Author's Notes: For new readers, read these notes for info on the improved version of this fic. I highly recommend reading the revised/fixed/illustrated version on my own site! Click on my profile for the link or follow the one below. Check out the photos that go with the fic, they're fun, and like having screencaps for an episode that never happened.

I fixed all the typos that were in the version posted here, and expanded some chapters/scenes. More fun though, is that I have added illustrations! I photoshopped at least 1 re-creation of a scene in the fic per chapter, often more. So, if you ever wanted to see Prue and Paige bonding, or many other things that happen in this fic, please check it out. I'd love some feedback on whether this little experiment is something people would be interested in seeing with future fics. I may also do the photoshopping for other people.

I didn't want to spam everyone with "new" chapters though, so if you'd like to re-read or check out the new content, either follow the link on my profile page, or copy/paste the link below, removing the DOT with a period. There are also Word Doc and PDF versions of the fic if you're interested in reading it offline.


Original Author's Notes: This is set about a year after the series finale. I've assumed that after the final battle Phoebe has earned back her powers of levitation and empathy (after all, it's more fun that way!) The past is set between episodes "Morality Bites" and "The Painted World". Of course, please review! I'll reply to any questions/comments in future updates, and it keeps an author motivated, right? Rest assured, this will be finished!


Outside time, hidden from the earthly plane, he had watched, waiting. He had created his home, this pocket realm, ages ago and it had served him well. If not for the irises of his eyes, he would have looked unassuming for a being of great power. He appeared to be a small, shabbily kept middle-aged man, that no human would give a second thought to if they were to pass him on the street. But the last time he had been outside this realm there had been no streets for a mortal to pass him on. He had seen the birth of so-called civilization, begun only a few centuries before sealing himself here. But despite being trapped alone he had never been lonely. Partly because he was a demon, but also because his home afforded him windows unlike any on the earthly plane. It was through these that he had watched both the earthly and demonic world. Sometimes, when he saw the beginnings of a truly significant event he would skip to the ending, like a mortal would a book, because he simply could not wait to know the ending. But he would always go back to see how the conclusion had been reached, for the journey often told him more than the resolution ever did. He was searching for just the right moment, had been ever since he had created this place, to make his grab for ultimate power.

And now, it seemed events had aligned just so.

He waved his hand over a swirling black mass, causing it to reveal a scene from the underworld. A warlock sat in a cave, staring impatiently into a bowl of black liquid. The demon watched as his own visage appeared in the bowl. "Greetings."

"Do you have it?" replied the warlock impatiently.

"It would serve you well to let things come in their own time."

"You're one to talk, manipulating time to your own ends. Now, do you have it or not?"

The demon let his temper flare for a moment, "Do not talk to me of time! I'm at it's mercy as much as any being, perhaps more so! I have simply found a way to reach through it's depths."

"Whatever," sneered the warlock, "did you conjure it or not?" The demon dropped a silver amulet through the portal in response and watched as it popped out the bowl, floating in the viscous liquid.

"The spell is in inside. I pulled it from a shaman just moments ago. You merely need to reword it's target. Now hurry, our window of opportunity will quickly pass."

The warlock smiled wickedly, "Excellent." The image of the demon swirled into blackness again, leaving the warlock to work his dark magic.