After awhile of standing in the rain, the two boys decided to get up. Looking around, they saw people literally staring at them. It was pretty pitiful. But what could the boys do? If this is how the world is going to react to such circumstances, then let it be. The two ninja's looked at each other and nodded. They started walking opposite of the direction that Kakashi had walked away. Side by side, Naruto started to smile. He couldn't really help it, and besides, he wanted to. Sasuke looked at Naruto with a confused look on his face.

"What are we going to do?" said Sasuke very softly.

"Well, if Sensei can't accept us for what we are..then I don't want to be around him." stated Naruto as the clay of the village started to turned to light mud due to the rain.

"What? We can't just not show our faces to him." said Sasuke now a bit more clearly.

"We have to run away." said Naruto as he stopped walking, now looking down in shame. At that moment, a rumble of thunder was heard throughout the village area. The two boys were now the only two really out in the rain.

"Run...away?" said Sasuke in disbelief. Sasuke couldn't run away. How would they survive? How long would it be? Why can't Sensei just accept them? All of these questions flowed through the Uchiha's head at the same time.

"Yes, but only for a little while, Sasuke. We need time for Sensei to calm down. Calming down will not take one day in our circumstances." said the fox.

"You're right...but running away?" said the Seme still in disbelief. Naruto then turned towards Sasuke and put his two tan hands on Sasuke's wet shoulders. He looked Sasuke right into his eyes. Naruto knew he shouldn't do something as small as this in front of the village, but Naruto obviously didn't care. Naruto then took one of his hands off of Sasuke's shoulders and wiped some of the dirt that was still on his face when Kakashi punched him. Naruto smiled brightly. A very warm, comforting smile it was. Sasuke eyes widen.

"It will be okay, Sasuke. Trust me. We won't run away far, and it won't be for long." stated Naruto. Sasuke nodded lightly, now agreeing with the uke. At that time, a voice was heard from a far. It was a female's voice. It seemed to be getting closer.

"Naruto!? SASUKE!?" said the female. The two both looked around as the voice trailed off in an echo. The voice sounded so familiar. It was Sakura. The two then, looked at each other as their eyes grew larger. This wasn't good. If Sakura was confronted with them now, it would be a disaster.

"SASUKE! Where are you!?" screamed Sakura from a far. The two boys needed to get out of the village and fast. As Sakura grew closer, Naruto and Sasuke started running. Sakura then caught a glimpse of Naruto's orange jacket. "N-Naruto?!" said Sakura with a bang. She now had found them. Sakura started running towards them, but the boys were too fast. And Sakura had been running for a few minutes before she found them, so she was growing tired. "Please! Get back here!" said Sakura very melancholy. At that moment, Sasuke and Naruto was making a decision. Their own teammate, who they might not see for a while, needed to talk to them. Sakura sounded so compassionate at that very moment than any other time. But Sasuke and Naruto couldn't. They couldn't confront her.

"Don't worry, Sakura..We'll be back." whispered Naruto. And at that statement, Sasuke knew to keep running. As they exited the village, they jumped into a tall tree. There, they stood very still and silent. As Sakura stopped, right below the tree, she had given up. That was it. The exit of the village was right there. And Naruto and Sasuke were gone. Sakura only wanted to talk to him. To him.

"SASUKE!!" shouted Sakura with tears flowing down her cheeks. "Please Sasuke! Please come back...please.." said Sakura now growing weak. The agony in her heart was growing, it was burning. The boy she loved, loved a boy. And that was probably never going to change. And at the same time, he was even gone from the village. Sakura stood there, in the cold rain crying for someone who she loved dearly. Then she started to have second thoughts. 'Maybe that wasn't even Naruto...maybe Iwas halluncinating.." said Sakura trying to get herself to believe that they two boys were still in the village. But when the one you love dearly is close to you...well, you know that he is near. Sakura wiped the tears off her face and turned around to go back into the village. Naruto and Sasuke stood frozen for a little while, reassuring that Sakura had left. Then finally, they moved.

" you think she will tell Sensei?" asked Naruto in a very worried tone.

"Probably not.." said Sasuke, now trying to believe himself. "I hope not." finished Sasuke. As the rain now stopped, the boys looked at each other, making sure that what they were doing was right, just for the last time. But it was. They knew it. They had to do this. It was time. "Let's go." stated Sasuke as he looked into his lover's blue eyes. Naruto then nodded. The two ninja's started running far away from the village, as the sun set from this very horrific day.