Okay, I know this isn't exactly the chapter you have been hoping for, but I really need to ask you guys:

Do you want me to continue this story or not?

I haven't been the best at updating regularly (And I'd like to apologize for making you all wait), but the past few years have been very hectic for me. I've moved twice, changed schools, had trouble with grades, a friend of my family passed away, the website I use for the MAR manga chapters is shutting down, and I haven't been very motivated to write. I know these seem like excuses, but honestly, I need to know if you're still interested in this story. I looked back at the old chapters and frankly, I'm a little embarrassed by the poor quality of the story. Granted, I started this story back in middle school, and I'm now a senior in high school, but I still wrote this goofy story.

So, here's what I'm planning.

If you really really want me to finish up this story, then let me know in a review or private message. While I had initially planned to make a sequel once I finished this story (that would follow the plot of MAR Omega, the manga sequel), I have decided against it and will just end the story with an epilogue. If you don't care about me finishing the story or don't want me to, let me know in a review as well. I want to get an idea of how many supporters for the story there are.

So, let me know as soon as possible, you guys. Thanks for all your support, and I apologize for not being good with updating.

- Cookie2718