Lily stood carefully, brushing off the back of her school robes as she did so.

"I'd better go." She said, hoping that she'd rid herself of the majority of the dirt and bits of pollen collected from sitting in the grass.

"So soon?" James Potter looked up at her regretfully, rumpling his hair. Merlin, she hated it when he did that. "We've barely worked out the patrol schedules."

Lily sighed and rolled her eyes. "You're just trying to stretch this out as long as possible, for the sheer pleasure of annoying me."

He grinned, his hazel eyes appearing almost golden in the bright sun. "Now, now, that's hardly a fair accusation, Evans. Say rather that I'm stretching this out for the sheer pleasure of your company, and you'll be closer to the mark."

Lily sighed again and looked away from him, towards the sparkling vastness of the lake.

"Potter." She warned. "You're violating the ground rules. I'd hate for Hogwarts to be short a Head Boy so early in the term..."

He laughed, a deep throaty sound. "The Head Girl resorting to violence over a little harmless flirting. I never would have thought you had it in you, Evans. That's ok, I like them fiesty."

Now that really was crossing the line. Lily glared at him, her hands going instinctually to her hips. "You're such a git, you know that?"

He stood too, the grin never leaving his face. "So you keep telling me. But I have to wonder if you really mean it."

"Oh, Potter! I suppose if we're going to communicate at all this year I'm going to have to learn to speak fluent moron. Apparently it's the only language you speak." She bent over, gathering up the assortment of books and scrolls spread out across the grass and tucking them into her bag.

His eyes widened in mock hurt. "Oh, Evans, how you wound me!" He pressed a hand to his heart and staggered about.

"I can see that the years have really improved your maturity level." She remarked dryly, rolling her eyes. "I'm guessing that you could give the average three-year old a run for their galleons."

Lily lifted her bag to her shoulder, sagging a bit under the immense weight. Why in Merlin's name had she allowed Potter to talk her into meeting out here? Oh, right, so that he'd shut up. She shifted it slightly, hoping to relieve some of the pressure. Potter noticed--his eyes narrowed and he approached her purposefully.

"Let me help you." He said, favoring her with a charming smile, his hand reaching out to take her bag.

She made no move to relinquish the bag.

"I've got it well under control, Potter. Your assistance and your chivalry are quite unnecessary."

"Just let me help you." He persisted, making a grab for it.

She dodged him, spinning deftly away.

"I'm fine, Potter. I'm not some wilting, pureblood flower that can't manage to carry a few books." She said hotly.

He sighed in vexation. "You're just being silly. Your bag is heavy. It's a long way into the castle. Why can't you just give in for once?"

"Not happening, Potter. Why don't you direct your attentions at the sort of girl who requires that sort of chauvanistic display, hmm?"

His face darkened and his brow furrowed. She'd struck a nerve.

"I don't want some other girl, Evans." He replied through clenched teeth. "I want you. As well you know. But none of that changes the fact that you're just being difficult."

He grabbed the bag, latching on to it and attempting to wrest it from her grasp.

"Let go, Potter, you daft git!" She hissed, clutching the strap and pulling back.

"No." He replied stubbornly, holding fast and refusing to let go. "I'm going to help you whether you want it or not."

She pulled harder, throwing her weight into it. "Why can't you ever take 'no' for an answer, Potter?"

He sighed. "You know what? Fine. If that's the way you want it, carry your own bag!" He let go.

This would have been fine, except that Lily was still tugging. The bag sprang free with the sudden lack of resistance, the force knocking Lily's feet out from underneath her and sending her sprawling down the steep embankment towards the lake. Everything went dark for a moment. When her vision cleared, Lily looked up to find a tall, masculine figure standing over her. Astonishingly enough, it wasn't Potter! The boy bent over, looking down at her with an expression of deep concern on his face.

"Per amor di Dio! Che peccato!" He exclaimed, extending his hand to her. "Are you alright, bella?"

Lily stared at his extended hand, wondering who he was and how in Merlin's name she'd never noticed him before. He was ruddy gorgeous!

"I'm...fine..." She managed, accepting his hand and allowing him to pull her to her feet. A searing pain ripped through her left ankle, buckling her knees. She started to fall. The boy caught her easily, preventing her from hitting the ground.

"I think not, bella. You are injured." His arms tightened about her waist and Lily was suddenly very conscious of his lips, which were mere inches from hers. She looked up at him, struggling to control her blushes at his close proximity.

"I'll be ok. Really." She insisted, her voice whispery. "You don't have to..."

"Please, bella, let me help you." A slight smile creased his darkly handsome features. "I can scarce allow you to injure yourself further do to negligence on my part." Merlin, he had dimples! Lily felt her resistance melting away.

"I suppose I could use some assistance inside." She admitted, averting her eyes from his. It should be illegal for a man to look that good.

He smiled at her again. "Molto buono." He replied, scooping her up into his arms, bridal-style, before she had time to register what he was doing.

"Lily! Lily are you ok? I'm so--" Potter stopped dead in his tracks, taking in the sight of her in the strangers arms.

"Potter, che schifo." said her rescuer with no little animosity, glaring at James.

Potter glared back. "Giovanni." He spat.

So they knew each other. And they were far from friends. Interesting. How was it that Potter had met him and she hadn't? Giovanni. He was Italian, then. Hmm...

"I'll thank you," Potter said through clenched teeth, as he closed the distance between them. "to unhand the lady."

Giovanni looked from her to Potter and back. "So you are with him, then bella?"

Lily rolled her eyes. "Hardly." she scoffed. "He's the reason I fell down the hill."

"Lily!" Potter protested, guilt and anger warring across his features.

Giovanni smirked. "In that case, idiota, I'd hardly be much of a gentleman if I turned her over to your care."

"You're hardly much of a person at all, much less a 'gentleman.' Now, hand over the lady before I get upset." James retorted, fingering the wand Lily knew must be in his pocket.

Now that did it. How dare Potter insult such a kind, considerate person, especially since her injury was his fault in the first place!

"What the hell is wrong with you, Potter? Have you suffered one too many blows to the head during Quidditch practice?" Lily blazed, her eyes narrowing. "You pushed me down a ruddy hill! What it Merlin's name makes you think I'd even consider going with you? I wouldn't chose your company if it were a decision between you and Voldemort himself!"

James flinched, his face going taut and pale.

Giovanni looked down at her, an expression of admiration and deep respect on his face.

"Che donna!" He murmured. He turned back to Potter. "The lady's made her choice, Potter, and once again you're on the losing end of things."

"Lily!" James tried again, desperation in his voice. "You-you don't understand! He--"

"I understand perfectly well, Potter. Better than you think." She retorted, flipping her hair.

"But--" James protested weakly.

"I said drop it!" She demanded.

"Ok then, Lily. If that's what you want." He conceded, sounding upset.

"I do."

Giovanni started towards the castle.

"Don't think this is over, Giovanni." James called to him in a sudden fit of anger.

"At your, pleasure, Potter." Giovanni replied smoothly. "At your pleasure."