. "You may kiss the bride."

I swept Angela into my arms and kissed her passionately, only breaking away when air became an issue. "I love you tiger," I whispered, my forehead pressed to hers.

"I love you too," she replied and kissed me again softly.

Kurt came forward again holding a white silk scarf that Marie had given us for the ceremony. "And now for the last part vhich vas requested by the bride," he said. "Logan, please take Angela's right hand vith your left." We did as he instructed and he wrapped the scarf around our wrists, binding them together. "As the right hand is to the left hand, may you be forever one, sharing in all things, at home and abroad, in love and loyalty for all time to come," he said as he tied it off and smiled.

Angela turned to Storm and gathered Connor into her arms again, then we both turned around and faced our gathered friends. "Ladies and gentleman, may I present Mr. and Mrs. Logan." A cheer went up and we made our way carefully back down the aisle. Connor finally woke up and gave a cry of protest, and Angela sighed heavily.

"Uh, what're we s'posed to do now?" I asked, holding up our still-bound hands, which from what I understood we weren't allowed to untie until the next day.

She smiled at me, then kissed our son gently. "Don't worry lover. We'll work it out. We always do."

I lifted our joined hands and kissed hers softly. She'd called me her hero, but she was mine for so many reasons. She'd saved my life and my mind twice, given me two beautiful children and helped me learn how to love and trust again. Over a decade ago, I'd made up my mind to get away from all of this and go back to being alone. But the simple need for a beer had changed everything and now I didn't want to be alone anymore. I now had a family and a wife I can't imagine living without. And I will do whatever I have to do to keep them all safe, until death do us part.

The End

(For now)

AN: Well, that's it Faithful Readers...this is the end of this chapter in the ongoing saga...and yes, it IS ongoing...:) I am working on the next installment, though it has been a bit slow going...the muse and i are having a difference of opinion, but i'm not gonna say over what...:) You'll just have to sit there and speculate until i'm done...:) Special thanks to my beta reader, Turiel Tincdaniel, for her support and assistance throughout this entire epic...Super Special thanks to all of my readers, just for reading...:) And Super Swanky Special thanks to my reviewers, who were Morgomir, LifeBringsMeOnlyTears and TnTornado...:) Morgomir: Thanks for visiting my LJ:) And i'll see what i can do about having the next installment ready for your birthday...if not, i'll see about Christmas...can you wait that long? ;-) LBMOT: OMG you're making me blush! Thank you for your kind words and gushing praise...but really...::BLUSH:: But i will say this much, a little bone thrown out there for you all to speculate about...you are correct that the whole story on Phoenix has not been told...:) Mr. Tornado: Problems? Would I do that::batting eyelashes innocently:: Don't worry, Logan and Angela will continue to act as Rachel's guardians...but there are certain aspects of the Phoenix saga i wish to explore...and that's all i'm going to say about that...:)

Now, if you don't hear from me on this saga or any of my other stories before December, blame NaNoWriMo...i'm hoping to produce something that could be worthy of actual publication...:) And if that happens, you'll all be the first to know! But i still have time before that starts and i am hoping to finish the next story before November 1st...i make NO promises! But i will try...:)

Again, thanks to everyone for sharing this with me...it's a blast to write and i hope you all had a great time reading it!