Note: To those who know and love my Unexpected Passions story, don't worry it's still in the works! I'm just trying out a new idea I got today and just thought of trying it out. Thanks for your time reading this and please comment, I really want to know what you think and if I should continue working on it. So thanks again, enjoy and happy reading!

P.S. This is a Mandy fan fic (Maria/Randy pairing. Nice name right? lol)

Chapter 1 - An Abrupt Starting

"Alright, I'm ready!" said the twenty five year old woman. She was done lacing up her wrestling boots before looking at herself in the full-length mirror.

"You look like a champion already!" said the blonde woman behind the refection of the young Diva. Tonight was Maria's first ever Women's Championship match against her good friend Mickie James. It has been two years to get to the position where she was today and was satisfied to know that her hard work has been recognized by her in-ring skills. Tonight could be her night when her dream would become a reality.

The young Diva grinned. "Don't let Mickie hear you say that!"

"Oh well, I'm just getting you into the positive side," said the Boise native named Torrie Wilson.

"Thanks, I appreciate that."

"Hey, what friends are for, right?"

Maria smiled. "Yeah. So where's Mickie?"

"I think she's still over by the makeup compartment," said Torrie "If you're lucky, maybe you can see her before the match."

Maria nodded. She took long deep breaths. Her chest rose up a bit and then was lowered and the same process of breathing continued.

"Are you nervous?"

"A little bit," Maria said truthfully.

"Don't be, you'll be fine."

Candice came in to the Women's locker room to meet her fellow Divas as well as good friends.

"Hey guys," said the former Playboy cover girl.

"Hi Candice," Torrie beamed. "I'm just helping Maria get ready for tonight."

"Oh that's right, for the Women's Championship." Candice turned to the young Diva. "Wow you look great girl! I'm so happy for you." she said. She held out her arms and went to hug Maria.

"Thanks Candy!" Maria grinned. She couldn't wait for the night. She made a promise that she would give her all just to show how much she cherished the support from her fans since the two years since she has been on Raw.

Unexpectedly she had a strange feeling inside her stomach. She felt like she was about to throw up any second for some reason. Maria doesn't know why her stomach was churning at this hour. She had bought a Subway Club sandwich from Subway before she came to the arena. But it couldn't be possible that she could be a victim of food poisoning.

How could that be? Their sandwiches are always fresh!

Fresh indeed. Then why this strange feeling?

"Are you alright Maria?"

"Yeah I'm fine," Maria told Torrie. "Why?"

"Yeah, what's up?" Candice asked the blonde Diva.

"Well you seemed a bit…I don't know…out of it."

Maria laughed. "What are you talking about? I feel great!"

"Sounds like someone is very confident!" said the dark haired woman with a smile.

"I am!" said Maria. "I'm ready to rock!"

Torrie laughed. "Hey, you stole Ashley's favorite catchphrase!"

"So what? She's on Smackdown! so I'm safe," said Maria and chuckled.

"Well, you've got like half an hour left to get your makeover," said Candice.

"Yeah, I better head out," said Maria. "Wish me luck!"

"Good luck sweetie," said Torrie and hugged her. "Chloe wants to say good luck to you too, don't you honey?"

Maria took the adorable Maltese from Torrie's arms and held her.

"You want to wish me good luck, huh?" Maria said sweetly. Then her face would be slobbered thanks to Torrie's pet.

Maria laughed. "Thanks, I appreciate the kind thought!"

Candice laughed. "It's a good thing you didn't go for makeup yet!"

Torrie laughed. "Okay, that's enough Chloe!" The blonde Diva took the little dog back from the competitor.

"Well, we'll see you after the match," said Candice. "Good luck. Just do your thing and you'll do great!"

Maria grinned and hugged one of her supporters. "Thank you."

"I think you should wash your face first," said Candice, giggling.

"No need to tell me that," said Maria. "That was the first thing on my mind!"

The Divas shared a laugh and then the young Diva quickly rushed to the bathroom and threw quick splashes of water on her face to remove the drool from Chloe's licking.

Maria was at the makeup compartment, beautifying her face before heading down to the ring.

"You seemed a bit shaken up dear," said the woman who was doing her eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine," said Maria. "I guess I'm just a bit nervous about my match."

"Oh I see," said the makeup artist. "You were part of the conversation earlier."

"Oh really, with who?" Maria asked.

"Mickie, she told me that she was excited about the match."

"I'm happy to hear that," said Maria. "I'm excited as well. But I guess I am just a bit nervous. I mean it's my first Championship opportunity. Any Diva would kill to get a chance like this, you know. That Diva's Battle Royal was the best moment of my life and that's something I would never forget."

The makeup artist beamed. "Well, I wish you luck on your match."

"Thanks!" said the young Diva.

Her broad smile slowly disappeared. Her hand was on the side of her head.

It was back. That strange feeling she had has returned.

"Not again," she groaned softly.

"Excuse me, is something wrong?"

Maria tried to snap herself out of something that probably didn't mean anything.

"Uh no, I'm fine really."

"Are you sure? You seemed to be a bit troubled."

"Yeah, I'm okay," said Maria.

"Well, I'm done with you," the makeup artist announced and gave Maria a hand held mirror to take a look. Maria found herself smiling back at her reflection.

"Thank you Annie," said Maria.

"You're welcome and good luck!"

"Thanks, bye."

Maria got up from the makeup chair and went through a corridor. She could hear the low cheering sound coming from outside the ring. She was getting excited by the minute. Her match was the first just as soon as Raw would be on air.

"Hey girl!"

The young Diva turned to see another one of her good friend and the current Women's Champion Mickie James.

"Hi, I was looking for you!" said Maria as she gave her a hug.

"I was looking for you too," said Mickie. "Torrie and Candice told me that you would be somewhere around here."

"Yeah, I just got my makeup done just a minute ago."

"So are you ready?"

"Ready as I should be," said Maria.

"Good." Mickie's grin would then turn into a smirk. "Don't you think for one second that I'll give you an easy win just because we're friends."

"I'm not looking for one," Maria assured her and returned a smirk. "I'm up to any challenge and I'm going to prove that to the whole world out there."

The Women's Champion nodded. "Alright, so may the best Diva win!"

Maria grinned and shook Mickie's hand and then brought her in for a last hug.

"I'm going to do a little warm up before I head out. So I'll see you in the ring!"

"Okay! See ya later loser!"

Mickie laughed. "Oh no, don't you give me that! The match hasn't even started yet!"

"I know, just wanted to make your blood boil like all heels would do!"

Mickie made a fake frustrating sigh. "You're gonna get it!"

Maria laughed and then turned towards the corridor. The cheers were getting louder and louder from every step she made. The ring was just around the corner and soon she would be on the ramp in front of the thousands eyes of a huge crowd.

She suddenly stopped. She found her hand stroking through her light brown hair in frustration.

That strange feeling in her stomach.

"It's back again!" said Maria. "What the hell is wrong with me?!"

She felt like she was about to be sick. She turned around in desperation to head for the nearest bathroom but that was impossible to do since Raw would be live in just a few seconds.

Maria leaned weakly against the wall. There was no one around. She was alone in the deserted corridor with not a clue of what to do.

"I have a match to go to," she told herself. "There's no backing down now. I've waited for so long to get this championship opportunity and I wouldn't let anything take that chance away from me!"

It was getting louder and louder. The young Diva knew that it was a cue of the starting of the show.

"It's on."

She took a few deep breaths once again.

"Okay, here goes nothing."

She continued on through the corridor. The strange feeling was somehow fighting its way through as Maria's hand was clutching onto her stomach. She knew for a fact that many wrestlers have to bear the pain regardless of the situation.

"No, I wouldn't let it get to me!" said Maria. "I will go to that ring, I'm not going to let some stupid stomach ache take way my dream of becoming the next Women's Champion!"

With that promise set in mind, the young Diva jumped back up to her feet and jogged her way through the end of the corridor. Her match would be coming up in a minute. The cheers were getting closer and closer.

She was almost to the curtain.

The adrenaline started to boost as the exuberating sounds of the crowd went mad as the show has finally begun.

Maria was grinning to herself. She wouldn't wait to be in the action.

She was almost there.

Meanwhile, at ringside, there were two WWE Hall of Famers sitting by the announcer's table. One man, with the cowboy hat was Oklahoma's good 'ol Jim Ross and his partner or sidekick if you will, Jerry 'The King' Lawler in his usual fitting king attire.

"Good night everyone," said J.R. "And welcome to a new edition of Raw as we are live in Boston, Massachusetts!" This is Jim Ross here along with my broadcast partner Jerry 'The King' Lawler!"

"Ohh J.R.!" said Jerry in a high voice that sounded like a little five year old kid. "This is going to be so exciting! Tonight, things are starting to heat up with the main match coming up later tonight and this is a definite must see!"

"You're absolutely right, King!" said J.R. "Tonight's main event is going to be a shaky one as Randy Orton will be putting the WWE Championship on the line against 'The Game' Triple H! This is one of the biggest challenges of Orton's career since his improbable Championship victory in the Fatal Four Way match back in Judgment Day a few weeks ago and now that Triple H has returned from his knee injury, there's going to be a lot coming for Randy Orton later on tonight!"

"I couldn't believe it!" said Jerry. "This match is going to be rocking, I'll tell ya that! We don't know what's going to happen in that ring where these two Superstars clash for the gold and tonight we're going to witness the toughest match in history of this business."

"Yes you're right about that King. The question that the fans are asking right now is: Will Randy Orton came out of the match successful? Folks, tonight we will get our answer."

Soon the entrance theme blared from the background as the rock song With Legs Like That began playing signaling and the video of a beautiful girl with light brown hair appeared on the Titantron making poses in her bikini and flashing out her grin.

"Oh baby!" Jerry gushed. "This is what I'm been looking forward to and that's the Women's Championship match!"

The crowd went wild and cheers were made constantly.

The music would continue on for a few minutes. But there was a sense within the crowd that something was wrong.

"What's going on?" Jerry asked. "Where's Maria?"

"I'm guessing she was a bit nervous," said J.R. "After all, she had an emotional week after an improbable victory at the Battle Royal."

"That's true J.R.," said Jerry. "I mean she was absolutely shocked to found out that she won and that she was able to go head to head against Mickie James for the WWE Women's Championship."

"Yes indeed King and…" J.R.'s voice trailed off. "Wait a minute…"

The video was cut off from the Titantron and was switched to a scene backstage.

"Somebody, get some help out here!" cried a woman's voice.

J.R.'s voice turned low with concern. "King, this doesn't sound good…"

The cameras rolled out to the scene into the corridors as they were coming closer and closer to view a brunette woman was on the floor with a limping body of a young woman.

"Somebody, please help!"

The call has been responded as the paramedic came immediately came to examine the woman who was laying backfirst on the floor.

"What just happen here?" a man asked.

"I just found Maria like this on the floor!" Mickie cried. "I don't know, we've just talked a while ago and…oh my god I can't believe this happened!"

"Oh my god, Maria!" cried another voice. Torrie and Candice came rushing down when they saw what has just happened on the TV inside the locker room.

"Is she going to be, alright?!"

Mickie moved aside for the paramedic to check the young Diva's neck for her pulse. Then a worried look appeared on his face.

"She's unconscious," he announced.

"What?!" said Torrie in horror.

"Maria, can you hear me? Wake up. Come on Maria."

No response.

"This is not good," said the man and called out for assistance.

"I need help over here, asap! Bring the stretcher out!"

The Divas had no choice but to look down in horror and anxiety grew inside them as the paramedic tried to waking Maria up but with no success.

No response.

There was a gasp coming from the crowd as they watched from the big screen the poor young Diva lying helpless on the floor as the paramedics came one after the other coming to the lead paramedic's assistance, carrying a yellow stretcher with them.

Hope you like this chapter, Poor Maria, what's wrong with her? Is she going to be okay? Find out in chapter 2. Please make your comments, thank you lots! Christal.